News Feed Discussions Inguinal Mesh Removal

  • Inguinal Mesh Removal

    Posted by LoriCx3 on April 8, 2016 at 12:34 pm

    Morning all. I had a bilateral inguinal hernia mesh repair done laparoscopically in December 2011. Almost immediately after the surgery I felt that something wasn’t right. I have been in chronic constant pain every day since the repair, mostly on the left side but on the right as well just not as bad. Initially I thought it was because in February of the same year I had my left ovary & Fallopian tube removed for an ovarian torsion. But now I am convinced that due to the amount of pain that started right after the hernia repair that it’s from the mesh. After almost 5 years of seeing Dr. after Doctor Who dismiss me as a neurotic female that needs a Xanax, I finally saw a surgeon in Maryland this week that stated that he believed the chronic pain was due to the mesh itself. He said that we can proceed with the laparoscopic mesh removal and see how I do. Worst case scenario I would have to have an additional surgery for a triple neurectomy if it didn’t resolve the pain. All I’m reading about online are horrific experiences after mesh removal. I have not read or seen anything positive from people Who have had laparoscopic mesh removal. Can anybody shed any light on a positive experience? I’m scheduled for May 3rd.

    fromindia25 replied 8 years, 10 months ago 5 Members · 24 Replies
  • 24 Replies
  • fromindia25

    April 16, 2016 at 3:08 pm

    Inguinal Mesh Removal

    I just wish I lived In America. And i could go to Dr shirin. As now I know only American doctor remove mesh for pain. My social life is zero. Appetite is gone down. Losing weight may be because I am depressed to hell. Dr shirin please if you ever visit to India… I know I am talking crap.. But i am going crazy . I never thought a simple hernia surgery will destroy my life

  • fromindia25

    April 16, 2016 at 2:21 am

    Inguinal Mesh Removal

    Lorix : you may want to consider dr Kevin Peterson in Las Vegas. He is specialised in mesh removal.

  • Momof4

    April 14, 2016 at 1:13 pm

    Inguinal Mesh Removal

    So sorry to hear about your struggle. It sure sounds like your pain is dibilitating. I can relate! It may be worth communicating with some of Dr. Towfigh’s mesh removal patients for a different perspective. My original lap mesh removal was somewhat successful, but at the same time I had open repair of torn muscle that Dr. B thought may be contributing to my pain. I had decreased pain and was doing well with PT, but then fell down the stairs which made things fail, so that is an unfortunate circumstance! It is a hard decision to make since there is no way to prove that the mesh is the cause of your pain. I pray for people who are in chronic pain, I know how difficult it can be. I hope you find the answers you are looking for. Don’t give up and stay strong. Many times I’ve said what you said, I’m only 50 and still have lots of living to do, hopefully one day pain free!!!

  • LoriCx3

    April 13, 2016 at 10:55 pm

    Inguinal Mesh Removal

    Dr. Towfigh- thank you for your response. I don’t know what would denote “debilitating”, but I have been unable to hold down a job for the last five years, have any kind of a sex life with my husband, or participate in any of my previous activities such as hiking, walking, etc. However, every time I have had a surgery that I was told was going to “improve my quality of life” ( starting with the laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy in 2007 which precipitated all of these additional problems) , it led to more complications. Because I have been in so much chronic, daily pain I cannot wrap my head around the possibility of being worse than I have been. Therefore, at this time, I have decided to not have the surgery. Perhaps at a later date I will re- consider. But at this point I am putting myself in Gods hands and believing for healing. At 46 years old there is still a lot of living I have left to do.

  • drtowfigh

    April 13, 2016 at 10:44 pm

    Inguinal Mesh Removal

    You should not contemplate mesh removal if you’re not debilitated from the current problem. Mesh removal has a high success rate when performed by specialists and for meshoma or nerve entrapment due to mesh. That said, it must be of enough value to you to consider it. Not everyone chooses this pathway and that’s ok.

    If you send me your contact information, I can ask patients of mine to share their experiences with you.

    Momof4: mesh removal for abdominal wall hernias is much more straight forward and with fewer complications. The reason should be very clear.

  • LoriCx3

    April 13, 2016 at 6:22 pm

    Inguinal Mesh Removal

    After much praying, struggling and contemplation, I decided to postpone the mesh removal surgery. I have been seeking diligently for positive testimonies from people who have had inguinal hernia mesh removal but have yet to really find any at this point. The thought of being worse than I have been for the last five years is something that I can’t wrap my head around. Praying for a complete and total healing.

  • Momof4

    April 11, 2016 at 3:15 pm

    Inguinal Mesh Removal

    What about mesh removal from AWR? Has there been any success there? Can we read your presentation somewhere online?

  • drtowfigh

    April 11, 2016 at 3:08 pm

    Inguinal Mesh Removal

    Hard to know. You need a huge database to be able to determine that. There just aren’t that many mesh removals done.

    In my study, those who had neuropathic pain or meshoma pain did best. Those that has “mesh reaction” did worst

  • LoriCx3

    April 11, 2016 at 2:40 pm

    Inguinal Mesh Removal

    Is there any data available to indicate which patients are least likely to experience improvement (co- morbidities, etc)?

  • Momof4

    April 11, 2016 at 2:18 pm

    Inguinal Mesh Removal

    What about mesh removal from AWR? Has there been any success there? Can we read your presentation somewhere online?

  • drtowfigh

    April 11, 2016 at 2:00 pm

    Inguinal Mesh Removal

    I just presented my data about success with mesh removal at the Annual Meeting of the Americas Hernia Society. For those who had mesh-related pain, 83% had cure or significant improvement after mesh removal. 17% had no improvement or worsening in their pain.

