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  • skaadland

    April 7, 2016 at 6:43 am in reply to: Pain Diary

    Pain Diary

    I’m reading your pain log and hope that you are finding help and relief….did you have mesh?
    You are not alone in hernia repair issues and, although a stranger to you, I am not a stranger to pain; I’ve lost five years of my life, but I will fight to get help. If you need an “ear” or “eye” and know you must fight…..I’ve been pummeled to the ground by doctors; hopes up then knocked down, but I am worth the fight. I’m very, very, cautious of doctors I see….when the number 1 hospital in the nation has doctors who get away with what happened to me, it makes one very leery of the medical world, but, there are good ones and keep fighting.

  • I continue to decline where abdominal mesh is – haven’t had a bm in 9 days; used an enema and two balls came out. I know mesh removal is necessary

    I received a letter from major hospital stating that it is not available….the log. Verified I have to have hernia removed. Major hospital repeatedly told me they are not responsible for keeping implant log which I already knew was not true. I also reported issues with hernia repair several months out but told chronic pain. Any other way I can find out what type of mesh I have? After it was placed, I could no longer wear a bra and I’m rather large busted for a small woman.
    I’m set for removal after PTSD counseling. The hernia repair ruined my life for years yet I couldn’t get anyone from major hospital to accept this.
    Appreciate your willingness to answer questions – rare, indeed, and most helpful.

  • I continue to decline where abdominal mesh is – haven’t had a bm in 9 days; used an enema and two balls came out. I know mesh removal is necessary

    Sandwiched in between the abdominal wall. Is it not unusual to not provide the stamp – the implant log?
    And, do you think mesh can be seen as far as complexity, problems, by a CT scan?
    I’ve been sick for three years; told mesh is fine; happen to have it in four places and it is not fine but it took ME to happen a site about mesh, meet a zealot who was mesh injured who is helping me; my cheerleader, however, patience wearing thin as I’ve lost any quality of life. I stand, excruciating pain rips through me and the domino effect after hernia repair has devastated my life.
    I’d like to know how you treat removal and if you have recommendations for seeing mesh – as I said, the Army doctor did best to do the Jamadar and Reutin test – there’s a void right under breast down to area where hernia was repaired. I cannot wear a bra or anything tight over abdomen. And that’s just the beginning.

  • I continue to decline where abdominal mesh is – haven’t had a bm in 9 days; used an enema and two balls came out. I know mesh removal is necessary

    I couldn’t get the hospital to give me the implant information – incisional hernia from an infection – at site where 24″ of colon removed. All I know is lightweight, Ultra Pro but no implant log information. Had the closest thing to Jamadar and Reubin’s ultra sound showing a void under breast to area of repair and wavy mesh, but, the Military doctor who tried very hard, had never done the test and I’m proving the patient should have listened so long ago.
    My bowels have been affected and abdominal pain after hernia repair. I saw one of the top mesh removal surgeons who agreed mesh needs to come out however, PTSD counseling and colorectal surgeon has to be present. I’d like your opinion as one of the highly recommended surgeons.

  • skaadland

    March 21, 2016 at 5:15 am in reply to: Need help in Austin, TX

    Need help in Austin, TX

    Welcome to the world of negligence and ignorance in the medical profession – your story is so familiar. and, I refuse to see any doctor in San Antonio. Sounds pretty condemning but I’ve been treated for chronic pain because nobody wanted to bother – mesh in four places after unnecessary surgeries.
    don’t let them push you around; before you know it, they’ll have you thinking you are nuts….I know I’m not.
    Best of luck to you.

  • skaadland

    September 7, 2015 at 7:40 pm in reply to: Training in Radiology

    Training in Radiology

    I am not a radiologist but my experience in trying to get help is that radiologists are limited as to what they can report; had I not requested a radiologist to compare an old MRI with a new, he would not have seen that rectal mesh and bladder mesh had failed. He explained that they don’t look for things outside what the doctor prescribes. I’m having multiple tests compared because I know my body and I know just this latest discovery is huge. I have so much pulling where the colon was removed, hernia repair done, that it makes sense that the mesh failed.
    This is only my experience; an opinion based on my own situation so I’m not speaking for other doctors or radiologist.