News Feed Discussions Dr. Kang Experience – Dec 2022

  • Dr. Kang Experience – Dec 2022

    Posted by Jacob on August 7, 2023 at 1:15 pm

    I visited Dr. Kang from the US in December 2022 for the repair of bilateral indirect inguinal hernias and an umbilical hernia. I had been taking the watchful waiting approach, but one of the inguinal hernias had become quite large and was starting to get stuck so I decided that I wanted to have surgery as soon as possible. I reached out to Stephen via email and was able to make arrangements to have the surgery in about 2 weeks.

    My experience at Gibbeum Hospital was excellent. Stephen met me at the hospital the day before my surgery for my pre-op appointment. I met Dr. Kang and had all of my testing and imaging complete in about an hour, and we made arrangements for me to return the next morning for surgery.

    The surgery went well. I had to spend the night at the hospital because of the bilateral repair. I was well taken care of, and with the help of Stephen and Google translate, the language barrier was not an issue. The food was very good!

    I recovered in a hotel for almost a week after surgery, flying home a little sooner than Stephen suggested as I needed to return home to be with my 5 month old baby. I was still in a decent amount of pain at this point, but the flight was very manageable. I am very glad I booked a lie flat seat for the return trip.

    My experiences with Dr. Kang, Stephen, Gibbeum, and Seoul were all excellent.

    Jacob replied 1 year, 7 months ago 5 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • Jacob

    August 9, 2023 at 8:37 am

    William, that is my view on the surgery as well. I waited about a year and a half before deciding to have the procedure. My decision was made one night after not being able to reduce the hernia for 2 days. I was in a lot of pain and nauseous and was worried that I would need an emergency surgery. I was finally able to push everything back in, and I knew that if I wanted a specific technique I had to move forward before it was too late. I also enjoy being active taking care of my daughter and strength training, and wanted to resume those activities. Best of luck in your decision, it can be tough! Surgery in the US is very expensive; I think I paid less flying to Korea than I would have had I stayed in the states.

    On recovery and pain, I have been very active in my attempt to recover well. I have been working with a physical therapist on scar massage, hip and spinal mobility, and strengthening my transverse abdominis to manage intra-abdominal pressure. I have seen myofascial release practitioner, which helps a lot with the pain! I have used peptides, walk a lot, and eat well. My focus has been to rehab a strong repair and prevent occurrence by changing the movement and bracing patterns that exacerbated my hernias. I am 30 and need these repairs to last!

  • William Bryant

    August 8, 2023 at 1:04 am

    Thanks for the reply Jacob. I think with this sort of operation, one can expect slightly pain for quite some time, that was my experience with a non hernia surgery.

    I think it will get better and better for you and those of us who consider Dr Kang for our repair appreciate these candid reports.

    I’m still Watchful waiting as fortunately my hernia symptoms aren’t terrible at present – did you wait a long time and what finally made you get surgery?

    I’m in the UK so the flight is putting me off a bit also but if Dr Kang is as good as all his patients say on here it may be Korea for me. I don’t think there’s been a single bad report reg Dr Kang on hernia talk

  • roger555

    August 8, 2023 at 12:59 am

    By zings I am minor sharp pains that last about a second or two.

  • roger555

    August 8, 2023 at 12:52 am

    David M, Dr Kang does direct as well. I believe that is what Mike had done by Dr Kang, direct.

    Watchful, it looks like you had a similar size defect as Jacob. He is able to run, jump, barbell squat, deadlift, etc., without the pain interfering and he says it’s minor pain and he is happy with the result. Can you do those activities at all? You have been saying that because of your defect size you should have gotten a mesh repair. How does your pain level compare with Jacob’s?

    I got my Kang repair done six months ago. It was a large hernia and the scrotum sac was almost the size of a tennis ball and part of that was a hydrocele which went away after the hernia repair. The hydrocele came up on the ultrasound that I had done a year before my surgery when I just had some fat content only in the inguinal canal.

    As far as answering the survey I could answer 1 no pain at all which is usually the case. I could also answer 2 pain present but can be easily ignored or maybe 3 because I am afraid to lift heavy weights although I have lifted things that are quite heavy without any pain. But overall I am happy with the surgery. Before the surgery I used to get pain after standing up a few minutes. Now I can stand and walk for an hour without any pain. I have’t done them for longer than that but I think I would still get no pain if I did. I get some very minor zings that last one second on rare occasions when standing up or going up the stairs or lifting something but I get zings in other parts of my body which come with being over 65 so I am not complaining.

  • David M

    August 7, 2023 at 8:21 pm


    I think I would be more inclined to have my repair done by Dr Kang if it were indirect, as in your case. I haven’t decided yet where to have my (direct, I think) sugary done.

  • Jacob

    August 7, 2023 at 6:44 pm

    On that scale I modulate between a 2 and a 3, although I do also have times of no pain.

  • David M

    August 7, 2023 at 6:06 pm


      Would you be willing to rate your pain on the Swedish scale? Here’s the question they posed:

      “The question put to the patient was: grade the worst pain you have felt in the operated groin during the past week. The seven possible scores were: 1, no pain; 2, pain present, but easily ignored; 3, pain present, cannot be ignored, but does not interfere with everyday activities; 4, pain present, cannot be ignored, and interferes with concentration on everyday activities; 5, pain present, interferes with most activities; 6, pain present, necessitating bed rest; and 7, pain present, prompt medical advice sought.”

  • Watchful

    August 7, 2023 at 5:55 pm

    It shouldn’t really take a miracle not to have pain at all after 8 months. I hope it resolves completely for you with time. I’m in the same boat, and had my surgery about the same time as you.

  • Jacob

    August 7, 2023 at 5:18 pm

    I had a large hernia that went to the scrotum and would get stuck for a day or two at a time. The pain continues to decrease slowly over time. I didn’t expect a miraculous pain free recovery with a defect that large, and I am able to do all of the things I want to do so I am happy with the outcome.

  • Watchful

    August 7, 2023 at 5:03 pm

    Having some pain (even if minor) 8 months after the surgery isn’t exactly what one would hope for… Certainly not a bad result, but not great either.

  • Jacob

    August 7, 2023 at 3:48 pm

    Please don’t be sorry. I am happy to answer any questions I can; that is why I wrote the post.

    Pain levels are difficult to describe but I was walking in the hospital a few hours after the surgery. After discharge I was able to manage the pain I had with ibuprofen and discontinued it about a week after surgery. I didn’t have much pain if I was stationary, but it became uncomfortable when I was standing for an extended period of time. I do have minor pain still, but I am able to run, jump, barbell squat, deadlift, etc., without the pain interfering.


    There were several reasons I chose Dr. Kang, but the primary reason is that I wanted the least invasive repair with the best statistical outcomes. I also found Stephen more helpful than some of the other surgeons’ offices mentioned on this site.

  • William Bryant

    August 7, 2023 at 1:41 pm

    Thanks Jacob, can I ask a few questions please..

    Pain after operation? How bad and how long?

    Were your hernia/s direct or indirect?

    What made you choose Dr Kang?

    Sorry to ask but it may help those of us who are considered a Kang repair.thanks

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