News Feed Discussions Bad review about Dr Koch

  • Bad review about Dr Koch

    Posted by Unknown Member on October 19, 2023 at 1:19 pm

    Here is a google review that I saw on Biohernia about Dr Koch

    “I flew over the Germany from the UK and met with Nahom (Biohernia) and went to the pre consultation with Dr Koch, the day before the surgery for partial mesh removal. I was shocked when I saw that the operation was to be carried out using an open technique, as my mesh was placed laparoscopically. I had emails from other experienced surgeons explaining that laparoscopic mesh should only be removed laparoscopically as it is less invasive and an open removal could leave me in debilitating pain. I had messages from Dr Sheen, Dr Kangs secretary and Sharin Towfi (all highly respected individuals in the industry) all advising that laparoscopic mesh should be removed laparoscopically. I showed these messages to Nahom and was visibly distressed and in shock after finding out Dr Koch plans to do an open procedure. Nahom explained said ‘IT WAS THE BEST WAY, DR KOCH ONLY CUTS THROUGH CONNECTIVE TISSUE’. I went into the pre consultation room and Dr Koch repeated ‘IT WAS THE BEST WAY, DON’T WORRY I HAVE DONE THIS HUNDEREDS OF TIMES’. Still in shock, I returned to the hotel and was numb.
    The following morning, I decided that I couldn’t go through with the operation. I messaged Nahom early (06.30) and asked him to meet me in the lobby in the hotel. He didn’t respond to my message. As I had already paid for the operation I thought it was best I went to hospital and explain myself to Dr Koch and ask for a refund. On arrival I repeated that I was uncomfortable with the procedure and again attempted to show him the messages. Dr Koch put his arm on my shoulder and said ‘I WOULD DO THIS FOR MY FAMILY, I HAVE BEEN TO COUNTLESS CONFERENCES AND IT’S THE BEST WAY’. When I heard these words, I thought he must be right and sat on the bed I would be going into theatre in. When I sat down, I froze, couldn’t move and said to the nurse that I’m not comfortable with this (I was a rabbit in headlights, even though I’ve had previous hernia surgeries and never hesitated once). Suddenly Nahom appeared as he was viewing operations and asked me what was wrong. I repeated what I said the previous day, that I was not comfortable with the operation as the technique he was going to use was wrong in my opinion. At this point or any other point over the previous day Nahom and Dr Koch both failed to listen to me. I believe anyone with compassion would say ‘if you’re not comfortable then we are not comfortable, your needs come first’. Nahom just repeated ‘IT’S THE BEST WAY. DR KOCH GETS A BETTER VIEW DOING THE OPERATION USING AN OPEN TECHNIQUE’. I folded to the pressure and went ahead with the surgery.
    Waking up after the operation I was told by Dr Koch and Nahom that the mesh had bulged and entrapped the nerve. The surgery was a success and I would be free to return to normal activities after four weeks.
    Following the surgery, I have been in EXTREME PAIN which is constant (pre surgery I only had mild symptoms after doing sporting activities) and have never experienced anything like it. Constant pain in the left testicle and a new constant stabbing pain in the lower abdomen (feels like I have been stabbed with a knife). There is no relief and it’s been MONTHS since the operation. I have a 2-year-old and a 6-year-old. I am no longer able to play games with them, take them swimming or take part in a little kick around like I could before the operation. My daughter keeps asking me when I’m going to get better, which kills me inside. I also had to give up the idea of pursuing a new career (which was arranged for September 2023). I had a consultation six weeks post op and was advised by Dr Koch to take herbal medication. .
    I have recently been to see a local specialist in the UK and he was shocked by the open approach used to remove laparoscopically placed mesh. He said if the mesh had bulged it would have shown up on my scans. He has been a specialist for years and has never known anyone do this procedure this way.”

    What do you think about it ? If it is true, it is totally insane..

    MarkUK replied 1 year, 2 months ago 7 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • CursedGroin

    December 11, 2023 at 6:59 am

    Hello MarkUK

    I’m sorry this happens to you.. How are you now? Do you have more answers?

    Could you do an update of the situation

    • MarkUK

      December 11, 2023 at 7:27 am

      Would love too! However, it wont let me copy and paste my long answer to some of the discussion questions in this feed

      • Oceanic

        December 11, 2023 at 10:49 am

        Hi Mark, your story shocked Me, I hope you are doing better now and are in a better place, please update as to how you are feeling now. I very nearly went to Dr.Koch as well but I read a review that was concerning and decided to have surgery with Dr. Conze instead in Germany, I’m also from the UK

        • MarkUK

          December 11, 2023 at 1:23 pm

          I seem to be unable to share my story on this feed. I will try to attempt to message you privately as all I get is ‘ERROR: Your reply cannot be created at this time

  • MarkUK

    December 11, 2023 at 6:50 am

    Hi all, I am the patient who left the bad review.

