Forum Replies Created

  • THANK YOU, Good Intentions and LeviProcter FOR YOUR RESPONSES.

    Hello, yes my incision hernia in fact does come from one previous surgery. They did an exploratory laparotomy on me in order to save my life. When I went back with this one surgeon to see if he could fix it. He explained to me that basically the mid-line of my abdomen wall is separated causing a hernia to show up. (I DO NOT KNOW EXACTLY HOW FAR OR HOW BIG IT IS) 🙁

    Now, since I have been reading articles and different studies published about hernias. I sort of noticed that a lot of people had problems with mesh. And then I stumble across this site and also now I noticed that almost every hernia patient that posts here has problems with mesh. I am a thin dude and from what i have heard, mesh doesn’t really work with my type of body anyways and it causes pain. And some people I know that are college athletes and others that aren’t, have told me to avoid mesh. So i honestly don’t know what to do. I want to get this surgery as soon as possible without mesh and i want the best possible outcome because I DO NOT WANT A RECURRENCE.

    I’m going to try to contact Dr.Meyers if possible but I would also like to know if there are more names out there that I could contact. Thank You.:D

  • i just re-edited this because my last post was not clear nor concise. Thank You.:cool:

  • HerniaStud

    January 31, 2018 at 3:10 am in reply to: Note to moderator

    Hello, I just recently joined, so I wrote my first topic on the thread but it didn’t post….so I tried to repost it again but it did not work.:(……….. Now when i go to my message center and I go to my posts it says that they are both unapproved. HELP:D