  • LoriCx3

    April 11, 2016 at 1:21 pm

    Inguinal Mesh Removal

    Dr. Towfigh- are there any cases of positive outcome related to laparoscopic inguinal mesh removal five years postop? Everything that I have read or heard of so far over the past year or so have all been horror stories. Obviously my biggest fear is undergoing a complex surgery only to be made worse than what I am now, which is pretty much disabled due to the chronic pain. The left groin pain actually started following surgery for salpingo oopherectomy from ovarian torsion in February 2011. I believe that the repair was done with the assumption that there may have been something going on, when in fact it may have been nothing more than my body’s response to a surgical procedure in which my body needed time to heal. There’s always a thought in the back of my mind that the pain I’m experiencing is related to the salpingo-oopherectomy and not fully due to the hernia repair. Can’t find any GYN in this area to find out if that is the case. They all talk about possible risks of laparoscopic surgery for lysis of adhesions but now I’m faced with the same risks if not more so regarding this mesh removal surgery

  • drtowfigh

    April 10, 2016 at 6:38 pm

    Inguinal Mesh Removal

    Most anatomy books mention that these nerves are purely sensory. We now know that the nerves carry motor nerves as well. The motor nerves start branching off early in the path From the spine to the groin. The further distally (far from the spine) you can cut the nerve(s) for surgical neurectomy, the less likely you are to sever motor fibers too

  • jgens99218

    April 10, 2016 at 10:15 am

    Inguinal Mesh Removal

    Dr. Towfigh

    Why would a resected nerve (as in neurectomy) cause bulging? Wouldn’t this be an indication that the nerve had some motor function?

    Also would a resected or cut nerve, or a break in the nerve from damage, or separation of a nerve by any means be classified as a neurectomy?

    Thank You, JG

  • Momof4

    April 9, 2016 at 2:49 pm

    Inguinal Mesh Removal

    As I mentioned, my case is quite complicated! I first had a triple neurectomy. Next had lap mesh removal from previous femoral hernia repair, done in Virginia beach by general surgeon. Mesh was covering a torn muscle, which was then repaired open tissue repair. This repair failed. I then developed two hernias on the right. Right was repaired open tissue and left had to have new mesh because of failed tissue repair. Once again, I developed pain possibly from mesh pulling on left and recurrence on right. The final surgery I had was open abdominal wall reconstruction because of multiple hernias on both sides and muscle atrophy in midline. This was in September. Now suffering from same burning pain on right and pain across my abdomen and pelvis. Newly developed pain and pulling at belly button. My body may not like the mesh or I have to wonder if it is retracting with the pulling feeling. but at the time it seemed the only way to fix things. I hope your fix is quick and with less complications.

  • LoriCx3

    April 9, 2016 at 2:01 pm

    Inguinal Mesh Removal

    You mentioned going west to rule out mesh related pain. Did you not have mesh removed from Dr. B? I discussed mesh removal with triple neurectomy as well but he wants to do only mesh removal.

  • Momof4

    April 9, 2016 at 1:26 pm

    Inguinal Mesh Removal

    Small world, I have a son at VT! Sounds like you have been traveling for help like I have. I really had high hopes when I went to Charlotte too. I think Dr. Heniford refers patients to Dr. B that triple neurectomy will possibly help. That ended up not being the case for me. I only had short term relief, and never total relief, from nerve block injections. I also have pain radiating around hip and back and pain in inner thigh. I have pain with a lot of the same movements, as well. I am seeing a spine specialist in Annapolis in 2 weeks to rule out/in my back as part of the continued pain. I had an MRI of my spine that didn’t show much, I believe incidental findings for a 50 year old woman. After that, I will travel to the west coast for a second opinion, under the advice of Dr. B, about mesh as the cause of my pain. I really hope you get the relief you are looking for. This pain can be debilitating and very frustrating. I will not give up and am so happy that these doctors/ experts are still willing to help.

  • LoriCx3

    April 9, 2016 at 12:55 pm

    Inguinal Mesh Removal

    Actually I live in RADFORD about 30 minutes from VT. I too was referred to dr. B by HENIFORDS in Charlitte. It amazes me how all I heard was that if he can help then no one can but then he refers me to Dr. B. Maybe because we are women? I developed pain immediately after the repair and I can put my finger on the pain although I do have referred pain from the tip of the hip bone down the groin and pelvis. To me it feels like someone has my nerves and tissue in a pair of pluses and is twisting and pulling. What makes it worse? Stretching out my leg on that side, going up stairs/inclines, crossing leg, leaning forward and putting pressure on area, squatting. There have been times I get pain across the lower pelvis over the bladder that feels like my bladder is being pulled out. Had an external neurectomy in Nov 2015 without relief. The only thing it did was cause more severe pain at the hip and create pain in my inner thigh. Haven’t been able to work in 5 years due to pain. Tired of narcotics that only make me sick.

  • Momof4

    April 9, 2016 at 12:40 pm

    Inguinal Mesh Removal

    I’m guessing you mean Richmond. I’m not far away, in Norfolk area. Seems crazy with the very large health systems we have in both cities, and even medical colleges in both, that there are no “hernia/abdominal wall reconstruction specialists” . How did you find Dr. B in Maryland? I actually went to a top specialist in Charlotte, NC and was referred to him. I’m so glad I found him. One important thing I remember Dr. Towfigh mentioning about mesh removal is that it only helps if mesh is truly the source of your pain. I’m not sure how you can know this for sure. Maybe she can chime in with symptoms that point to mesh being the problem. Thanks for your help!

  • LoriCx3

    April 9, 2016 at 12:57 am

    Inguinal Mesh Removal

    By the way, I live in VA too-NRV.

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