    • MarkUK

      December 11, 2023 at 7:00 am

      Is there a limit to how many words you can have per post? Trying to post an update and answer some of the questions in the feed. However, I keep getting an error saying cannot be create at this time.

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    October 20, 2023 at 11:51 pm

    Maybe it would be interesting to have @drtowfigh opinion about this removal technique and this story

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    October 20, 2023 at 11:33 pm

    @MarkT Regarding the omission of the first paragraph, as I said, I noticed this review on google. It was lacking this first paragraph.. I did not suppress anything. The review was more complete on Trustpilot.

    I think there are several strange elements in this story..

    – it seems commonly admitted among hernia experts than mesh put by Lap should be removed by lap and mesh put openly should be removed openly. All the cases that I saw that did not follow this rule result in debilitating pain. How it is possible that Koch, who seems to be an expert, does not know it?
    Maybe it is because he does not do lap technology but wanted anyway to realize the surgery. In this case, he is pure evil since he preferred some money to the well-being of the patient..

    – Why does the author fly to Berlin while he could have this surgery with numerous excellent surgeon in uk? He already contacted Sheen.. Furthermore, he pretends that only neurectomy was offered to him but he says later than he already discuss of the removal with other surgeons, which is unconsistent.. I would be interested to know more about this story.

    This story is dawn freaking me personnally cause me situation is not so different from the base situation of the author, and I was considering Koch for a potential second surgery..

  • Good intentions

    October 20, 2023 at 3:30 pm

    Here is the full review from the Trustpilot site.

    There are many good reviews also, including mesh removal.

    It looks like Dr. Koch worked in the area of a nerve, on which mesh was impinging. The symptoms suggest that the nerve was damaged more during the removal. Maybe neurectomy is the solution after all.

    “Rated 1 out of 5 stars
    Oct 3, 2023
    Constant pain following partial mesh removal
    I had irritation to a nerve and was booked in to have a neurectomy (left side only). I approached Biohernia and Dr Koch for a second opinion. Dr Koch explained that he could remove some of the mesh from a previous hernia operation and release pressure from the nerve and avoid a neurectomy being needed.
    I flew over the Germany from the UK and met with Nahom (Biohernia) and went to the pre consultation with Dr Koch, the day before the surgery. I was shocked when I saw that the operation was to be carried out using an open technique, as my mesh was placed laparoscopically. I had emails from other experienced surgeons explaining that laparoscopic mesh should only be removed laparoscopically as it is less invasive and an open removal could leave me in debilitating pain. I had messages from Dr Sheen, Dr Kangs secretary and Sharin Towfi (all highly respected individuals in the industry) all advising that laparoscopic mesh should be removed laparoscopically. I showed these messages to Nahom and was visibly distressed and in shock after finding out Dr Koch plans to do an open procedure. Nahom explained said ‘IT WAS THE BEST WAY, DR KOCH ONLY CUTS THROUGH CONNECTIVE TISSUE’. I went into the pre consultation room and Dr Koch repeated ‘IT WAS THE BEST WAY, DON’T WORRY I HAVE DONE THIS HUNDREDS OF TIMES’. Still in shock, I returned to the hotel and was numb. I frantically looked through all the reviews and had a sleepless night.
    The following morning, I decided that I couldn’t go through with the operation. I messaged Nahom early (06.30) and asked him to meet me in the lobby in the hotel. He didn’t respond to my message. As I had already paid for the operation (a significant amount) I thought it was best I went to hospital and explain myself to Dr Koch and ask for a refund. On arrival I repeated that I was uncomfortable with the procedure and again attempted to show him the messages. Dr Koch put his arm on my shoulder and said ‘I WOULD DO THIS TECHNIQUE FOR MY FAMILY, I HAVE BEEN TO COUNTLESS CONFERENCES AND IT’S THE BEST WAY’. When I heard these words (especially about family), I thought he must be right, and sat on the bed I would be going into theatre in. When I sat down, I froze, couldn’t move and said to the nurse that I’m not comfortable with this (I was a rabbit in headlights, even though I’ve had previous hernia surgeries and never hesitated once). Suddenly Nahom appeared as he was viewing operations and asked me what was wrong. I repeated what I said the previous day, that I was not comfortable with the operation as the technique he was going to use was wrong in my opinion. At this point or any other point over the previous day, Nahom and Dr Koch both failed to listen to me. I believe anyone with compassion would say ‘if you’re not comfortable then we are not comfortable, your needs come first’. Nahom just repeated ‘IT’S THE BEST WAY. DR KOCH GETS A BETTER VIEW DOING THE OPERATION USING AN OPEN TECHNIQUE’. I folded to the pressure and went ahead with the surgery.
    Waking up after the operation I was told by Dr Koch and Nahom that the mesh had bulged and entrapped the nerve. The surgery was a success and I would be free to return to normal activities after four weeks.
    Following the surgery, I have been in EXTREME PAIN which is constant (pre surgery I only had mild symptoms after doing sporting activities) and have never experienced anything like it. Constant pain in the left testicle and a new constant stabbing pain in the lower abdomen (feels like I have been stabbed with a knife). There is no relief and it’s been MONTHS since the operation. I have a 2-year-old and a 6-year-old. I am no longer able to play games with them, take them swimming or take part in a little kick around like I could before the operation. My daughter keeps asking me when I’m going to get better, which kills me inside. Unfortunately, my love ones suffer the most as the procedure has changed me. I also had to give up the idea of pursuing a new career (which was arranged for September 2023). I had a consultation six weeks post op and was advised by Dr Koch to take herbal medication. Safe to say I don’t feel enthusiastic about getting in touch with him again.
    I have recently been to see a local specialist in the UK and he was shocked by the open approach used to remove laparoscopically placed mesh. He said if the mesh had bulged it would have shown up on my scans. He has been a specialist for years and has never known anyone do this procedure this way. I’m not sure where I go from here and I’m not sure I will make any kind of recovery. My mental health has plummeted alongside my physical health. I struggled to concentrate on anything other than the pain.
    I have never left a negative review before but if I can just prevent one person making the same mistake I have, then it will be worth it.

