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quote drtowfigh:Dr Koch is an excellent surgeon.
you can search this site for posts about him.Thank you Drtowhigh.
I hope this won’t sound patrionizing but it doesn’t seem to be the same amount of love for Dr Koch as for Dr Kang or Dr Brown. -
quote pinto:Bestoption, from one member to another about exercise: test the water before you take the plunge. The problem about IH is that there are too many factors to isolate what one(s) are causative. And most of all: most herniae don’t grow smaller, they grow bigger. Despite my continual caution about it, my hernia enlarged. Multiple docs told me that running would be ok for me. I did so as long as it was painless. I believe it was ok. But for weight training I’m not so sure. My training was very limited and surely did not include squats or crunches. I remember reading the lament by a women with an IH who wishes she hadn’t followed the advice that exercise could heal a hernia. Her condition greatly worsened, which especially for pure tissue repair can negatively affect surgery. I hope you are able to find an effective but safe method.
Thanks for the above and will take into consideration. I don’t need heaps but about 5-6 kg would be ideal to get rid of if more also no harm
Pinto. When I replied couldn’t see your 2nd response,
therefore I agree that the system of the website sucks.
I’ve been also having loads of unauthorised messages and is quite annoying to rewrite the messages.
Anyway, thanks for the answers and I am happy to read positive experiences with Dr Kang.
I am trying to loose some weight before committing to surgery as really want the best possible outcome. But due to hernias it ain’t easy. Diet on its own is not enough. But I am afraid to go back cycling or other exercises to make the hernias worse. So the current progress is very slow, too slow. -
Columb, thanks for the explanation. I was not aware of this type sedation.
Hi Pinto. Thanks indeed for your review in detail. I am glad to read your positive outcome. Down to your experience would you advise others to repair hernias at early stage? Why haven’t you repaired both hernias but only one? What made you choose general anaesthetic instead local?
Hi Pinto. Thanks indeed for your review in detail. I am glad to read your positive outcome. Down to your experience would you advise others to repair hernias at early stage? Why haven’t you repaired both hernias but only one? What made you choose general anaesthetic instead local?
Hi Pinto. Indeed thanks for sharing in detail and glad to know about the positive outcome. I am interested to know why both hernias weren’t repaired? And what was the reason to choose general anaesthetic instead local. Down to your experience would you advise others not to wait and rather have a repair at early stage.
quote Good intentions:The surgeon that you saw is today’s run-of-the-mill mesh implantation “mechanic”. He has been trained/convinced/persuaded that mesh is a one-size-fits-all cure-all. He is the worst kind of surgeon, not a true physician, just a medical professional who performs procedures. It might be his inherent character or he might be burned out but he does not have your best interests at heart. You should avoid that surgeon, he will probably implant as much mesh as he can fit, to avoid recurrence, and will reject any pain or discomfort problems that you have with his work.
It is good though that you’ve experienced how bad things can be, before you had surgery. Find a true doctor. Good luck.
I completely agree with your post. I did not want to be pre-judgemental and have given them and myself a chance. At least it was confirmed in first person of what many including yourself on this forum been saying.
Why are my post being censorred? 2nd in the last 24 hours.
quote Good intentions:The surgeon that you saw is today’s run-of-the-mill mesh implantation “mechanic”. He has been trained/convinced/persuaded that mesh is a one-size-fits-all cure-all. He is the worst kind of surgeon, not a true physician, just a medical professional who performs procedures. It might be his inherent character or he might be burned out but he does not have your best interests at heart. You should avoid that surgeon, he will probably implant as much mesh as he can fit, to avoid recurrence, and will reject any pain or discomfort problems that you have with his work.
It is good though that you’ve experienced how bad things can be, before you had surgery. Find a true doctor. Good luck.
I couldn’t agree more with your post. I did not want to be predjudgemental and negative, therefore was hopeful and have given them and myself a chance.
At least I got a confirmation in first person of what many ‘you’ been saying on this forum. -
With recent long awaited appointed, the general surgeon had a very little interest in what I had to say. The worst part was that he wasn’t prepared and had no idea as why I’’ve been appointed to him. So I had to start from scratch with explaining. I managed to tell briefly about both ultrasound tests. One performed via NHS detecting single hernia on the right and the second test done privately with bilateral inguinal hernia findings. He did not want to look at ultrasound pics.
I was keen to find what type of hernia I actually have. He told me that it doesn’’t matter, as the procedure works the same for all types of hernia.
Eventually he has done an examination on my groin; pressing down with me coughing. His findings were the following: the larger hernia one to the right side and smaller on the left. I was told that once cut open he could fix both at the same time.
He was not keen elaborating and things went especially fast, when I raised concerns about mesh surgeries and it’s complications, such as chronic pain etc. I guess, its was my fault for mentioning a no mesh repair. He wasn’’t clear at anything and I was told that to think about my further years without heaving reoccurrence. The last he wanted to know if I want to go ahead with surgery and my answer was no at present and then the meting ended.
MemberJuly 24, 2019 at 12:30 am in reply to: No-mesh Shouldice Hernia Surgery in Germany / EuropeThe topic got heated slightly and it is perfectly understandable regarding the subject. I am not going to take any sides but I would really like to read more posts and impressions by Dr Koch’s patients.
John Fortem, due the vast of information you poses of Dr Koch and his procedures, I was wondering if either yourself or your brother are perhaps working for Biohernia? My question hasn’t got negative implications. -
Hi Dr Kang.
