News Feed Discussions Pain after inguinal/sports hernia repair

  • Pain after inguinal/sports hernia repair

    Posted by Unknown Member on July 9, 2023 at 2:21 am

    Hello everyone, I am new in this forum.
    I had a TEP laparoscopy bilateral hernia repair 6 weeks (obviously with mesh). Left side was inguinal + sports hernia repair and right side was only inguinal. Now right side is fine, however for left side, for about 1 month ago, I started having a permanent weird sensation in my left groin which is like dull ache/discomfort. It is mainly localized at the left of the penis base and radiate from times to times to testicles and/or inner thigh (hypersensibility).
    When I rest, i manage to ignore the discomfort but when I do sport activities (running) it can be quite painful the day after..
    It seems it slightly improves in one month but it is still very annoying for me who uses to be very active.. I had similar symptom before surgery but less intense.
    Has anyone in this group experimented this kind of issue ? Any advice ?
    Thanks in advance

    CursedGroin replied 1 year, 3 months ago 5 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • CursedGroin

    October 26, 2023 at 7:35 pm

    Thanks for the answer GI.

    When I saw her last week, Muschaweck said to me that the mesh dislocated so I guess you are right in your explanation.

    Yes that is it. I don’t have mesh complications as Herminius related for example, so mesh has not to be removed.
    You may be right. I just like to have multiple opinions before doing a choice . In addition, Dr Towfigh said to me that her gold standard in case of recurrence after TEP was open mesh. However, I guess it is tailored to the patient and to the situation. Since recurrence occured only 10 days after the repair, problem is probably the mesh and not my tissue

    • Good intentions

      November 14, 2023 at 2:40 am

      Hello @CursedGroin I managed to find your original post using Google search. I’ve seen your conversation with Herminius and was trying to go back to see what his original symptoms and procedures were and came across your thread instead. If I find it I’ll reply to it and see if it comes back to life.

      Alos posting here just to see if I get updates or can follow along with a discussion. The HerniaTalk forum is in bad shape right now, I hope that somebody finds a solution. It might be that Dr. Towfigh has grown tired of it and is phasing it out. Who knows.

      • CursedGroin

        November 14, 2023 at 9:53 am

        Hello GI,

        Here is the link of my discussion with Herminius.

        Hope you can access to it.

        Timeline – CursedGroin – Hernia Talk

        • David M

          November 14, 2023 at 8:18 pm

          CursedGroin, was your discussion with Herminius originally private? I’m just wondering why it didn’t show up under a thread (discussion topic) heading.

          • CursedGroin

            November 15, 2023 at 10:20 am

            No I tagged him directly on the activity feed. Is it still not possible for you to see it?

  • Good intentions

    October 26, 2023 at 6:19 pm

    Surgeons do worry about “billowing” of the mesh in to the hernia if it is large. It is one reason that fixation might be used where otherwise it would not be. The mesh gets pushed in to the hernia before “incorporation” happens. It could also be that the mesh moved before the body tissue infiltrated it.

    I assume that Dr. Muschaweck will leave the existing mesh in place and just open you up from the front to do the minimal repair, on top of the posterior mesh. I would take her advice if it was me. She has seen thousands of situations, many with professional athletes, and knows what works. Why would you second-guess her expertise?

  • CursedGroin

    October 26, 2023 at 4:06 pm

    Hello everybody

    After intensive investigations and with much perseverance, I finally found what was causing my bothersome discomfort that began 10 days after my surgery : I have early inguinal hernia recurrence.
    I went to Muschaweck and thanks to dynamic ultrasound, she found a small bulge of 0,5 cm in my inguical canal, in the left side.

    Therefore, I have 2 questions :

    – How can it happen on 10 days after a lap TEP surgery ? Bad tissue quality ? Bad luck ? Surgeon error ?

    – what is the best surgical treatment ? Muschaweck proposes to do a minimal repair but maybe it is better to do an open mesh repair since my tissue quality may be bad, no? Even if I’m not very comfortable to have mesh internally and externally..

