News Feed Discussions SAGES 2023 Annual Meeting – Questions of the day

  • SAGES 2023 Annual Meeting – Questions of the day

    Posted by Good intentions on July 17, 2023 at 10:21 am

    I browsed over to the SAGES site to see what the most recent meeting had to show about hernia repair. Dr. Towfigh chaired a session that was full of interesting questions. The questions alone kind of show the uncertainty in the field. Which, to me, begs the question of “is it better to trust a surgeon that is very confident in poor data, or to trust a surgeon that lacks confidence in poor data?”

    This is from the Saturday session. Unfortunately, as I recall, Saturday sessions are typically poorly attended. They end early and people are already tired from three solid days of presentations (and hospitality suites). Too bad we can’t see the discussion itself.

    All You Ever Wanted to Know About Groin Hernias, but Were Afraid to Ask
    Hernia, Pediatrics, Guidelines, DEI
    Session Chair: Shirin Towfigh | Session Co-Chairs: Romeo Ignacio & Jeremy Warren

    Inguinal hernias used to be considered a simple operation, but with new technology and concerns over chronic pain and mesh-related complications, how is a surgeon to decide the best plan of care for their patient? We will help answer all the questions that are hard to find in a textbook by introducing experts in the field of advanced inguinal hernia repairs in adults, chronic pain, and pediatric hernias.

    At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:

    Understand how to best tailor inguinal hernia care to the needs and risk factors of the patient.
    Learn techniques to evaluate and treat patients with chronic pain after inguinal hernia repair.
    Discriminate how to choose inguinal hernia technique for teenagers, mesh averse patients, and other special populations.

    12:00 PM Introduction

    12:03 PM Inguinal Hernia Repair: What Do the Guidelines Say? And Should I Trust Them?

    12:10 PM My Patient Asked Me For The Best Hernia Repair: Which One Do I Choose?

    12:17 PM Since I’m In There Anyway, Am I Wrong To Offer Contralateral Hernia Repair?

    12:24 PM Inguinal Hernia Repair in Women: Separate But Equal?

    12:31 PM What’s New in Pediatric Inguinal Hernia Repair?

    12:38 PM I Really Want to Offer Laparoscopic Repair with Mesh to This Teenager, But Should I?

    12:45 PM Q&A

    1:01 PM When is Tissue-Based Repair Appropriate and Which One Do I Choose?

    1:08 PM Is Mesh Really All That Bad? Show Me The Data

    1:15 PM Help: My Patient Now Has Groin Pain – Where Do I Start with the Workup?

    1:22 PM What’s the Right Answer: Selective Neurectomy, Triple Neurectomy, or No Neurectomy?

    1:29 PM Q&A

    William Bryant replied 1 year, 1 month ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • William Bryant

    July 17, 2023 at 1:38 pm

    1:15 PM Help: My Patient Now Has Groin Pain – Where Do I Start with the Workup?

    1:22 PM What’s the Right Answer: Selective Neurectomy, Triple Neurectomy, or No Neurectomy?

    And these?

  • William Bryant

    July 17, 2023 at 1:38 pm

    1:01 PM When is Tissue-Based Repair Appropriate and Which One Do I Choose?

    1:08 PM Is Mesh Really All That Bad? Show Me The Data

    Any answers to these?

  • William Bryant

    July 17, 2023 at 1:37 pm

    This caught my eye

    “Inguinal hernias used to be considered a simple operation, but with new technology and concerns over chronic pain and mesh-related complications, how is a surgeon to decide the best plan of care for their patient?”

    Whats wrong with simple is the obvious question?

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