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[USER=”935″]drtowfigh[/USER] I guess you meant “Prof Rolf Hunkeler”? would you also recommend them for a patient interested in continuing doing sports and not having a mesh? do they also use absorbable meshes in case?
[USER=”2029″]Good intentions[/USER] Thanks I have gone through the post on available meshes…one day I will try and ponder on what clicks in doctors brains that makes them see A but NOT see B (long term pain), it cannot just be money…
[USER=”1391″]UhOh![/USER] do you have a direct or indirect hernia? The US report in my case also mentions fat and small intestine…fat from the small intestine? How good is the US in differentiating the type of inguinal hernia btw?
” pure tissue repair involving minimal cutting/sewing “: does this include Shouldice in your opinion? from what I have read the Shouldice procedure is quite “heavy”
So using absorbable meshes while also closing/stiching up the tear would be a viable procedure? I wonder how flexible surgeons are when it comes to tailoring the repair to the patient…@drtowfigh?
I will carefully read through. One thing that made me consider them is that when I got in touch with the doctor he mentioned the possibility of absorbable mesh as well as suture only repair. I made clear in my email that a permanent mesh is not to my liking….they explicitly mention these absorbable meshes paired with the right technique….
in the end it might go down to shouldice or similar: any advice for that for switzerland?
I will check but it might be still her in fact given she is based not far from Munich. Does her procedure work also for direct hernias?
When do you think one should seek surgery instead of waiting? where do you draw the line?(apart from extreme pain, symptoms of strangulation etc)….some pain is acceptable or one should get surgery immediately then?
Yes, I was considering going for a visit with her, but I am not covered by my health insurance to go to Germany and it is expensive at her clinic…
I would add people who do martial arts….
Well in Switzerland I was given an US and I am supposed to have a ct scan as well….
This is interesting…you mean they healed without surgery? Sports hernia or a real one? In any case I totally agree that the human body is incredible
Yes but among the various injuries this one is a short one for them no matter what procedure they opt….I mean compared to some ligament problem or broken bone
Well I will not have a mesh for sure…I have urticaria and when that kicks in it is a REAL problem. I guess no surgeon would risk my life because of a reaction against the mesh (the ones I am supposed to see next month know that, and I will surely tell the one I am going to see next Wednesday). I am considering though the mesh that gets completely absorbed (so it’s gone after a while), although that one also can cause adhesions and possible problems?
In any case permanent/semi permanent mesh is not an option for me, everything else is, provided I can train as before (or close to as before)…
BTW did you have your mesh removed in the end? I guess for you the problem is even more serious as you depend on a truly high level functioning body!
What drives me crazy is that on the one hand there is this buzz of what incredible things medicine will accomplish in the near future, and on the other they cannot really fix a knee or an hernia…sounds like we can to the moon, but cannot feed everybody on the planet -
Well it was almost without symptoms but since the last week or so I have a low level pain and discomfort…I have stopped training as a precaution but in the long term I am not sure just waiting is a viable option (I even had a slight nausea which went away quickly luckily, had it not I would have rushed to ER), unless all the pain goes away all of a sudden….did you also have a small bulge? mine is hard to see (only stretching the skin)..
In any case I will see a specialist this Wednesday (instead of waiting for the ct scan and the visit with the surgeon at the end of Feb)…for me it is important to be able to continue exercise physically so at the very least I want the all clear for that…the urticaria condition also complicates my surgery as far as mesh is concerned…as soon as I know what type of hernia I have I will have to decide… -
[USER=”2766″]Katherine[/USER] Your mesh was completely reabsorbed and it is not there anymore?
Here in Switzerland they offer absorbable meshes coupled with a specific surgery procedure for hernias e.g. inguinal hernia and others. A network of doctors specifically mentioned athletes but did not mention sports hernia… -
Did you get surgery with mesh in the end?(which type of mesh/surgery if I may ask?) what made you decide? pain/discomfort? how did you cope for three years> did it refrain you from doing sports?
BTW I read a post from Dr. Kang in this forum with this excerpt:
‘Some think that Marcy repair is for children. In most hernia repair surgeries for children, only high ligation of hernia sac is administered. However, Marcy repair additionally closes the deep inguinal ring after administering high ligation of the hernia sac. (The high ligation of the hernia sac is a mandatory process of all existing surgery methods conducted when repairing indirect inguinal hernia.) Thus, Marcy repair is an indirect inguinal hernia repair method for adults. As far as I know, the recurrence rate of Marcy repair is very low (1~2%), once it is accurately administered. However, it is my understanding that there are not so many doctors who are used to this surgery method. Thus, when administered by inexperienced hands, the recurrence rate of Marcy repair would naturally increase.
Would other doctors agree? So Marcy (provided your surgeon can do it) would be a viable option for an indirect hernia for adults too? -
So then with a mesh? Is this for the shorter recovery after the surgery or also in the long term, as far as strength and flexibility of the repair are concerned?
I will try and book a visit with Prof Rolf Hunkeler