News Feed Discussions Inguinal hernia mesh REMOVAL

  • Inguinal hernia mesh REMOVAL

    Posted by Lucas G on August 24, 2023 at 7:02 pm

    Hello everyone. I had an inguinal hernia mesh repair when I was around 12 years old. I am 28 now. Ever since the surgery I woke up in pain and it felt like my left testicle was very badly damaged. The surgeon said the pain would go away. Still to this day, the pain comes and goes. In my lower left abdomen basically where the mesh was put in, I have this constant sharp pain that hurts more when I lay down, stretch, bend over, turn certain ways, and when I touch it, it feels like a very very sore and tender. I’ve noticed over the years it’s been getting worse and worse and the sharp pain is almost felt everyday throughout all of my regular daily activities. I’ve been to multiple doctors including one surgeon at shouldice in Toronto Ontario, and the doctor quickly looked at the area and said “there’s nothing wrong with the mesh and you are completly fine, and you should stop searching things up on Google” and laughed about it. I know for a fact that I am a healthy person , I eat very healthy and I’m physically active working out atleast 4 times a week. Also another feeling I’m getting is that I have to pass gas or use the washroom and there is a little bit of relief after I release gas or stool and it feels like tje problem is solved but the pain returns moments later. No doctors can seem to help me and the pain is getting worse over the years and I’m worried something bad is going to happen eventually. It is effecting my everyday life from simple things that I used to enjoy I don’t enjoy doing them much anymore.

    I’ve come to conclusion that I need to get the mesh removed from my body and I’m willing to pay what ever I have to pay.

    I am here today to connect with people who have gotten the mesh successfully removed from their body.

    If anyone knows a surgeon in Canada, or in the USA, or the best surgeon in the world (willing to pay out of pocket) please please please respond back to me in this post, I’d really appreciate it and I’d also love to hear your success story of having it completly removed.

    Much love, thank you


    William Bryant replied 1 year, 5 months ago 5 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • William Bryant

    September 21, 2023 at 12:52 am

    Ken, was it mesh surgery? 6 weeks is still quite early. Has the pain eased at all during that time.
    What I’ve gleaned from reading a lot about hernia repair is that the back to normal in days or weeks is in most cases wrong and more often takes much much longer. Hopeful you’ll get improvement over time.

    If possible try to walk a bit as I think that is recommended to aid recovery.

  • Ken

    August 27, 2023 at 6:53 am

    Lucas I am so sorry for and for me. I can’t believe all these problems for a surgery that is regarded as a walk in the park. I had a bilateral inguinal hernia surgery and I knew right away by the pain something was wrong . I’m not 6 weeks out but the pain is 24 /7 and relentless. I go to work try and live but I enjoy nothing at all. I’ve got a CT scn coming up And I think it’s more about the Dr. covering herself. go for pain management in about 2 weeks . Im 69 and I feel like this is it. All due to a surgery which I really didn’t need. I wish you all the best and I wish you an easy passage through this.. Ken

  • William Bryant

    August 25, 2023 at 1:01 pm

    Hello Lucas

    I haven’t had my hernia repaired so don’t have personal experience of mesh or its removal but I do look at some hernia groups on Facebook.

    One, hernia mesh hurts too, has a lot of posts from people who have had mesh taken out. You could look at that group if you are on Facebook.

    Dr Krpata gets a lot of mentions and I think a recent person had or is having removal by Dr Billing I think.

    Have a look it may be helpful

  • Herminius

    August 25, 2023 at 11:30 am

    Hi Lucas, I’m 32, and had the mesh in for about ten months. Some of the risks Dr. Krpata mentioned were loss of a testicle, damage to blood vessels requiring a bigger emergency surgery, damage to the nerves in the area, hernia recurrence, and just the risk the surgery wouldn’t help and may even make the pain worse. I would recommend scheduling an appointment with him, specifically with him at the Chronic Groin Pain Clinic. Look it up- people come from all over for those appointments and you get a couple hours and everything done same day like imaging etc.

  • Herminius

    August 25, 2023 at 3:18 am

    Hi Lucas,
    I had inguinal mesh removal by Dr. Krpata almost 5 weeks ago. I had pain similar to what you described. I was very worried about getting the mesh out, but am very happy that I did, I am still recovering, but I feel like I have a future now and have a chance to live a healthier life with less pain. You can look up my previous posts for more details.
    Best of luck

  • Good intentions

    August 24, 2023 at 8:59 pm

    Did your parents keep copies of the medical records? It would be good to know what type of procedure was done. There are many types of mesh repair.

    Dr. Krpata at the Cleveland Clinic would be a good place to start. It sounds like you must be in Canada. Which part?

  • Lucas G

    September 19, 2023 at 9:53 am

    Hey I was wondering how much did the surgery cost? I’m coming from Canada so my insurance won’t work in USA

  • Lucas G

    August 25, 2023 at 9:12 am

    Hello, thanks for the reply and I will be going through your posts once I get home from work. I’m Just wondering how old are you and how long did you have the mesh inside of your body? Also did the doctor say that there is any serious risks to the surgery ?

  • Lucas G

    August 25, 2023 at 9:10 am

    Thanks for the reply, I can find out from my medical records. Thank you for the suggestion

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