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Trying to Get A Hernia Diagnosis
My daughter is now about 2 1/2 months umbilical hernia repair. While on the operating table, the surgeon additionally cleaned up some adhesions and scar tissue from her previous appendectomy. The surgeon stated that her abdominal fascia is barely there, it is virtually see-through. He would not be surprised if she had more hernias in the future. Her days of lifting anything are over, he said, but she can once again use the treadmill at the gym. We additionally went to a rheumatologist to rule out connective tissue diseases and disorders….which she did rule out. (Thank Goodness) The Rheumatologist was excellent regarding his field of expertise, but I hate to say that he was not up to date in his information regarding hernias in women and the pain that they can cause…but I am, which was just as important, I guess.
Thanks again to the information provided through this website, I was confident that my daughter’s pain was due to the hernia and not any other causes.
Once again, post-surgically, my daughter is painfree and has resumed a normal existence that includes the treadmill but no lifting.
I hope this is the last hernia she will have to deal with…..if not, we will deal with it as it comes. -
Trying to Get A Hernia Diagnosis
Well, once again, I am thrilled to be a part of this blog…although I wish I didn’t need it. In the past few weeks since my daughter’s Dr said yes to to a hernia and yet her last Ultrasound was negative, her pain has been up and down. She tried to resume to her normal activities including running and hiking. Three days ago, she again began with excruciating pain that wouldn’t go away. Pain high enough that she considered going to the ER. We also noticed that her belly button area actually looked more flat than round…something new. Her local Doctor ordered a Stat CT Scan this afternoon and the results came in as Positive for an Umbilical Hernia. Do you believe that I am correct in assuming that the weakness was there when this most recent event happened a few weeks ago and her recent activity finally broke it open all the way?
This time, the physical exam with the correct radiology…CT….found the hernia.
I hate hate hate that my daughter once again has to have surgery but, on the other hand, I am happy that we have a diagnosis and she will again return to living pain free.
Thank you again for the support you provide.
Trying to Get A Hernia Diagnosis
I’m confused now. We saw the surgeon yesterday. She said she definitely felt something but wasn’t sure if surgery was warranted. We were able to get a dynamic ultrasound by an Interventional Radiologist (the same one we have used in the past). Her finding was that there is no signs of a hernia.
So now, I have the Internist who said Hernia, the Surgeon who said something is there but not sure if surgery is necessary and the US that said no Hernia.
In the meantime, my daughter is not in pain but definitely has so me discomfort. Additionally, straining to make a bowel movement is difficult.What is your opinion in terms of next steps I should pursue or is it a wait and see if things become worse. I hate having her uncomfortable and also afraid of what will happen next.
Thank you in advance.
Trying to Get A Hernia Diagnosis
My daughter is about 14 months post successful bilateral inguinal hernia laparoscopic surgery. She has been doing Physical Therapy to strengthen her core and break up scar tissue from previous pelvic/abdominal injury as listed earlier in this blog.
She recently started becoming aware of discomfort in the belly button area and could feel a bulge…I could definitely feel it too. She went to her Internist who confirmed by physical exam that she indeed has an umbilical hernia. She now has an appointment with the same surgeon that did her previous surgery…the earliest availability is about 2 weeks. She is fully aware to go to the ER if there is concern of strangulation.
My questions are:
1) Do I need to try to schedule with a different surgeon in the group if I can get in sooner?
2) Do you believe there is a connection to her previous inguinal hernias and muscle tear (abdominus rectus muscle)?
3) Do you believe there could be a connection to PT? (which she has stopped)
4) I have a mixed connective tissue disease. Do you believe this could be related to a Rheumatological issue – Connective Tissue disorder.Thank you in advance for your opinion. This blog is truly a wonderful support
Trying to Get A Hernia Diagnosis
I would like to give a follow up report regarding my daughter who is now about 10 months post laparoscopic bilateral inguinal hernia repairs.
It is a good news story. She has had a few scares with pelvic pain where there was concern that she had another hernia. Each time, it was ruled out via Dynamic Musculoskeletal Ultrasound at Thomas Jefferson Univ Hospital in Philadelphia. She was given total clearance to begin to exercise. We made the decision for her to have Physical Therapy….another great decision we made. The intent is to build core muscle strength and to make sure that any scar tissue doesn’t impede further progress.Dr Towfigh, let me thank you for support. We were on the search for 2-3 painful years to find the doctors to believe her pain had a physical basis. Getting in touch with you confirmed that I had to keep fighting to get a proper diagnosis for her. I did and it worked!
