News Feed Discussions Excellent result with Dr Brown "Golden Hands "

  • Chaunce1234

    February 26, 2019 at 10:23 pm

    Thanks for the replies [USER=”2608″]dog[/USER] and [USER=”2580″]DrBrown[/USER] it’s certainly interesting to have both the patient and surgeon engaging in a discussion like this about a surgery.

    [USER=”2608″]dog[/USER] I noticed you said you originally had hernia pain in the lower part of the stomach, testicle, and leg, has that pain changed or resolved since having the surgery? Or is it too early to tell if anything has changed?

  • dog

    February 26, 2019 at 9:40 pm

    Hi WasInTN I lOVE your style of writing ..Yep it is totally correct..He told me that…. But how many times did you see that Russians listened Americans ? LOL:}}} But he told me having sex is ok day one:}}}

    If seriously I agree with you . .Possibly doctor Brown will correct only one think in your writing ..he fixed that genetic disorder ..I also myself think Bench Press has nothing to do with hernia..?
    One of the reasons i pick dr Brown he deals with athletes …They must go back and perform….
    But your cold water in the face was important .Thank you baddy:}

  • dog

    February 26, 2019 at 9:23 pm

    hI Brady Thank You ! Today is my 3 week over…i almost don’t feel aNYTHING …BUT MUST BE CAREFUL for next 3 weeks..My work is quite physical ..not lifting but bending moving ..back and forth and tern about and sit down…i am starting this week very carefully and hope it will be ok.

    Pain was present…but please look at my writing and see what mistake i made …i also personally who actually very bad about any was just first 2 /3 days ..being around dr Brown { in hotel} was very helpful.

    So yes short term pain but the long term gain!

  • Brady

    February 26, 2019 at 7:08 pm

    How was pain from surgery and how is it now? Was it bad? How big is the scar? I am impressed you went on vacation right after surgery you must feel pretty good??

  • WasInTN

    February 26, 2019 at 5:27 pm

    Congratulations on your surgery and good recovery. Not to throw cold water on your face, but a surgery IS A surgery, however small or big. Your body needs time to heal. Yes surgery can fix you well but it won’t make you lift a mountain and throw it across the pacific. You need to be careful rest of your life about hernia because IH happens due to genetic disorder (mostly). If you think that after 3 weeks you are good enough to go to gym and bench press 100 lbs I say please stay away till you reach 6 or 8 weeks.

    Listen to your body. It knows how to mend fences and how to make you feel good. If you put mind over body, you will only end up with more trouble. I would say even your wife will know better if you are ready or not. But please don’t take a risk – not at this stage at least.

    If Dr. Brown said “shut up and comply,” he meant it and do as he says. I am sure he said it because it is good for you. Trying to be a superman, skipping a dose of medicine because you feel good are the worst causes and reasons to defend yourself.

    Disclaimer – You did not ask me for advice. Feel free to throw it away

  • dog

    February 25, 2019 at 5:25 pm

    Yes Doctor Dr. Brown …Of course :} DrBrown How often do you see this and indirect at the same time ?

  • DrBrown

    February 25, 2019 at 5:02 pm

    Dear Chaunce1234.
    The indirect hernia was treated by dissecting the hernia sac back into the retro peritoneal space and then inverting the sac and securing the reduction with a pursestring. The inguinal floor was weak secondary to the chronic indirect hernia. I reconstructed the floor with a limited Bassini This also had the effect of a ringplasty. The external oblique was imbricated over the floor to provide additional reinforcement.
    If it is OK with Dog, I will post the surgical photos.
    Bill Brown MD

  • dog

    February 24, 2019 at 1:42 am
  • dog

    February 24, 2019 at 1:42 am
  • dog

    February 24, 2019 at 1:41 am
  • dog

    February 24, 2019 at 1:40 am
  • dog

    February 24, 2019 at 1:33 am
    quote Chaunce1234:

    Thank you [USER=”2580″]DrBrown[/USER] for the additional insight on [USER=”2608″]dog[/USER] and his surgery. Can you offer some more detail about how the weakness/direct hernia is handled in this situation? Is it a typical direct hernia repair at that point, in conjunction with the indirect repair?

    Doctor used McVay repair and Dr. Brown repair {it is combo between Desarda and Shouldice repair} he put a few additional layers of tissues above repair as reinforcement ..and he make sure every stitching line of each layer shifted toward each other

  • Casey F

    February 23, 2019 at 11:54 pm

    Very happy for your good recovery Dog!!!

  • dog

    February 23, 2019 at 5:47 am

    Trip In Hawaii second week after surgery!

    Didn’t stared well.

    Here is my second mistake happened! I underestimate my strength and fast walked with rolling luggage from one terminal to another …we were late and missed the plane anyway….but that evening i started to feel like electric pulse inside the cut ….but thanks God next day it was over.
    I even called dr DrBrown ..and i asked if i could rip the stitches ..he said no way …i put durability for Athletes ..he even told me that has one person who feld home from the stairs but his repair hold it .

    Basically he nicely told me
    No worries ,just shut up :} and take your poor wife to the Hawaiian Beach ..I took the doctor order! and even trained dogs

  • dog

    February 23, 2019 at 5:17 am

    Recovery first week!

    In the morning i took bandage ..later shower …no too much swelling or discoloration around …well i had some of it down the road but just a bit and it went away.

    My first mistake i made that night before i went to bed,i didn’t take any medication and allowed surgery numb injection totally stop it is effect.
    I felt so good before go to bed so i ignored doctor order ..It was Russian Roulette! So i woke up with pain .
    My first hand motion was to get my iphone and call dr Brown for rescue. You believe or not he already was trying to call me and even texted me to ask about my feeling…. nice!
    Dr Brown very promptly put me back to comfort but truly speaking first 2/3 days will not be your best DAYS in life!

