News Feed Discussions Can a groin hernia(s) or nerve entrapment affect the cremaster muscle?

  • Can a groin hernia(s) or nerve entrapment affect the cremaster muscle?

    Posted by kls007 on March 21, 2019 at 8:57 pm

    I was wondering everyone, can a hernia or nerve entrapment cause the cremaster muscle to not work properly or over work? It feels that that my scrotum and penis pull into my body even when I’m not cold or its not cold outside? I read online that anxiety and stress can actually cause the cremaster muscle to pull the privates closer to the body. I’ve had groin pain and testicle pain for 3 months. Been working, seeing and talking doctors to figure out exactly what’s wrong down there. Been dealing with serious anxiety about it and not sure if anxiety is cause the pulling on of the testicles or could it be from damaged tissue somewhere.

    PeterC replied 3 years, 7 months ago 8 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • PeterC

    June 29, 2021 at 5:06 pm

    I can’t answer your question but I can tell you removal of the ilioinguinal nerve has a direct impact on permanently impairing the cremasteric reflex/cremaster muscle function even though half the doctors like to pretend it has no motor function to justify cutting it out of people left and right. It’s both in the literature (which they choose to ignore) and I personally experience it on a daily.

  • newagehernia

    June 29, 2021 at 3:43 am

    i´ve had a cremaster muscle overactive on left and testicle riding up all my life and didn´t have a hernia. the small scrotum and tight muscle explanation makes sense. I also wonder if the penis leaning left in many men might have something to do with it?

  • herniauser

    August 17, 2019 at 1:50 pm

    I had the same problem with test goes up too since October 2018. Two surgeons told me before a week that my inguinal canals are wider and I have to operate for inguinal hernia. But I cant find information how hernia cause overactive cremaster. I cant find guys with hernia and this problem. Everybody that I talk with inguinal hernia told me that dont have that problem. Could you tell me guys how was before op?

    quote drtowfigh:

    Maybe consider evaluation for an inguinal hernia. That is one reason for testicle to ride up into the groin.

    [USER=”935″]drtowfigh[/USER] could you explain more to reason for this please. Thank you!

  • Chaunce1234

    March 26, 2019 at 7:27 pm

    [USER=”2790″]kls007[/USER] you can attempt to trigger the cremaster reflex yourself by basically brushing your inner thigh with a pen, the diagram on this page may be helpful

    If you are concerned about a hernia but there is no physical bulge or cough impulse for anyone to identify, then you might consider requesting an ultrasound of the groin while bearing down, it is fairly cheap and insurance shouldn’t complain too much.

    Best of luck and keep us updated on your case.

  • DrBrown

    March 25, 2019 at 9:29 pm

    Dear Kis007.
    I agree with Dr Towfigh that you should first be evaluated for a hernia.
    If that is negative, the consider seeing a urologist.
    The test can ride high from either tightness of the cremasteric or tightness of the scrotum itself.
    I have used Botox several times, but it is expensive and often needs to be repeated.
    Bill Brown MD

  • kls007

    March 23, 2019 at 11:45 pm

    Overall the pulling sensation comes on throughout the day. No reason I can tell of why. Sometimes just sitting it occurs or I can be standing or walking. In the morning waking up everything seems fine. Alot of the research and reading I’ve done on hernias hasn’t mentioned that the pulling (shrinking feeling) of the testicles and penis as one of the symptoms. So I wasn’t sure what type of issue would cause this feeling. I do have other symptoms other than the pulling, but the pulling issue is the one that I couldn’t find much info on.
    But of late yes, the last few weeks I have been searching out and contacting “hernia” specialists. Dr. Brown has been one of them.

  • Good intentions

    March 22, 2019 at 5:50 pm
    quote kls007:

    I was wondering everyone, can a hernia or nerve entrapment cause the cremaster muscle to not work properly or over work? It feels that that my scrotum and penis pull into my body even when I’m not cold or its not cold outside?

    I still get that response occasionally after mesh removal, after more rigorous activities. I think it’s just the bodies response to damage. Is yours always that way or is it better after rest, like in the morning?

    I don’t know that trying to figure out the exact mechanism of the response is going to get you to a solution. Probably any damage in that region could cause the response. Athletic pubalgia, hernia, muscle strains.

    If you’ve been seeing mostly general practitioners maybe try to find a doctor with expertise in abdominal injuries, like a “sports hernia” doctor. Athletes tend to have a wide variety of “core” injuries.


  • drtowfigh

    March 21, 2019 at 10:05 pm

    Maybe consider evaluation for an inguinal hernia. That is one reason for testicle to ride up into the groin.

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