News Feed Discussions Mesh linked to causing auto immune diseases?

  • Mesh linked to causing auto immune diseases?

    Posted by Unknown Member on September 21, 2023 at 7:27 pm

    After doing some reading on Google I’ve seen mesh being linked to auto immune diseases? Has anyone here had experience with that or heard of it before? It’s worrying me with my bilateral inguinal surgery coming up in 5 days on the 26th

    Here is one example of what I’m talking about

    “University of Alberta director of the division of rheumatology Dr Jan Willem Cohen Tervaert said: “In my practice, I studied 40 patients who had mesh implants and found that almost all of them had symptoms such as chronic fatigue, cognitive impairment known as brain fog, muscle and joint pain (fibromyalgia), feverish temperature, and dry eyes and dry mouth.”

    40 patients and almost ALL of them experienced these symptoms? That is super concerning. Here’s a video from a doctor going more into detail on this as well.

    Good intentions replied 1 year, 4 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Good intentions

    September 22, 2023 at 12:04 pm

    Here’s a poster presentation from Dr. Towfigh’s Beverly Hills Hernia Center.

    Page 243 in the pdf Program file of the AHS 2023 meeting. It’s a tiny study, only 52 patients. Look related to Dr. Towfigh’s recent survey, which originally did not include pain as a symptom.

    P98. Mesh Removal Outcomes in Patients with Mesh Implant Illness
    D Huynh, C Oh, I Capati, S Towfigh
    Beverly Hills Hernia Center

    Background: Most hernia repairs in the US are mesh-based. This practice is supported by research showing superiority of outcomes compared to tissue-based repairs. However, we have shown a small but growing population of patients with mesh-related systemic reactions, known as Mesh Implant Illness (MII). Common symptoms include: bloating, swelling, fatigue, headache, rash, fibromyalgia, and joint pain. As yet, there is no standard of care for this population. We report our outcomes of applying complete mesh removal as part of the treatment for suspected MII.

    Upon short-term followup averaging 10 days, MII-related symptoms improved in 62% of patients after mesh removal. By long-term followup averaging 2 years, 74% of patients reported resolution of their MII-related symptoms [Figure 1].

    More research is required for this developing disorder, with the goal of eventually reducing, preventing, and resolving MII.

  • William Bryant

    September 22, 2023 at 12:58 am

    Hello again Adam, I’ve googled auto immune and mesh and there’s loads of articles linking it so be cautious.

  • Good intentions

    September 21, 2023 at 9:26 pm

    You’ve had a bilateral hernia scheduled before learning much about them? Five days?
    Time is really not on your side. People often postpone their surgeries. You should postpone yours until you are sure of what you want to do.

    What type of hernias, how were they diagnosed, and what type of procedure? Good luck.

  • William Bryant

    September 21, 2023 at 8:01 pm

    There are people on the hernia mesh injured and hernia mesh hurts too Facebook groups who have sadly experienced this. It was there I think I read someone saying it shouldn’t be placed in the human body and I wondered where that came from then came upon this

    However, there are plenty of people for whom mesh works very well and, in the case of some Shouldice I believe the amount of sutures are numerous and can be polypropylene too.

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