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Excellent result with Dr Brown "Golden Hands "
dog replied 5 years, 9 months ago 8 Members · 42 Replies
Meeting Dr Brown.
After one hour short fly we landed in San Jose Ca, rented car and booked hotel literally waking distance from surgery center and 5 min driving distance from dr Brown office. We visited Whole Foods market to get a lot of food/supplements and was ready to meet dr the same day :}
We found his office very easily and was surrounded with love and hospitality with his staff and surgery coordinator Belinda. Doctor came very quick ,he was very energetic ,confident and friendly is photo of our first meeting ….map behind represent every country that he had people coming to him for help . He took very detailed look at both side s … and noted that { on surface..once he open he will see more } i have very simple indirect hernia that for him to fix as easy as for me to put labrador retriever into sit stay command :}}} We had fun too. I said to him with humor
. Look doc..unless your other cases you will operate fresh here ..No revision sergery.NO inflamed tissues No mesh removal so please no excuses..:}}}
..You got to do here first time and please do it right…God forbid to touch any nerves or cut anything ..He Laughed and said.”.YES SIR” ! LOL..i know that i am in the Best possible hands…If he can take me, he can take everyone. We were ready for next day -
A little Background!
It is happen about one YEAR ago ,when i suddenly noted sharp pain in low part of the stomach around left testical and leg ..pain was stronger when i walk and come down when i rest. I hoped it will go away . Well.. went to doctor he told me that ultrocoinick shoede somewater acumylashion into testicical me anti inflammatory/ antibiotic treatment …Believe or not pain disappear for awhile ..but one i noted a big bulge on my r side .
Went to doctor again that day was diagnosed with hernia .Letting you know secretly :} that a am myself quite renowned expert in dog training industry and have very influential clientes. They introduce me to one top doctor in well know Hospital here in Newport beach.
It was 20 minute visit offered me meash ..he even told me that he put a bigger patch to cover and left side as well..just in case …Can you only imagine ? …He told me pain may happen you also possibly may haVE FEELING of mash in body.. he was smiling .and laughing…….. i received 300 dollar bill later ..omg ….Well i found this forum and gradually become “antimesh radical ” I started my research.In the beginning i was like many of you looking for the best method…but soon i realized that it wasn’t a good plane ..what if that method isn’t the best method…”One tool never fits all ” So from that time i started my search for doctor. I wonted to travel less ,i wanted doctor was hernia only doctor and of course take my insurance.
I had multiple phone calls,spoke with a few former patients and selected only two docteres. My final choice was Dr Brown.
1.Expert and applying multiple methods…with principal LESS is MORE …fix just what is broken..
2 Amazing person /carrying beyond your expectations.
3.Loves his work …not Money
4.Understood how crazy sensitive person i am…i cant take any he need to go beyond and above meticulous to handle my tissues as he would do not hernia but oculoplastic surgery..:}5.I know myself..that every pain i will take with panic…the only Dr Brown could take client like me who would call him on his sell phone or text him LOL
6 He is Sport hernia expert …Sport hernia is more difficult to fix then common inguinal hernia.
7.He does no mesh only!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8. Recovery and strength of repair for me was vital…i am self employed no working no making money …He fix hernias to athletes who needs to perform againHernia surgery is the minor surgery and must be like the minor surgery and not making people be handicaps for life
. I have a lot of health problems already and to add one more .THANK YOU ! .NO Way . SO …..we booked the tickets wife took two weeks vacation and we took one way ticket to meet Dr Brown :}
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