My daughter is a second semester senior in college and finally this year, for the first time, she is having a “normal” college experience.
Trying to Get A Hernia Diagnosis
The bulge is at the site where the scope was placed.
It doesn’t feel the same as the original hernia bulges did. It feels ‘jiggly’ (a very non-scientific description) and seems to be more above the surface.
She doesn’t really complain about pain at this point, it is very visible and shows through clothing.
Should I pursue it with radiology again?
Thank you for your advocacy’
Through your input since I first emailed you and then continued to stay in contact via this forum, I have a daughter that is no longer in daily, constant pain and has returned to a normal life. -
Trying to Get A Hernia Diagnosis
You posted your issue as a response to my daughter’s problems. As the mother of a patient, I can only say that I am sorry for your chronic pain and I hope you find a resolution.
I believe that you posted this on my section by mistake. What you want to do is to start a new topic describing g your own symptoms and then the Doctor and/or other individual people will respond.
I hope you find this helpful and best of luck to you.
Trying to Get A Hernia Diagnosis
Attached is a picture of the appendectomy scar in question. On the basis of it’s appearance, do you still believe that it could be a trocar site incisional hernia?
Please excuse the picture quality, it is from my cell phone.
Again, thank you for your opinion. -
Trying to Get A Hernia Diagnosis
We have the appointment with the Radiologist the 18th of August. I will post again when the official results are in. At the moment, my daughter won’t let me take a picture….vanity at the moment. When she allows, I will do so. Thank you for your thoughts, Dr Towfigh. Once again, We want it taken care of, although I feel terrible that she is probably facing a third surgery in a year and a half. The good news is that it can be diagnosed and fixed.
To be continued…… -
Trying to Get A Hernia Diagnosis
My daughter is doing well 4 months post bilateral inguinal laparoscopic repair.
My question regards whether it is possible or likely to have an incisional hernia from an emergency laparoscopic appendectomy that was done exactly a year ago. FYI, her previous health history in the 3 prior years includes 4 ruptured ovarian cysts. We finally got that under control after getting her on the correct birth control pill.
Most of her scars have healed normally and are straight lines. The one scar that lies about an inch above her belly button has always been different. It is round and almost feels ‘jiggly’ or gelatinous. It is raised and actually can be seen through her shirt. There is no appearance of infection, the tissue appears clean and healthy. If you press into it, it is definitely uncomfortable, creating internal pain.
A physician suggested to us that it may be an incisional hernia or possibly something is getting stuck at the scope insertion site.
I have made an appointment with the same Interventional Radiologist at Thomas Jefferson Hospital in Philadelphia that found and injected her previous aponeurosis of the abdominus rectus muscle (she was a competitive field hockey player) AND discovered her bilateral inguinal hernias.I have 2 questions for you. One, do you believe that she could have a generalized weakness in her abdominal wall? And two, what are your thoughts about the appendectomy scar where the scope was inserted, could it possibly be an incisional hernia?
I have been following the other discussions on this forum and I am truly amazed at the number of people that have suffered from hidden herniated as my daughter. I wish there was more that I could do to raise awareness. Thank you in advance for your opinion.
Trying to Get A Hernia Diagnosis
I would be very happy to give you the names of both the Radiologist and the General Surgeon who are both affiliated with Thomas Jefferson in Philadelphia. Please understand that my experiences with both were excellent and I do highly recommend both as well. I wish you the same success in finding the cause of your pain.
Interventional Radiologist is Dr Suzanne Long
909 Walnut St, Ground Floor, Philadelphia. Phone (215) 955-4121
General Surgeon is Dr Karen Chojnacki 1100 Walnut St 5th Floor, Philadelphia
Phone (215) 955-8666I wish the success we had. Good luck
Trying to Get A Hernia Diagnosis
I actually didn’t ask the surgeon about the expected life-time of the hernia repair. It truly never dawned on me to ask that question. Sorry, I can’t help with an answer.
Trying to Get A Hernia Diagnosis
I truly understand how miserable it is to be in pain. It was actually a very detailed ultrasound that found my daughter’s hernias. Since they only appeared while pushing or bearing down, the ultrasound was actually like a movie filmed in live time that allowed the activity.
For the first time in more than 3 years, my daughter’s abdominal pain is gone and she is returning to normal. She is walking for exercise and will soon return to running again. We actually plan on having her do some Physical Therapy to make sure she that she will be exercising correctly and not do any harm.