    Thanks in advance for your help!

  • Mapewilli

    September 14, 2023 at 10:01 pm

    After hernia surgery, particularly in the early stages of recovery, it’s not unusual to feel some discomfort or strange feelings. To rule out any complications or problems with the mesh repair, persistent pain or discomfort that lasts past a certain point needs to be discussed with your surgeon or medical professional. In order to help you rebuild strength and ease discomfort, physical therapy might be helpful if your surgeon deems that it is safe to do so. It might take time for the body to heal following surgery, and discomfort is usual while recovering. Be kind to yourself and adhere to the advice of your medical professional. I sincerely hope your pain lessens soon so you can resume your busy way of life.

  • Good intentions

    August 28, 2023 at 7:14 am

    Hello CursedGroin. Do you know what type of repairs were done on the hernias, and the “sports hernia” (athletic pubalgia)? Mesh, non-mesh, method?

    And where did you have the repairs done? You are close to Dr. Muschaweck, who is known for working on professional athletes.

  • CursedGroin

    August 28, 2023 at 2:02 am

    Hello everyone

    As a bit of context, I am a Belgian runner that used to have a good level (8th at National championship last year on 10000 m and 2nd at last year Venice Half Marathon) until this shitty sports hernia injury happens to me (left groin side) and induces bilateral inguinal hernias.Last friday marked the end of the 3 months period since my inguinal/sports hernia surgery.

    Unfortunately, for the sports hernia left groin side, this period has been characterized by lingering discomfort (mainly) and pain (more rarely). It seems to be up and downs : some days/weeks, it is quite manageable (I can nearly ignore the discomfort); however, some weeks/periods it can be very annoying and painful. Right side (only inguinal hernia) is 100 % fine

    I still managed to take back running (30-40 km/week). Easy footing does not seem to worsen the discomfort. However, on last Tuesday I did a tracks workout (at reasonable pace) and since Wednesday, the pain is quite important (for example I was not able to sleep this night because of the pain and I had to take painkillers).

    All of this strongly impacts my mental health and makes me quite depressed.

    I will have a groin MRI on this Friday. However, I think the discomfort/pain is nerve-related : it seems to follow the area innervated by the genitofemoral nerve : groin at the area near the base of the penis – inner thigh – scrotum.

    My theories are that it could be :
    – GFN entrapment in scar tissues
    – Phantom pain due to the fact that the nerve has been compressed a certain amount of time due to hernia
    – The mechanical cause from which originated both sports and inguinal hernia not healed or not correctly repaired

    I’m going to see my surgeon next week. I’m also going to see soon a specialist who does prolotherapy infiltration in the groin nerves.

    Any advices/recommandations?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    July 9, 2023 at 11:46 am

    Thank you so much for your answer.

    Yes I have been operated 6 weeks ago.

    It was for a sports hernia (pubalgia) AND an inguinal hernia induced by the inguinal hernia. But it is the same repaor procedure for both of them. My surgeon studied pro and cons of hernia mesh repair and we finally go for mesh because the hernia was quite important (it was quite big and gave me nausea) and my abdominal walls are quite weak..

    Yes I probably overdid : already about 25 min at 13 km/h! I will calm down the next days.. However I think that having permanent discomfort/pain following surgery is not normal.. I feel there may be something wrong which make me quite anxious.. let’s see

  • Good intentions

    July 9, 2023 at 9:04 am

    Six weeks is not very long. One month ago would be two weeks after the surgery, correct? That is right at the edge of the usual time for being released for activity after surgery.

    Do you know what the “sports hernia repair” method was? Mesh is not typically recommended for athletic pubalgia (aka sports hernia). Was it a sports hernia repair or did the surgeon just call the problem a sport-based hernia? Good luck.

    There are many possible causes, but no simple solutions. Since it’s so early your best bet might be to avoid running for a while until the pain resolves then try to slowly work your way back in to it.

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