News Feed Discussions Laparoscopic non-mesh hernia repair – Todd Ponsky

  • Laparoscopic non-mesh hernia repair – Todd Ponsky

    Posted by Good intentions on September 12, 2021 at 11:38 am

    I came across this video from the SAGES 2018 meeting, by Todd Ponsky. He does pediatric hernia repair, primarily. He uses an endoscope, cauterizing, and sutures for his method, which he says he uses on most of his patients, of any age, with very good results. The beginning of his video is worth listening to several times. He seems fully aware of what’s going on in the hernia repair field, he refers to non-mesh repairs as “blasphemy” to the SAGES crowd, and, apparently, has decided not to participate in the wholesale use of mesh.

    I imagine that he makes many many of his colleagues uncomfortable. He is like a calm and humorous Dr. Bendavid. Doesn’t try to offend but the truth must be difficult to hear.

    I tried to find recent publications but could not find much. I don’t think that the results of his study will travel far. There is no mesh and no robotics involved. Just some suturing and an endoscope.

    Good intentions replied 2 years, 7 months ago 1 Member · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies

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