News Feed Discussions Possible hernia???

  • Possible hernia???

    Posted by Jen74 on August 15, 2018 at 3:43 pm

    Hi Everyone. I am new to this group, so thank you for letting me join. I will try and make my story as short as possible. About a little over a year ago I started getting this pain in my lower left pelvic area. It was a sharp, stabbing pain that would radiate down my groin and upper front thigh. At the time it was so severe I went to the ER where they did a CT scan and blood work and said all looked normal. After about 5 days the pain went away and I was fine again. Well the following month I got the pain again around the same time( usually right near ovulation). Again it lasted a few days and went away. I ended up seeing a Physio doctor who ordered a plain MRI of my pelvic area and she said everything looked ok, but the MRI did note that there were some changes consistent with Adenomyosis and that I should see my Gynecologist. I went to see my Gyne and she said she highly doubted my pain was from the Adenomyosis. Fast forward, it seemed like every single month( except a couple months in between) I would get this horrible pain right after my menstrual cycle would end and or near ovulation. It has been getting much worse now as time goes on. I have consulted with several specialists( GI doctor, general surgeon, Endometriosis specialist,etc..). I met with a general surgeon here in Chicago( Dr. Jonathan Myers) to specifically inquire about a possible hidden hernia. He pressed around the area and looked at my MRI scan I had done last year and said he did not see anything that would suggest a hernia. He also said it was odd that my symptoms would come and go only at certain times of the month. When my pain is severe, it hurts ALL the time and Nothing helps. Laying down does not offer me much relief. He pretty much was betting on this being gynecological. Anyhow, so here I am in pain which seems to be getting worse as time goes on and with zero answers. The Gynecological surgeon said he could be laparoscopic surgery to see if there is anything like Endo going on and possibly a hysterectomy as I do have the Adenomyosis. I am trying to leave surgery as a very last resort because I have many other health issues that will make surgery complex. That being said, I want to rule out a possible hidden hernia before I do resort to a gynecological surgery. Here is the thing, I live in Chicago and already consulted with one General surgeon who was suppose to know about hernias and he did not find much. Does anyone know of any general surgeons in the Chicagoland area that deals and knows how to diagnose Hidden hernias in women?? My pain sets in usually like clockwork, right after my period ends ( like day 7) and would last anywhere from to 5 to 7 days.. Lately since last month the pain seems to be severe after my period ends and stays until ovulation and will calm down after that, but this last month I am kind of feeling the pain more often. I also feel bad in my intestines when I get this pain( crampy and just not good). The only way to describe my pain is that it is located lower left pelvic/abdominal area and is sharp, stabbing, pulsating pain that will radiate down my groin, upper front thigh, around my outer hip and to my lower back. When it is severe nothing will help. Laying down makes it sometimes feel worse, heating pad makes it much worse. The only thing that will help a tiny bit is an ice pack, but even that helps very little. I would appreciate any advice or if you know of a hernia specialist who deals with women hernias that may be hidden here in Chicago please let me know. Thank you…..

    lavoiegen replied 5 years, 10 months ago 6 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • lavoiegen

    April 18, 2019 at 7:07 pm

    Hi Jen74 – quite some time since you’ve posted last, I hope you found some relief and a long awaited diagnostic. Your story is very similar to mine except that my tiny hernia was finally found in my belly button om 2016. Prior to finding the hernia I was diagnosed with IC, IBS, fibromyalgia and finally central sensitization. Like me you seem to have an extremely sensitive nervous system that goes in override when you’re injured. I got some relief in 2017 when my hernia was repaired by my gynecologist while he did a laparoscopy to rule out endometriosis as a source of chronic pain. At the time I was living in BC. The pain returned 6 months after when I got back on an exercise regime but this time I’m in Ottawa and having no luck with the medical system. So now, like you, back looking for some answers and experts that have an understanding of the problem. Good luck

  • Jen74

    August 20, 2018 at 2:36 pm
    quote drtowfigh:

    Your symptoms are suggestive of inguinal Hernia: radiates to inner thigh, upper thigh, hip, around to lower back, GI symptoms, one-sided, better with ice, worse with menses.

