News Feed Discussions Healing from mesh removal surgery Reply To: Healing from mesh removal surgery

  • Good intentions

    November 30, 2022 at 8:17 pm

    I don’t know enough to say. I am not a medical expert and I don’t know anything about you except that you had two pieces of Bard 3D Max implanted for hernia repair. Nothing about your physical condition or how long you’ve had the mesh or what type your original hernias were.

    I knew my own information and had the opportunity to decide “on-the-fly”. I drove 200 hundred miles two days after both explantations but I could have waited. Flying has its own issues though, with the pressure differentials. I don’t know anything about flying after abdominal surgery.

    I would ask Dr. B. He has performed many surgeries of many different types. I am sure that he has had people flying soon after a procedure, whether they should or not. He would have the best advice.