Shouldice or Mesh ?
I’m male, 41 and have had a small left inguinal hernia since November 2023. I have low grade discomfort, mostly when standing for very long periods of time. I’ve stopped some weight lifting exercises (i.e. lower body), and playing singles tennis but otherwise I can do most activities without limitations ( I wear a truss when weightlifting and have adapted exercises to reduce intraabdominal pressure)
option: 1. I live in Canada and can have surgery at the Shouldice hospital soon (without ever meeting the surgeon, they simply required a written note from my physician that I have a palpable and reducible hernia). It is however a 5 hour drive from my city and I read that the recovery is much longer; in addition it appears more invasive and that impairment of certain anatomy (i.e. cremaster muscle) is possible. The scar from the Shouldice procedure is certainly larger as well.
option: 2. I also met with a local general surgeon who uses mesh (ProGrip) and remarked that it was a simple day procedure and that he has even repaired some recurrences from Shouldice patients (i.e. I’m sure the opposite may be true as well).
option #3 – I could also continue waiting without surgery.
Any advice?
Also – Can one procedure (i.e. tension repair) increase the incidence of developing a hernia on the other side?
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