    I was determined get back on my feet to continue perform my dog training service as soon as possible …Being self employed tough work no income paid vacation or sick days ever:{

    Every day not working carry for people like me losess…I need like dog lick my cut and move forward with my life. .. So from the first hour after surgery i moved forward my main reserve Russian Wife.
    She aggressively attacked pain and inflammation with natural remedies and Bone Broth/Collagen/Gelatin boosted daet.

    Well at the end of first week i already was 60 % normal Yep it was pain when i move clumsy…but no big deal.
    It was just a short term pain and hope for a long term gain.
    I visited dr Brown two times first week his attention to every spot on my skin. I thin by that time he released what he got himself in :}
    But everything paid off .i felt stronger every day.. .so at the end of the week i started to look for trouble!

    I felt very sorry for my wife who worked so heard to help me…and we together never was on vacation since we immigrated to USA for 25 years!!!
    So i asked Dr Brown can we fly to Hawaii ? He said Go for it! And we were booking the tickets

  • dog

    February 23, 2019 at 4:28 am

    Recovery process !
    First week!

    1 Day …i started with a big mistake …Never allow original surgery numb injections totally go way before you get on pain management… I been told but decided to play in RussionRullete …so when i woke up in the morning wasn’t easy.. i think it also was a big contrast from no pain at all to pain …so what ..Short term pain and long term gain…correct ?
    Well….my first hand motion was to reach phone to call Dr.Brown..but he already tried to call me and even left a text to ask me about how do i feel…was very pleasant.. You see in America doctores have statuce almost like Jesus Crisis …for what ?…Jesus Crisis at list Healed the people ..How many people average doctor healed…they barely can menage the symptoms. ..boy don’t get me start…My point was i never used to have carrining doctor like dr.Brown ..sorry possibly you did ,..i am sure there is some ..and we would love to hear about them! ! i just speak from my heart and my experience…I traveled and worked in many countries and not easy to surprise or satisfied with exceptional service.
    I am very needy and difficult client! :} LOL

    So luckily Dr.Brown was 5 min away and could promptly get me back to comfort . So learn from my mistake and better listen doctor :}
    But expect first 2/.3 days will not be your best days:} even with all big deal
    I tried no cough ,no sneezing and magnesium milk really helped as well.

    In the same time my Ukrainian pro Russian wife :}}} aggressively attacked pain and inflammation with alternative medicine and very special secret died .
    Hi concentrated Bone Broth from whole foods with a lot! of collagen 1/2/3 and gelatine Vitamin C / turmeric/ and moe and more and more

    Well,,, in 2 days i was out of any medication ….in day 5 started to drive …after that i started to feel better every hour .
    I had just a little swelling and just a bit of discoloration around ….that totally become normal in a few days..

    I received every morning texts from Dr about my feeling and reported back to him…i also visited him two times within one week to check…that was totally
    in necessary but you have to know meLOL:}}} I questioned even every spot on the skin :}}}

  • Chaunce1234

    February 22, 2019 at 7:55 pm
    quote DrBrown:

    Dog is very kind with his comments, but he made my job easy by working with me every step of the way. He did ask a few more questions than usual or maybe a lot more questions than usual, but I believe that the more the athlete understands the injury, the anatomy, the operation, and the recovery the better he/she does with surgery. So I am always ready to answer questions.
    Dog did have an indirect hernia, but there was also weakness of the inguinal floor that also required repair.
    Bill Brown MD

    Thank you [USER=”2580″]DrBrown[/USER] for the additional insight on [USER=”2608″]dog[/USER] and his surgery. Can you offer some more detail about how the weakness/direct hernia is handled in this situation? Is it a typical direct hernia repair at that point, in conjunction with the indirect repair?

  • DrBrown

    February 22, 2019 at 7:04 pm

    Dog is very kind with his comments, but he made my job easy by working with me every step of the way. He did ask a few more questions than usual or maybe a lot more questions than usual, but I believe that the more the athlete understands the injury, the anatomy, the operation, and the recovery the better he/she does with surgery. So I am always ready to answer questions.
    Dog did have an indirect hernia, but there was also weakness of the inguinal floor that also required repair.
    Bill Brown MD

  • Chaunce1234

    February 22, 2019 at 6:15 pm

    [USER=”2608″]dog[/USER] Thank you for sharing this very detailed and personal report, it will undeniably be helpful to other patients searching for a similar surgery.

    I look forward to reading more about your experience and hearing of your progress going forward.

  • dog

    February 22, 2019 at 5:10 pm

    Surgery day!

    We truly loved surgical center..unlike the big hospital ..we felt those people truly care ! It was very simple come into room redress and they will move you to surgery room. It was funny ….i still was afraid of any mistakes { knowing our medical system} so even marked with arrow side of body where to opriate …but they did mark it with even bigger letters DO and DONT on opposite side:} …I was thinking that will not see doctor before surgery texting him kind remainder don’t take too much out of position spermatic cord to prevent any latter pain in that regard.

    To my big surprise Dr come himself in my room and personally to put into my blanket kind of worm air hose to comfort me and we together came to surgery room. We also decided .using just partial local sedation and not complete sleep…that i believe was much easier on me once he done it.
    I didn’t feel anything …Doctor told me that i had both { hiden} direct and obvious indirect hernia that was a bit surprised so he changed his original plan a bit …i am sure Dr Brown DrBrown can give more details here. He gave me photos and CD..where recoded step by step surgery

    Make a long story short. After surgery i didn’t feel any pain and was ready drive home…but my Wife said NO :}}} And we drove to hotel to start recovery process.

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