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As I mentioned in previous posts I had a Shouldice surgery in 13 th april ( Dr Wiese in Germany) and I can testify that I don’t have any sensation of tightness or tugging . The surgeon had stitched the groin incision with absorbable sutures. Otherwise it was a classical shouldice repair. I am in better condition than ever .
Hi folks ,
First this link for combined hernia :https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1743919116301418
I explain my situation : I am 66 and this article is very related to my age for higher risks of developping a combined hernia.
The surgeon showed me photos of the operation and said that I had ” a long sac of indirect hernia and a smaller direct hernia” . But he estimate that indirect hernia have a lower chance of recurrence that direct hernia so I was somehow luckier to get a predominant indirect hernia than a predominant direct hernia . He has evaluated the rate of recurrence to 2 % . I asked him if it was more complicated to repair , he said “not for me ” . The operation lasted one hour like a classical shouldice operation .He said that the my tissue was good enough to make a shouldice rapair. I can testify from my own experience that I have had a total confidence in his expertise and ability to cure me. He had performed thousands of hernia surgery for 20 years. I had a complete trust in him when I met him in person the day before the surgery. It was not only based on his vast experience but it was my feeling. Before to fall asleep in the operating room he told me ” I will take all the time needed for your operation , I am never in hurry”, After the surgery when I came back home I sent him some questions sometimes and a photo of my scar 2 weeks after and he replied me in the next 30 minutes each time. Now after 24 days after the surgery I feel great. -
Hi William, I didn’t know . I had only one inguinal hernia at the left side of the groin. The surgeon saids me after the operation that it was a combination of direct and indirect hernia. Only ultrasound could have evaluated the anatomy of the hernia. I don’t know if surgeons perform ultrasound prior to surgery ? In France I was on the verge to get a mesh surgery before to cancel it and they didnt proposed me ultrasound exams.
I had an hernia repair 21 days ago with Dr Wiese in Kelkheim (Germany) as I mentioned before . A small inguinal hernia however it was a combination of direct and indirect hernia. Very happy with the outcome and a lot of gratitude for the surgeon. I feel great.
Hi Harry and Watchful
I had a shouldice inguinal surgery in Germany ( I mentionned on the thread “can we mention the germans”)with a BIO HERNIA surgeon in Francfurt. And I am now at 17 days post op. I am fine and the scar is healing very well. My incision ( 3,5 -4cm) has been closed with absorbable sutures. No metal stapples have been used. That why (may be) it looks very clean. A little disconfort remain when my body stretche or twist . The spot under the scar is still slightly swollen but it is ok. So I feel optimistic for the future. -
I have an other detail to add. The inner sutures are not absorbable in the shouldice technic used for me. They are permanent.
Hi Pinto, in the case of my own experience I had few soreness post operative . I took a total amount of 5 Ibuprofene pills the following days. . I have felt and feel less now what I call a “mechanical stretching of sutures” . I mean that when I stretch, twist or take some motions it pull ( gently by now) on the sutures.But when I walk I feel nothing .An other example is coughing and sneezing . Whent it happen I put my hand on the groin but I feel that it is more “solid rock” than the first week where it hurt. The most important is that I don’t feel a pain which could be linked to nerves damages . This is the most serious risk of chronic pain.
Hi folks,
My incision is 4 cm long. I think that they don’t use exactly the same shouldice surgery in Germany. For example they have not used steel stiches but thread. I had a surgery for one small inguinal hernia a little bit more complicated because it was both direct and indirect hernia . I don’t care with the size of the incision . If you want a tiny incision try laparascopy , just 3 small holes and a mesh inserted. So you will be beautiful may be sooner than after the souldice surgery. But inside it will not be the same scenery. I don’t know if you have ever seen mesh removed after been inserted for years. It is horrendous. So after 15 days post op my scar is fine , less and less visible.I still have slight disconfort when my body lie down and get up or other motions I do. After 30 days post op I will make a review. -
I am french and I had a shouldice inguinal hernia surgery 15 days ago in Germany. I mean a pure tissue repair. This surgery has been organised with BIOHERNIA an organisation that schedule the appointments with the surgeons. I can just testify that even if my healing process is not finish I feel great. The afternoon after the morning surgery I have walked 5 kms withou pain. The surgeon ( I will not quote any name) was one of the three highly specialised surgeon that you will find on BIOHERNIA web site. He was very hearty and very professionnal and his team was exactly like him. I remenber he told me just before I felt asleep with anesthesia ” you are in good hands and I will take all the time needed to perform the surgery ” So I don’t know if later I will get some complication like chronic pain but I am deeply convinced that if you carry a piece of plastic mesh inside your groin you will be much more in risk of harsh complications. I mention also that in the USA you will pay may be 3 to 4 times what I have paid. An other good place , I think, for people living in north America is the Shouldice hospital in Toronto. Here is a blog of former patients from Shouldice hospital in Toronto exchanging about their surgery. https://shouldiceherniarepair.wordpress.com/2011/09/08/week-of-surgery-hospitalization/