News Feed Discussions How long can I wait? How long can I wait?

  • pszotek

    December 13, 2016 at 5:09 pm

    How long can I wait?


    Thanks for finding us here and posting your question. I think it is an interesting one. There is data that suggests it would be safe to wait for a period of time. However, if you are unable to push it back in, pain is increasing, and your scrotum is enlarging then I would suggest getting re-evaluated. Although you are correct about it becoming an emergency there are mechanisms in place to deal with things that are becoming an urgency. Would be happy to discuss in more detail if you desire over the phone or our telehealth platform. You can signup at and we will be in touch.

    Hope that helps a bit. In general though if you are not incarcerated or strangulated you can wait a reasonable period of time before repair but it is impossible to estimate this without further discussion and exam.

    Dr. Szotek