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  • mapleleaf

    March 4, 2016 at 5:39 pm in reply to: Spigelian questions

    Thank you Dr Goldstein and Dr Towfigh/hernia ??

    Thank you for your input. I had difficulty logging back on to web site. Sorry for the delay.

    Dr Goldstein, my Gallbladder scar is 30+ years it was a mid-line incision.

    Yes Dr Towfigh, I can say that there was blunt trauma to my right side.

    Initially I thought it to be a pulled muscle. I could not lay on my right side for weeks. I did notice a small protrusion to the left of my right hip that would come and go.

    I have to say, that it was months later, that I developed some soft tissue swelling over the right trochanter. This would come and go with rest. At night I would get severe pain in my right thigh “Charlie horse”like. The pain is excruciating. I then developed a bulgy lump at top of thigh crease which has actually moved down into my right side of my thigh. Hence the “charlie horse pain” It is moveable as this is why they thought it to be femoral. To me, this lumpy stuff on the right side of my thigh does not belong there.

    Laying on my right side is very painful when I do endure the pain it feels like someone is pulling my insides of belly down towards my lower abdomen. I might add, that it will get pink and warm to touch on the lower right abdomen. It will go away after some time. I have had small bruising over the bulge where pant waist band sits but I tend to move waist band off the bulge. When I do lay on my left side lately it feels like something is pressing on my lower right ribs. It feels very full at the waist. Also in the morning I have large swelling over my right buttock. Sometime with deep breathing I have pain under my right ribs.

    There are no “hernia specialist” in my area. I feel that my doctors have given up on trying to find the source of my pain. The closest would be Minnesota or North Dakota as I am north of your border.

    Cost could be a factor for me but I am desperate to consult a “hernia specialist” to look at my scans and at the very least, rule out the possibility of a hernia.

    Thank you Dr Goldstein and Dr Towfigh for your expert advise on hernias. You have answered many of my unanswered questions. So glad I found this site.