News Feed Discussions Would history of allergies be associated with increased risk of developing a rea

  • Would history of allergies be associated with increased risk of developing a rea

    Posted by SN on June 20, 2023 at 12:42 am

    I was watching Dr. Towfigh’s talk on ASIA syndrome and mesh implant illness and it got me wondering.

    Anyone know if a person who has a history of severe allergies/atopic conditions (including eczema and possible histamine intolerance) be more likely to have reactions to mesh due to heightened autoimmune status or even ASIA syndrome? Any know if there’s a likely risk and if in this case they may not be the best candidate for mesh?

    G replied 1 year, 8 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • G

    June 20, 2023 at 1:42 pm

    SN, what a great question. I wonder if the type of mesh material could have a mitigating effect regarding any allergic or troublesome reactions. I went with a pure tissue repair as I’m the type of person that goes nuts if I find an irritant such as a super small pebble (or slightly folded over sock) in my shoe. My pure tissue repair has worked out great for me. There are cases however where a mesh is the indicated best option so I’m eager to get more data regarding your interesting question. Thanks.

  • William Bryant

    June 20, 2023 at 4:25 am

    I get a rash from some metals, not all, from belt buckles, zips and backs of watches. I’ve asked some consultants, and I think Dr Towfigh, all have said I should probably avoid steel sutures. So an allergy reaction would probably mean best to avoid mesh. Especially as once it’s in, it’s difficult to get out.

  • Alephy

    June 20, 2023 at 3:36 am

    I have also wondered about this, given I have allergies and urticaria…I have also read that it is difficult to test against an allergy to the mesh material, and that the result may not tell you what will happen once the mesh is inside the body…@drtowfigh I think also mentioned once that these cases may or not warrant a pure tissue repair, but it is based on further analysis

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