I wish you the same success that we had. -
Trying to Get A Hernia Diagnosis
Just to put a good follow up to my daughters story.
She is 19 days post bilateral hernia repair and had been in pain for over 3 years. Driving back from the Doctor appointment today, she said to me ” although I am still sore on just one side, I haven’t felt this good in years”I can’t tell you how good this made me feel yet how sad it made me feel. I am sad that it took so long to make the diagnosis. We searched for the reason for her pain for years with different doctors…including different specialties and many different scans. We didn’t stop searching until we finally found the right right radiologist and the right general surgeon.
Of course, I am soooooooo happy because my daughter is finally basically pain free. -
Trying to Get A Hernia Diagnosis
Well, I must say that you are correct. Today is day 5 post surgery and she has definitely turned the corner. She still has discomfort (as opposed to pain) at the suture site. Occasional moments of pain, but typically strictly discomfort. Naproxen is keeping it very manageable.
It’s amazing that 5 days post hernia repairs that she is heading toward being pain free for the first time in almost 3 years….since she went to college. Hopefully this 2nd semester of junior year and her entire senior year and beyond will be uneventful.
Thank you
MemberMarch 11, 2014 at 11:51 am in reply to: RUNNER w/ extreme hip/pelvic pain,possible hernia?RUNNER w/ extreme hip/pelvic pain,possible hernia?
I am not a doctor, simply a mom of a daughter who had pain for years that the doctors were not able to diagnose. It wasn’t until about 3 weeks ago that it was determined that she had bilateral inguinal hernias….surgery to repair them last week and she is well on her way to full, pain free recovery.
The one piece of advice that I learned from Dr Towfigh and my daughters Interventional Radiologist is that CT Scans may not be an appropriate diagnostic tool for hernias. Ultra-sound may be the correct answer. My daughters CT was negative but the ultrasound showed they existed. That is because my daughters hernias disappeared when laying down and only appeared when standing or when bearing down. On that basis, of course they wouldn’t show on CT.
Again, I’m not a Doctor, simply the mother of a 22 year old patient who no longer is suffering because the correct radiologist found her hernia tears via ultrasound. I’m not diagnosing anything for you just wishing you the same sort of success we found.
Good luck and don’t stop fighting to find the correct diagnostician who will make the correct diagnosis…and then will make the fix
Trying to Get A Hernia Diagnosis
Thanks for your response. The bilateral repairs were done laparoscopically using mesh and, according to the surgeon were successful. She is up and moving, although as expected, not comfortable. One side is virtually pain free, while he other is quite painful. She has a script for Naproxen that she used for the pain prior to the long attempt to get a diagnosis.
I do intend to call the surgeon to follow up, as she requested I do. Additionally, we have a follow up appointment next week.
I just didn’t understand why one side is sooo good and the other side is equally not.
I do know, though, that she is absolutely on the path to recovery and being without pain.
Thank you again
Trying to Get A Hernia Diagnosis
My daughter’s bilateral original hernia repair took place 4 days ago.
Is it typical that she is unbelievably virtually pain free on the side that has been giving her more troubles over the past years and was a larger hernia and the side with a smaller hernia is still giving her a great deal of pain. Due to that side, she is still taking narcotics..although she is taking as little as possible. A nurse explained the possibility to me that the smaller the hernia, potentially the more painful it can beTell me what you think about her record.
Thank you
Trying to Get A Hernia Diagnosis
My daughter just came out of surgery….successful surgery to repair he 2 hernias.
Is it appropriate to leave a message…spoken nicely, for the surgeon that denied their existence because of the CT results even though the Ultrasound made the determination? Do you have any other suggestions how to handle this or should I just let it go?
My intent is as a learning experience for that doctor.Thank you again for your support and education on our journey to diagnose and repair these hernias, and get my daughter out of pain.
Trying to Get A Hernia Diagnosis
I have one other question to which I’m not sure there is a concrete answer.
Based on my experience, I have to believe that there is a significantly large population of women that go undiagnosed or are misdiagnosed.My daughter’s internist believed her pain was real and kept suggesting tests. Her Gyn agreed it was real but kept ruling out Gyn and saying not me. Over the years, prior to now, ER physicians and general surgeons have said not me and diagnosed the chronic PVC pain.
My question is how is this condition is sooo under diagnosed and sooo misunderstood? How many women are still in pain also with doctors believing their pain has no physical cause?
How can I help raise awareness in order to help others?