News Feed Discussions Where would you go for Shouldice surgery?

  • Jack2021

    August 3, 2022 at 4:36 pm

    I agree and hopefully @drtowfigh will be able to have it reinstated.

    I checked my history as well and it also said oops, this page is no longer available.

    It was such an interesting and valuable thread, so fingers crossed it reappears soon.

    If it helps @drtowfigh, Mr Sea started the thread with a write up of his experience with Dr Sbayi.

  • Good intentions

    August 3, 2022 at 4:30 pm

    It really is a shame that Dr. Sea’s Topic is gone. All of these details were discussed in that Topic. It makes you wonder what causes things to get lost and how much effort a person should put in to participating here. How can a whole multipage thread just disappear, without a trace? It’s like the Secret Service text messages. Very strange.

    Anyway, didn’t you say that you had an indirect hernia? The Shouldice repair seems kind of invasive for a small indirect hernia. The point that Dr. Kang made in the missing thread.

    Also a shame that a professional’s efforts would be disappeared. Most of us on the forum are just internet “experts”, surfing around the web, reading, trying to understand. Dr. Kang contributed his thoughts to Mr. Sea’s thread as a bona fide experienced professional. And they just disappeared. How can that happen?

  • Watchful

    August 3, 2022 at 4:27 pm

    By the way, Good Intentions made the observation (on the vanished thread) that the procedure has been so refined at the Shouldice Hospital that deviating from it is likely to degrade the results. If the risk of recurrence goes down when cutting the cremaster and nerve (tighter repair, better visibility), and there isn’t any meaningful harm, then that would actually be the better procedure. Avoiding another surgery is pretty high up on my list of priorities!

  • Watchful

    August 3, 2022 at 4:00 pm

    Thanks, Jack2021. He’s a good choice.

    I personally don’t feel all that strongly about the cremaster and nerve. They chopped hundreds of thousands of those over the decades at the Shouldice Hospital. If this had bad repercussions with any meaningful frequency, there would a lot of people out there complaining about related problems, but I don’t see that. I’d rather not have them cut if there isn’t much benefit, but it’s probably not as big of a deal as it seems initially.

    My main issue with them is the surgeon selection problem. If I could select one of their best, I would choose to go there, and just accept the other aspects of doing that.

  • Jack2021

    August 3, 2022 at 3:30 pm

    Dr Towfigh also offers a Shouldice repair, following the traditional method I believe, having recently watched her Hernia Talk with Dr Yunis from a couple of years ago, so another potential option for the US list. Please correct me if I’m wrong @drtowfigh.

    If I decided to have a Shouldice repair and cost wasn’t an issue, I think I’d currently err towards Dr Joachim Conze in Germany and he uses 4 rows of permanent sutures. I thought Dr Andreas Koch came across well in the Hernia Talk with Dr Towfigh, so if he’d do 4 permanent rows instead of 2 perm/2 resorbable, then he seems a strong option too.

    I’m based in the UK, so the distance may bias me somewhat, though I’d also prefer not to have the cremaster and nerves cut, ideally.

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