News Feed Discussions Problems Peeing, Please Prepare!

  • Problems Peeing, Please Prepare!

    Posted by Virginia Creepers on September 11, 2022 at 1:22 am

    I was diagnosed with bilateral inguinal hernias about a month ago due to extreme abdominal pain. I’m a female and my job is quite physically demanding.

    I’m currently experiencing urinary hesitancy. When I urinate it starts out fine but I can tell there’s more to come, the only way I can get it all out is by bending over my legs and pressing my bladder. It’s not painful to push the pee out but it does feel weak, like there’s nothing left to give. Is there anything that’s helpful to temporarily relieve it before surgery? I’m on the wait list for surgery but I’m not exactly sure how long that will take. I posted this question to Reddit and was told to come here!

    MarkT replied 1 year, 10 months ago 4 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Virginia Creepers

    September 11, 2022 at 4:34 pm


  • Good intentions

    September 11, 2022 at 2:23 pm

    I would guess that the irritation and inflammation from the hernias is affecting the nerve impulses to the bladder contraction and sphincter relaxation impulses.

    Here is a reference –,and%20out%20of%20your%20bladder.

    Do you know what type of surgery that you will have for the repair? I was also involved in physically demanding activities and had problems with mesh after my bilateral laparoscopic repair. As I studied the overall situation I got the impression that most of the people who get hernias repaired aren’t really very active. One reason that many athletes get non-mesh repairs. What type of work do you do? You might try to find an internet forum of people who do similar work and see what they know about hernia repair in your field of work.

    Make sure that you browse the forum and read many posts and stories. Make an informed decision. There are many ways to get screwed up if you just accept what the system gives you. The delay in your repair appointment migth be the best thing that has happened in your situation. Good luck.

  • William Bryant

    September 11, 2022 at 4:27 am

    Hello Virginia, I think 3 hours is arbitrary. If you feel the need to go every half or so the advice is see if you can hold it for an hour, the gradually increase that time to 2, then 3 to 3.5

    Probably strengthens muscles and maybe increases bladder capacity.

  • Virginia Creepers

    September 11, 2022 at 3:59 am

    I’ve heard that holding your urine in can be beneficial but I’m really interested in why 3 hours? Thank you for the advice though I really appreciate it. ?????????

  • William Bryant

    September 11, 2022 at 2:14 am

    Wouldn’t push or strain myself as can make hernia worse.

    I’m male but this probably holds true…

    Avoid alcohol and tea and coffee as they irritate bladder.

    Try and retrain bladder by waiting 3 hours between urinating.

    Drink cranberry juice and eat avocado.

    Probably an idea to get a urine test to rule out infection as well.

    Good luck

  • MarkT

    September 12, 2022 at 10:30 am

    Where in Canada, @virginiacreepers ?

    Shouldice Hospital is a private hernia-only hospital specializing in no-mesh repair, but the surgery is still fully covered by your provincial healthcare plan (even if you don’t reside in Ontario).

    Semi-private rooms are available for an additional fee…although those may be covered if you have supplementary insurance through an employer or private plan.

    See the FAQ here for details and you can always call them to confirm:

    I would highly recommend you check them out, particularly if you prefer to avoid a mesh repair (which is very likely what you will be getting if you are going elsewhere in Canada).

  • Virginia Creepers

    September 11, 2022 at 5:35 pm

    I think its affecting my nerves too, when I talked to the doctor who sent me for the ultrasound I wasn’t able to go to the bathroom for five days, now it’s my bladder.

    I don’t know what type of surgery I’m getting yet, but I wouldn’t choose mesh. I’m a massage therapist and yoga teacher, and I remember in massage school one of my teachers told us how the mesh surgery shouldn’t be the first choice, I can’t imagine it. I’m incredibly saddened to hear how your surgery wasn’t as helpful as you would’ve liked, are you in the States? I’m in Canada and I don’t have enough to afford going to a private clinic, which means I probably don’t have all the choice in the world.
    Thank you for taking the time out of your day to respond to me!

  • Virginia Creepers

    September 11, 2022 at 4:39 pm

    I think its affecting my nerves too, when I talked to the doctor who sent me for the ultrasound I wasn’t able to go to the bathroom for five days, now it’s my bladder.

    I don’t know what type of surgery I’m getting yet, but I wouldn’t choose mesh. I’m a massage therapist and yoga teacher, and I remember in massage school one of my teachers told us how the mesh surgery shouldn’t be the first choice, I can’t imagine it. I’m incredibly saddened to hear how your surgery wasn’t as helpful as you would’ve liked, are you in the States? I’m in Canada and I don’t have enough to afford going to a private clinic, which means I probably don’t have all the choice in the world.

  • Virginia Creepers

    September 11, 2022 at 3:49 pm

    That makes sense actually, I’m going to try it out. I did a virtual appointment today to ask about my symptoms and they didn’t think I had an infection from what I was describing, so that’s good news!

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