News Feed Discussions 3 Years since surgery Reply To: 3 Years since surgery

  • David M

    February 14, 2023 at 11:32 am

    Peter, I highly recommend that you watch the 12 minute Desarda video. Not saying that it will answer all your questions, but what you will see there is Desarda creating “leaves” that wouldn’t be considered “flaps” and then using them in overlapping fashion. When he uses the word leaves, he’s only cutting the aponeurosis inline with the fibers, but not the other two cuts that you think Brown made. I think youre referring to a flap as meaning having three sides of a rectangle detached. I’m not saying that Brown didn’t make the other two cuts, forming flaps instead of leaves, but Desarda shows that the external oblique aponeurosis can be overlapped without making “flaps”