Another hernia “summit” in a pretty nice place
These meetings that aren’t tied to the large professional societies are interesting. The recent one in Costa Rica seemed focused on physician welfare. Here’s a new one conjured up by Dr. Novitsky’s institution, the Columbia Hernia Center. They are kind of buried in the literature though, it was hard to find out who organized it, or even why. The skiing should be excellent.
The usual big names are presenting. One presentation caught me by surprise. Dr. Felix, the surgeon who claims a major piece of the development of laparoscopic mesh implantation for inguinal hernia repair, is the presenter for pure tissue repair. It’s hard to imagine a more clearly defined conflict of interest. Pretty amazing, especially considering that Dr. Novitsky is the head of the organizing institution. I don’t understand the logic. Who made that decision?
Anyway, the schedule title’s look interesting. I wonder if they will make videos available like SAGES used to do.
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