    Thank you for the response. I have been going to many doctor’s over the last year and half because of this. I even consulted with a general surgeon who deals with hernia’s here. He said he highly doubted it was a hernia and thought it was more than likely Gynecological since it was happening every single month after my period ended or near ovulation. His claim was that hernia’s do not act like that. However, I will say that my symptoms are getting worse as time goes by ( meaning I am having the pain more often). It just seems to get WAY worse after my period ends and can last up until I ovulate. How do I go about getting a diagnosis? I also would Not feel comfortable with having a repair using any mesh or materials because I also have Mast cell issues and react to Many things.. I do not know of any hernia surgeons here In Chicago who deal with this kind of issue either. I am sure there has to be some doctors that do as I cannot be the only one who cannot do the mesh. I just wish I could get a diagnosis before I undergo surgery of any kind. My Gyne thinks I should have lap surgery to check for Endo and possible hysterectomy since I do have adenomyosis which only gets worse with time as there is no cure. However, if this pain is being caused by a hernia, I would hate to have that major surgery for nothing. I only want to be cut once. I have other health issues which are very complicated. I react to most all drugs so if I need a surgery, it has to be done all at once. The gyne surgeon who would be inspecting for Endo is here in Chicago( He is an Endo specialist who is very trained in knowing how to excise Endo out). I really need to find a Hernia specialist here in this hospital who can attend my surgery to fix any hernia’s that are present at the same time. This is the conundrum I am in. But I would like a diagnosis first to see exactly what I am dealing with. What test is best to check for hidden hernias’s?

  • drtowfigh

    August 18, 2018 at 5:42 pm

    Your symptoms are suggestive of inguinal Hernia: radiates to inner thigh, upper thigh, hip, around to lower back, GI symptoms, one-sided, better with ice, worse with menses.

  • Jen74

    August 16, 2018 at 12:32 am
    quote Momof4:

    I was also going to recommend Dr. Paul Szotek in Indianapolis. Not too far from you and it certainly seems like we have to travel to get care from a true hernia specialist. I’ve traveled from VA to MD and ultimately CA but so worth it to get proper care. From another female, your symptoms sound so close to my original symptoms when I had a femoral hernia that went undiagnosed for some time. The radiating pain to the thigh and around hip to lower back and also pain related to your period were all symptoms I had, as well. Most radiologists aren’t looking for an occult hernia or don’t even know how to! If your doctor isn’t reading the images himself then the report may be a false negative. Hoping you can find some answers soon. Hang in there, we all know how frustrating it can be!

    Thanks for the reply. Yes, I am not even sure what to do at this point. I met with a surgeon who was a hernia specialist here and he said hernia’s do not usually cause pain in a cyclic fashion the way mine is. However, I have read that they can. I would not mind going to see Dr. Paul Szotec but he is out of network and I would have to pay most of the bill.. That is what is stopping me at this point. I am wondering if I had to have laparoscopic surgery to check for Endometriosis, would a general surgeon be able to spot a hidden hernia when looking inside during a laparoscopy? How was your hernia finally diagnosed?

  • Jen74

    August 16, 2018 at 12:27 am
    quote Chaunce1234:

    I’m sorry to hear you’re going though this. Just out of curiosity, how old are you? Are you active and fit, or sedentary and overweight? Was there any initial event or activity that you can recall near to or when the pain first started? Does taking Advil or an NSAID help the pain?

    You might try and request a “dynamic ultrasound with valsava” to check for a hernia at the site of pain, probably even better if you get the ultrasound done while you’re actually in pain. Sometimes the radiologist will do it while you’re laying down in addition to while standing up, because standing will use gravity in addition to the valsava (basically bearing down as if you are trying to poop) to try and demonstrate a hernia. The ultrasound is fairly cheap and insurance shouldn’t fight it, and it’s also usually pretty accurate – assuming the radiologist/tech knows how to do the procedure properly anyway.

    Two hernia surgeons in the midwest area that may be helpful resources are:

    – Dr David Grischkan in Cleveland, Ohio

    – Dr Paul Szotek in Indianapolis, Indiana

    Not in the midwest but potentially helpful other resources who are familiar with the ‘hidden hernia’ concept include:

    – Dr Brian Jacob in NYC, New York

    – Dr Bruce Ramshaw in Knoxville, TN

    – Dr Jonathan Yunis in Sarasota, FL

    – Dr Igor Belyansky in Annapolis MD

    You could also choose to have an online consultation with Dr Shirin Towfigh, she is extremely knowledgable about hidden hernias and hernias in women in particular. If you sent her your MRI / CT images on a disc she would likely review them as part of that process.

