News Feed Discussions Met with Dr. Conze

  • Met with Dr. Conze

    Posted by PeterC on October 25, 2023 at 2:07 pm

    Hey all,

    I met with Dr. Conze today in Munich and thought I would share his findings for those that know my story (professional dancer mutilated by Dr. Brown) and would be curious to know what he said.

    I met with him today after initially discussing via email. He looked at what Dr. Brown did to me and essentially said that its insane. He said that he very clearly and severely modified my anatomy when he told me pre-op that he wasn’t going to and that everything would be anatomically correct.

    He said that he used an overwhelming/excessive amount of non-dissolvable SILK sutures everywhere despite telling me & my family pre-op that he was going to use dissolvable sutures and even his website advertised the sutures used as dissolvable. This point is a little contentious because Dr. Krpata at the Cleveland Clinic said that SILK sutures dissolve after 1-3 years but Dr. Conze categorically rebuked that statement and said that he still retrieves silk sutures in revision patients 10 years after their initial surgery.

    He also cannot find the medical reasoning as to why Dr. Brown did a complete destruction & “repair” of my left inguinal canal & floor (the one that hadn’t been previously operated on) – there were no findings supporting the decision to operate. Its like he blacked out and just did the exact same extreme operation on both sides like a robot.

    He said the way my internal ring was modified during Dr. Brown’s surgery is letting small amounts of intra-abdominal fat go through it bilaterally when I move in certain positions and attempt to flex which would be a small indirect hernia. It isn’t causing pain but he sees it on ultrasound.

    So in summary he felt extremely sorry for me and told me in very polite words that I am fucked and that there is no hope for me. He doesn’t think there’s anything he or anyone can do to undo the weakness/damage to my abdominal muscles (went from having a 6 pack to not being able to flex my core at all). He said that he could try to attempt to put back all the tissues in their normal anatomical position but that there is a risk of me losing a testicle and that he doesn’t think I’ll ever have normal strength or visually/aesthetically normal looking abdominals again. He also confirmed that the ejaculative weakness I am experiencing is definitely a consequence of Dr. Brown destroying all my tissues and all the weakness I have from him modifying my anatomy and pulling/attaching tissues where they don’t belong. If he were to try and operate on me he would only be comfortable doing 1 side at a time to see if I lose a testicle but he’s really not sure.

    I’m not really sure where this leaves me. In just 90 minutes Dr. Brown ruined 12 years of career and nullified all the sacrifices I made to get where I was in my career while making sure I’ll never be able to have a family or have a normal/active life.

    I’ve looked into assisted suicide in Canada but I don’t qualify because I don’t have a deadly incurable disease so I’m not really sure what I do from here. I also don’t think there’s anyone left to consult that would be interested in helping or that wouldn’t be overwhelmed by my situation.

    He concluded with saying that he thought Dr. Brown had a good reputation but after reading the op report of what he did to me he was just flabbergasted and that there was certainly lots of marketing involved.

    Lastly I will say that this was by far the most thorough and professional consultation I’ve ever had with a doctor and I would recommend it to everyone. It made my Cleveland Clinic consultation look like a joke.

    That’s it for me, thank you guys for letting me put my thoughts on paper its been an overwhelming few hours to say the least. Stay safe out there


    CursedGroin replied 9 months ago 8 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • CursedGroin

    June 11, 2024 at 6:23 am

    Sad to read this..

    Did you try tisane? Maybe it can help your pain

  • Krisztián Wirsz

    December 31, 2023 at 5:51 pm

    And that is the same Dr Brown who can be seen around these forums??

  • Oceanic

    October 30, 2023 at 8:07 am

    Heartbreaking Story Peter, I’m so sorry. Dr. Conze is a lovely Man with a lot of integrity, you chose one of the best to look at your case.

    I’d risk losing a testicle to get in a better position if it were me, it’s not like they are much use to you as it stands

    I just don’t understand why Dr.Brown did this to you, he should be hit with criminal charges.

  • MarkT

    October 26, 2023 at 2:28 pm

    Hi Peter,

    Thanks for the update. I’m glad you decided to consult with Dr. Conze, even though you no doubt hoped for a better result.

    What did Dr. Conze hypothesize might result from his idea to put back all tissues to their anatomical position? Despite a ‘return to normal’ being off the table, is there some improvement that might result from what he proposed (basic functioning, pain reduction, etc.)?

  • Herminius

    October 25, 2023 at 11:33 pm

    I am also so sorry to hear this Peter. I agree, Dr. Conze was exceptional in my visit with him, how devastating to hear that he also won’t be able to help. You have certainly been forced to swallow in whole the pill most of us have only had to swallow in part (the bitter truth that we will never be the men we used to be). But please don’t give up hope Peter! Your worth extends beyond that- may you find more hope, and purpose, and peace than you ever had before.

  • Unknown Member

    October 25, 2023 at 2:25 pm

    Sorry to hear this peter…Conze is a true professional. I myself was destroyed by a lying conman of a surgeon. Its very sad that these doctors care so little about patients. Pegasos clinic in switzerland might help you move to the next level. Its supposed to be the best there is.

  • Raymond

    October 26, 2023 at 8:01 pm

    Hey PeteC,
    After reading your story from previous threads on this forum, about the horrible flawed surgery performed by Dr. Brown, and all that you have to endure each day, I feel so bad for you.
    I can quite honestly say that if I had one, and only one wish in this world it would be to have your body be at 100% again, undoing the damaged cause by the horrible surgery. I do think it is important that you continue (As long as you wish) to post your story each year telling everyone about what you have been through. I know that you have helped many people; bringing awareness about being cautious about who is chosen to perform the surgery. I found it to be really sad how you trustingly asked Dr. Brown for reassurance that he would not hurt you prior to the surgery, yet he did hurt you surgically in one of the worst ways possible.
    Take care my friend, the world is a better place with you in it, you have helped me, and I know that you have helped others as well.

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