Forum Replies Created

  • reverserat

    July 19, 2020 at 8:12 am in reply to: Best surgeons for mesh removal?

    @Good intentions, how can you be so sure the mesh is the issue? Lucas clearly said he has a recurrence.

    Picture this potential scenario, for example: The hernia recurs, and the hernia sac rubs against parts of the mesh while the sac moves around outside the abdominal wall. It’s clear this would be painful, but when the recurrence is fixed (and old mesh removed?) the new mesh might no longer cause issues. Of course, it’s imperative that the issue is identified with 100% certainty (bear down ultrasound, etc.)

    “The inflammation from the mesh will weaken the tissue” do you have proof of this statement or is it your own conjecture? I’m not saying your’re wrong, hernia mesh can cause serious issues without a doubt, and your argument about the medical industry and mesh has merits, but you seem to be so focused on the mesh causing issues you can’t see a person’s situation as a whole.