    Good luck and keep us updated on your case.

    I am 43 years old and not overweight at all. I have other health issues going on( diagnsed with Interstitial cystitis, IBS, Fibromyalgia, etc..) for the last 15 years though. I can say that before I started having this pain I do not recall hurting myself. I use to take long walks and wondered if that could have caused a hernia ? I saw the doctor in Indianapolis, but unfortunately that would be out of network and would cost me a ton so that is why I am trying to stay in Illinois and in my insurance network. I could ask my doctor about doing an Ultrasound, but trying to find a technician who knows how to do it properly, well I wonder if that will be easy? I could ask Dr. Towfigh if she would be willing to do an online consult. That is one idea. I still would need to find a surgeon if I do have one in my area.

  • Momof4

    August 15, 2018 at 10:59 pm

    I was also going to recommend Dr. Paul Szotek in Indianapolis. Not too far from you and it certainly seems like we have to travel to get care from a true hernia specialist. I’ve traveled from VA to MD and ultimately CA but so worth it to get proper care. From another female, your symptoms sound so close to my original symptoms when I had a femoral hernia that went undiagnosed for some time. The radiating pain to the thigh and around hip to lower back and also pain related to your period were all symptoms I had, as well. Most radiologists aren’t looking for an occult hernia or don’t even know how to! If your doctor isn’t reading the images himself then the report may be a false negative. Hoping you can find some answers soon. Hang in there, we all know how frustrating it can be!

  • Chaunce1234

    August 15, 2018 at 10:46 pm

    I’m sorry to hear you’re going though this. Just out of curiosity, how old are you? Are you active and fit, or sedentary and overweight? Was there any initial event or activity that you can recall near to or when the pain first started? Does taking Advil or an NSAID help the pain?

    You might try and request a “dynamic ultrasound with valsava” to check for a hernia at the site of pain, probably even better if you get the ultrasound done while you’re actually in pain. Sometimes the radiologist will do it while you’re laying down in addition to while standing up, because standing will use gravity in addition to the valsava (basically bearing down as if you are trying to poop) to try and demonstrate a hernia. The ultrasound is fairly cheap and insurance shouldn’t fight it, and it’s also usually pretty accurate – assuming the radiologist/tech knows how to do the procedure properly anyway.

    Two hernia surgeons in the midwest area that may be helpful resources are:

    – Dr David Grischkan in Cleveland, Ohio

    – Dr Paul Szotek in Indianapolis, Indiana

    Not in the midwest but potentially helpful other resources who are familiar with the ‘hidden hernia’ concept include:

    – Dr Brian Jacob in NYC, New York

    – Dr Bruce Ramshaw in Knoxville, TN

    – Dr Jonathan Yunis in Sarasota, FL

    – Dr Igor Belyansky in Annapolis MD

    You could also choose to have an online consultation with Dr Shirin Towfigh, she is extremely knowledgable about hidden hernias and hernias in women in particular. If you sent her your MRI / CT images on a disc she would likely review them as part of that process.

    Good luck and keep us updated on your case.

  • Jen74

    August 15, 2018 at 8:48 pm
    quote Good intentions:

    Hello Jen74. Dr. Towfigh might be your best option at this point. Quickest to contact her office directly I think. She offers online, or remote, consultation.

    Here is a link from her Twitter account, below. She is the Administrator of this site. You can also send her a message via the site so that she can see your post.

    Good luck.

    I actually called her office and spoke to the man who answered the phone. He said he did not know of any specialists here in Chicago, but told me to come to this forum and ask if anyone else may know of a specialist here.

  • Good intentions

    August 15, 2018 at 7:28 pm

    Hello Jen74. Dr. Towfigh might be your best option at this point. Quickest to contact her office directly I think. She offers online, or remote, consultation.

    Here is a link from her Twitter account, below. She is the Administrator of this site. You can also send her a message via the site so that she can see your post.

    Good luck.

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