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MemberAugust 22, 2016 at 6:34 am in reply to: Chronic Pain After Inguinal Hernia Repair (Boston)Chronic Pain After Inguinal Hernia Repair (Boston)
We have not heard from you from last 5 days. Hope you had consultation with Dr Earle and got necessary help.
MemberAugust 16, 2016 at 2:11 pm in reply to: Chronic Pain After Inguinal Hernia Repair (Boston)Chronic Pain After Inguinal Hernia Repair (Boston)
Micheal You are very lucky that someone will finally listen to you and might help you. Just hang in ,you gonna get better. Praying for you brother.
MemberJuly 23, 2016 at 12:46 pm in reply to: Pulsed Radio Frequency ablation treatment?Pulsed Radio Frequency ablation treatment?
I am also suffering from nerve injuries after so called simple hernia repair. You should first try nerve block to see which nerves are injured and it will help determine if PRF will work or not. If nerve block help, you can go for PRF. PRF might not provide permanent relief but if it works for few months you can go for repeated PRF. Nerve block are very useful for diagnosing purpose if performed ultrasound guided.
MemberMay 14, 2016 at 7:00 am in reply to: Pain after inguinal hernia repair using PHS.Pain after inguinal hernia repair using PHS.
Thank you so much.. For valuable response …. I really appreciate that….
MemberMay 13, 2016 at 9:06 am in reply to: Pain after inguinal hernia repair using PHS.Pain after inguinal hernia repair using PHS.
I want to know one thing..if one consider Mesh Removal like of Prolene Hernia System…I want to know how will it be removed considering it is dual layer…and after removal is it possible to repair without mesh. I am 4 month post op and my pain not getting better…Although after taking tramdol i feel good for about 7 to 8 hrs. but i dont think it is a permanent treatment.
Dr Shirin Can you suggest something
MemberApril 18, 2016 at 6:27 am in reply to: Pain after inguinal hernia repair using PHS.Pain after inguinal hernia repair using PHS.
Thank you so much. Would you like to elaborate what kind of complication your friend is having? because i ambe suffering from nerve pain after repair. Was it same for your friend?
Swollen Groin after Mesh Removal
Hi jgen,
Thank you so much for your response. I think you are right when it comes to mesh implantation. I also had very minor hernia on right side and surgeon implanted me with prolene hernia system. Now I am having problem from this. Sharp pulling above hip bone. Burning sensations. It robbed me of my quality of life. Like you I talked to many mesh injured patients. They are just happy that mesh is out of there body otherwise they are still having problems. I am 4 months post operation. Also I don’t think mesh removal is done here in India…I just wish my symptoms improves with time. I am depressed.. Going to get married next year.. Hope it get better. My implanting surgeon never told me about complications due to mesh. If for once he told me about these horrific complications I would have considered having surgery but now nothing can’t be done. Just go with suffering and being positive is only option. Thank you so much for your response
New to the forum need some advice.
I also had inguinal hernia repaired by general surgeon using prolene hernia system. What I am feeling even after 4 months of surgery is. Pulling , stabbing like feeling in area above hip bone..when I walk or run. I also had burning like sensations in thigh most of time which I guess is getting better with time. I also hope I get better with time..but for now it is not getting better. I am so happy for you and wish I could write same as like you..I am also of your age.. And yes I don’t want to scare any one as I also believe hernia surgery making life of various people better..but I think I am not one of them.
Swollen Groin after Mesh Removal
Hi jgen.. Hope you are recovering well after your mesh removal. Just want to know how is things after your mesh removal by dr Peterson .
Inguinal Mesh Removal
I just wish I lived In America. And i could go to Dr shirin. As now I know only American doctor remove mesh for pain. My social life is zero. Appetite is gone down. Losing weight may be because I am depressed to hell. Dr shirin please if you ever visit to India… I know I am talking crap.. But i am going crazy . I never thought a simple hernia surgery will destroy my life
MemberApril 16, 2016 at 2:34 am in reply to: Pain after inguinal hernia repair using PHS.Pain after inguinal hernia repair using PHS.
Thank you again for your response. I had an ultrasound which showed nothing. But now will go to have an MRI. I will avoid having Ct scan because gamma ray degrade prolene much more rapidly.?? Is that true. I have not had any reply from dr shah yet.
Inguinal Mesh Removal
Lorix : you may want to consider dr Kevin Peterson in Las Vegas. He is specialised in mesh removal.
MemberApril 15, 2016 at 7:10 am in reply to: Pain after inguinal hernia repair using PHS.Pain after inguinal hernia repair using PHS.
Thank you so much for your response. You are replying to post from your busy schedule thats great help. Just one question is their anyway by which meshoma can be detected.. i mean without any surgical procedure. I have read lots of stories OF prolene hernia system where it form meshoma. Any imaging diagnosis.
New to the forum need some advice.
and although i’m relived I finally got it sorted. How did you get it sorted. What course of action did you take. If you could tell..it will be great help
MemberApril 14, 2016 at 5:33 am in reply to: Pain after inguinal hernia repair using PHS.Pain after inguinal hernia repair using PHS.
Hi Dr Shirin Towfigh. I have tried to reach Dr Sumit Shah to his email id but its been two days and i yet have any kind of response. I know i am asking lot questions but did Dr shah have handled mesh complication before and if he did, what is the success rate. Please reply as i am going crazy with this pulling like feeling in my hip bone area and also this burning.
MemberApril 12, 2016 at 11:05 am in reply to: Pain after inguinal hernia repair using PHS.Pain after inguinal hernia repair using PHS.
Doctor shirin, i am not questioning the doctor expertise but just want to know, have Dr sumit shah and Dr Khatar dealt with any prior case s of complication like mine. I am scared how my first surgery went. thats why i am asking these questions. . And thank you for what you are doing for me.
Chronic RUQ pain
I also live in delhi facing same type of problems. Please contact me at dawsthi40@gmail.com
Pain Diary
I can relate to this. I am having same kind of problems after my hernia repair and i am just 25 year old
MemberApril 12, 2016 at 5:59 am in reply to: Pain after inguinal hernia repair using PHS.Pain after inguinal hernia repair using PHS.
Thank you so much. Hope this is first step towards a better life. Wish i could get little improvement or cure. As of now i am breaking on physical as well as on emotional level.