athletic publagia
I am a 69 year old man with a history of a direct left inguinal hernia tissue repair in 1979 and right direct inguinal hernia mesh repair in 1998, both with excellent results. Unfortunately I carelessly did a dead lift of a carton of books and injured my groin area 2 and 1/2 years ago. I suspected a recurrent hernia but this was not the case and was referred for nerve blocks and adductor longus injections which were not helpful. I then did physical therapy including abdominal muscle strengthening which markedly aggravated the pain. I have pain sometimes from sitting and cannot comfortably exercise including bike riding. I was eventually diagnosed with athletic pubalgia/sports hernia and lipoma left spermatic cord at Vincera Institute due to bilateral mild pubic plate disruption.
I have been offered 5 surgical options and have to decide on one without the benefit of good clinical trial data (sort of like Covid)
1.Pelvic floor repair which I will try to describe to the best of my ability. Release or relaxation of the rectus muscle in order to imbricate or fold it over and then suturing it to fibrocartilagenous pubic aponeurotic plate and inguinal ligament in order to reinforce attachment and redistribute forces that may be generating pain. Removing cord lipoma will depend on its attachment, pedicle or broad based. My concern here is my tissue quality and the possibility of dehiscence even though the suture technique appears to be strong
2. Re securing partially detached pubic plate by suturing pre pubic aponeurotic plate to tubercle and pubic periosteum with non absorbable 3-0 ethicon and removing cord lipoma. My concern here is warning by the Hernia Society guidelines not to place sutures in pubic tubercle and periosteum as sources of chronic post operative pain.
3. Laparoscopic placement of mesh, avoiding need to redissect spermatic cord and possible adherent nerves from previous surgeries. The concern I have about this strategy is my injury and pain are all anterior to the pubic bone, whereas most of the reinforcement and support from posteriorly placed mesh would be posterior to the pubic bone.
4. Open bilayer repair with ultra pro mesh reinforcing rectus and adductor anteriorly and posteriorly
5. Cutting the adductor longus
If the superb experts are sheltering at home, perhaps they have time to comment on my challenging case. There may be other members with similar questions
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