    Date of experience: June 14, 2023”

  • MarkT

    October 20, 2023 at 1:38 pm

    Terrible story…I hope he manages to get some relief. It would still be nice to get both sides. Also, best to post the entire review, verbatim…seems the first paragraph was omitted and there is at least one other minor change?

    On the one hand, the patient had two expert opinions that clearly contradicted the option in front of him, yet he chose to proceed. He also travelled from the U.K. to Germany and paid for a procedure prior to having the details? I understand that the already incurred expenses put him on the spot and made it harder to walk away…still, this was not an emergency situation, so postponing to gather more info would have been wise. Of course, hindsight is 20/20.

    Having said that…IMHO, Dr. Koch and his staff arguably should have cancelled the surgery pending more in depth discussions (at least based on the patient’s side of the story) as this seems to be more than your typical case of ‘pre-surgery jitters’. On two occasions, and to three different people, this patient clearly expressed that he was very uncomfortable proceeding with the surgery, and he provided contradictory expert opinions that appear to not have been directly addressed. At that point, he is arguably withdrawing consent…and I question the ethics of persuading him to go forward, regardless of his subsequent agreement being ‘sufficient’ to proceed.

    It remains murky the degree to which the patient felt ‘pressured’ to proceed vs. the staff’s position that he was merely ‘reassured’ and agreed to proceed.

    At this point, I would do two things, if I were him:

    1. Go back to Dr. Koch. I think it is a *huge* mistake to not follow-up with him again. First, the surgery otherwise goes down as a ‘success’ in his records (assuming data is kept) because his questionable advice of ‘herbal supplements’ will be presumed to have worked or that the pain otherwise resolved, if they don’t hear from the patient again. This is NOT to say he should actually proceed with Dr. Koch any further…but he should hear him out, challenge him to explain the result, and get him to provide a recommendation on how to proceed from here.. It could yield info for subsequent consults with other doctors and for pursuing the matter further, which leads to my next point…

    2. I would strongly consider following up with the governing medical body in Germany. Nothing ‘illegal’ appears to have happened (and certainly not that be proven anyway, as it will be a case of the patient claiming he was ‘pressured’ to the staff saying they ‘reassured’ him) but it could potentially be pursued on ethical grounds. IMHO, it would have been wise for this surgery to have been postponed for the reasons outlined above.

    Again, these feelings are entirely based on the patient’s side of the story. I also have zero knowledge of what is appropriate from a surgical perspective for this patient’s problem or regarding mesh removal…I’m approaching this solely from their patient-doctor interaction and an ethical perspective.

  • William Bryant

    October 19, 2023 at 11:56 pm

    Horrible. Nightmare. Should have accepted patients wishes.

    Wasn’t it Dr Koch who Baris had a bad op and result with.

  • Good intentions

    October 19, 2023 at 3:29 pm

    There are different types of “open” mesh removal, just like there are different types of open repair. For example, I think that Dr. Meyers also performs open removal. But I think that they go in through the muscle, like a TREPP repair, rather than through the canal itself, like a Lichtenstein open. It would be good to learn more details about Dr. Koch’s removal method.

    I found the review. I don’t see that the person has contacted Biohernia or Dr. Koch for resolution of the problem, after a six week follow-up. Not sure what to make of it. Not sure why he had the mesh removed since it was only causing mild pain.

    Thanks for posting. The pressure that they put on him to go through with the operation is concerning.

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