Thank you for elaborating mine and Kaspas queries. From what you’re saying and on the basis of ultrasound scans there is a high percentage that I really have bilateral inguinal hernias.
You’’’re also right to say that my situation is more complex due to the joint pains, especially in the hips and lower back. I’’’ve been living with musculoskeletal issues for quite some time and seems they do get progressively more complex. Unfortunately without the correct diagnosis I cannot deal appropriately with existing health issues and therefore I am confused by the symptoms. But I am pretty sure that hernias have enhanced certain pains in my legs and hips. -
Hi Kaspa. I apologize for not being clear. My concern was due the long term spasms and acid re-flux which might damage esophagus and not the Lomeprazole. I try to look after my diet and really struggle to loose weight.
I have been very precautius with not overstraining myself and more resting than usual and have brought down the pain quite a lot. I suspect sports hernia but nothing is defined until I get professional diagnosis.. Indeed would be good to see Dr Kang’s response regarding sports hernia and his repairs. -
Hi Kaspa. I just noticed that my response hasn’t been published for some reason. I just came back from my GP and was prescribed Lomeprazaol despite I explained that have been using in the past and it didn’t help. I have raised concerns regarding possible long term damage to esophagus but had no effect to her decisions.
You might be onto something when relating hernia to the gastric pain and issues.Am i correct to say that Dr Kang is capable of repairing any type hernia either direct, indirect or sports. I a currently looking at private diagnosis of what type of hernia i have as my appointment is few months away.
Also does anyone has any news about Dr Koch?
Hi JanelleK. I am also based in UK and I sympathise with you and understand the struggles with NHS. Hence I decided to look abroad into alternatives. UK has many specialist which “should” be able to diagnose hernias such as through British Hernia Association, Fairfield Hospital and many others, but all will perform a mesh repair. There is also a BIoHernia which offers consultations and non mesh repairs in London by German Dr. Mushaweck and in Germany by Dr Koch and another dude who’s name I can’t remember. I am not the right person to suggest as trying hard to make a decision for myself. You do sound very knowledgable and you do listen to your body. Despite be precautious and dedicate as much time for the correct choice.
t was today unkindly reminded about something else. I’ve been suffering for about 2 decades with pains below sternum combined with belching and acid reflux Originally the symptoms were mild but in the recent years pains got intensive and lead to spasms, breathing difficulties and bloated upper abdomen. I guess this often happens after overeating, greasy foods, laying down, heavy lifting or stress. I was given regular chest X ray which shown nothing. My GP never looks for any connections but happy to prescribe drugs.
I find symptoms very similar to hiatial hernia and hence I have gastrointestinal issues. My presumtion might be wrong, but I do wish I would listen and observe my body long time ago. I am wonder how much damage has acid already done to my esophagus. -
Big thanks to everyone and their contribution. I’ve been following every single response including privately. Dr Kang I am also very thankful for your participation on this forum including my topic. Platforms like this one are great so the specialists can be reached out.
English is not my first language therefore I apologize ahead for any nonsense and the long winded post.
I’ve been experiencing some long-term pains and aches so I cannot tell for how long I had these hernias. I struggle to distinguish which symptoms are hernia related and which not.
But I would like to know what has contributed to the development and what could potentially cause reoccurrence of hernias after the repair.Pain relief with an osteopath. His sessions involved deep pressing onto inguinal ligament and this was extremely painful. He had good intentions and he is not a culprit of hernias (as both didn’t knew at the time I even had hernia) but I am confident that he made same tears to them. After the treatments stabbing and slashing pains in the abdomen were more pronounced than before. Ironically he has temporarily reduced the pain elsewhere.
Eventually I managed to persuade my GP to have an ultrasound and despite I the operator that I feel pains on both sides he insisted on inguinal hernia in the right groin.
I wanted assurance so I booked ultrasound privately and they identified a bilateral inguinal hernias.Till date I still don’t know whether I have direct, indirect or sports hernia. Neither when performing the NHS or the private ultrasound have confirm the type. Therefore I have no choice but to wait for the scheduled appointment.
I am not good with describing pains and don’t know which ones are hernia related and which aren’t. No bulges and no pains when coughing or sneezing, Occasional abdominal stabbing or slashing likely if sitting down or standing. Everything below the waist feels heavy especially legs and there is some dragging feeling in testicles. Aching pelvic, pubic bone, buttocks, thighs, lower back, hips and down the legs. Gastrointestinal system is out of control: bloated & upset stomach (belly is surprisingly large now), flatulence, constipation… Urinating is ridiculous as I need to strain to pee and the bladder never empties so I have to repeat the process multiple times. Sitting down or standing up is unpleasant. I had to stop cycling (I really enjoyed cycling). I am avoiding lifting heavy objects. I sleep mainly on my back or sideways and with the pillow under my knees or between them. Laying on my back doesn’t hurt.
I manage pains quite well with mild massage, tiger balm, TENS machine. I take some baths with Epsom salts and magnesium flakes. Although I like the feeling of heat I am not sure if it is beneficial. I had to stop breathing technique exercises for straightening the core as it triggered the pain.I will go with a non mesh repair but not decided on the procedure which will be the most suitable for me. Indeed I am perplexed. The costs are another concern.
Some time ago I was pretty much decided to go via Biohernia and DR Koch.
I became quite worried after reading the post on this forum by user Baris and his horrible experience with Dr Koch. It may be the only unsuccessful procedure done by him but it needs special observation and understanding.Despite above it might be shocking to some, I haven’t yet excluded DR Koch, at least until I get a better understanding.