Forum Replies Created
MemberNovember 7, 2016 at 7:32 pm in reply to: Developing bumps after lap. hernia surgeryDeveloping bumps after lap. hernia surgery
Hope your recovery is going well. I had the bumps for a long time after the surgery, not sure on exact time. Finally I never noticed them(well after 8 weeks but did not interfere with any normal activity).
Surgeon in Cleveland area
I spoke with Dr. G in Cleveland and he has been recommended by other forums.
I went to the ER not once but twice with severe pain from a small inguinal hernia. Once it was repaired no further pain from it or that location 3 years ago. On quote a top general surgeon did not agree with the Radiologist and recommended no surgery. That was almost 5 years ago. See a hernia specialist like Dr Towfigh.
Mesh sandwich / sandwiched fascia
It looks like things a going slowly for you. Again if you can get out of Wisconsin for help, go to one of the top hernia specialists. I was denied multiple times MRI to find out was wrong and again go to a surgeon that does this type of surgery all of the time not once in a blue moon.
MemberNovember 7, 2016 at 7:07 pm in reply to: Recurrent femoral hernia & Iatrogenic sports herniRecurrent femoral hernia & Iatrogenic sports herni
Sorry to hear about your husband. I went through this entire saga. First make sure you get the proper imaging done and have someone that specializes in reading this type of imaging to read it. I saw many quote experts with different opinions but you need to see and have this done by a true expert. There are very few that I would trust to do this in the US. Many have been named in this forum. After two years of trying to figure it out it was another hernia that was causing the pain.
Good Luck
Feel free to review my posts and ask any questions.
MemberNovember 7, 2016 at 5:39 pm in reply to: South Jersey/Philadelphia Surgeons for herniasSouth Jersey/Philadelphia Surgeons for hernias
Not sure if Dr Goodyear does this type of hernia surgery or lap style surgery. He is in the Philly area. I would carefully vet any surgeon even if listed on the American Hernia Society. It is a starting point. The doctors on the AHS list in my area are General Surgeons that do very few hernia surgeries each but are quote experts.
Hernia mesh and low testosterone
Sorry to hear about your issues. I would verify that your current Dr. is truly on expert in sports hernia and possible mesh removal. If I recall Dr Meyer in the Philly area is one discussed as a sports hernia expert but not sure on removal. I am sure Dr. Towfigh can recommend some others.
Good Luck
Help With Hernia Pain
Sorry to hear of your problems. Yours seems much worse than what I went through but the story is very similar. WasInTn and Dr Towfigh gave you the Dr.s you need to see. There are a lot of quote experts but only a handful that are truly experts. Do everything you can with your insurance company, it took me two years and seeing about 8 of their experts, only to find out after asking the these experts very specific questions they did not have the knowledge, experience or ability to perform this very hard surgery without the risks you describe. Also ask the Dr.s staff the same questions dig deep and hard and you will start to see the truth. Like Dr Goodyear I think has done over 15K hernia surgery with also a large volume for corrective surgeries compared to your local guy that might do a few hernia surgeries a year and no corrective surgeries.
Wish you the best.
top hwrnia in wisvonsin
In the first surgery we had come to agreed treatment plan of light weight mesh. The Dr. used Proline PMII which is heavy weight. He could not explain why the change. But in the history and progress notes he never noted the agreed treatment plan. About a year later another at the hospital said he had done so few hernia surgeries that he probably did not know what approved types of mesh the hospital used.
top hwrnia in wisvonsin
Cleveland and Knoxville are only 4 hour drive times. Dr Yunis is in Sarasota.
Good luck
top hwrnia in wisvonsin
Seeker, I have not given out the name but some clues in previous posts. The hospital where the first surgery had me see two different general surgeons, my insurance referred me to 4 others in my area and let me choose one in the state I live in. I found none of the seven had the knowledge or experience to do mesh removal or triple neurectomy. I was lucky my insurance changed I could go anyplace in the nation with a 10% co pay.
I contacted Dr G in Cleveland, Peterson, Yunis, Ramshaw, Goodyear and spoke to each of them at length about my condition. All spent more time than I could believe on their dime. Thank you to the doctors that I listed for being so generous with your time. I also had on my list Billings, Amid, Chen and Towfigh who I did not contact. I did go see Yunis, Ramshaw and Goodyear, all were excellent and I would recommend all three. I based the final decision on I had a free place to recovery at. Go back and read my posts and maybe you can figure out which Dr.
Not sure if you are in southern OH but Ramshaw I think is in Knoxville TN which is not that far, if your insurance will cover the costs.
Good luck
top hwrnia in wisvonsin
It is strange but I know every aspect of my first surgery but my second I guess I trusted the surgeon and we discussed the type of mesh before surgery but when my recovery was so fast it did not matter which mesh he used. I think both Dr. Goodyear and Towfigh or maybe it was another surgeon who stated it is not so much of what type of mesh but the experience, knowledge and ability of the surgeon with the mesh they use. My thought is The worst surgeon using the best mesh does not make any difference but the best surgeon using mesh that they are experienced with does.
Again from what I understand you do not mess around with a femoral hernia. I was not too happy finding out I was walking around with a ticking time bomb.
I am happy with my second surgery but it was totally unnecessary if I would have been referred to a hernia specialist the first time. I asked all of the right questions and got the right answers only to find out afterward the answers were just what the surgeon and staff wanted me to hear and to obtain consent. My sixth sense told me something was not right with the first surgeon but everyone I spoke with said how great he was and I would completely back to normal in six to eight weeks. Go with your gut feeling.
After my second surgery I was standing, walking and climbing over a chain link fence in 6 days, probably not what the Dr. would recommend but he said do what feels ok without lifting or too strenuous.
top hwrnia in wisvonsin
Hi Seeker,
You can check all of my posts but my original surgery was for a Inguinal hernia which now I do not think I had but I think it was an Incisional hernia. My quote remarkable , world class surgeon who performed hernia surgeries all of the time, would only do mesh. I think he did not have the experience, skill or ability to do a non mesh surgery. About six weeks after this surgery things changed drastically and I think that is when my femoral hernia occurred. The original hospital had me see about 6 or 7 different Drs. with none ordering any imaging studies. I suffered a lot. I was than diagnosed with another inguinal hernia on the other side. Finally after 2 years of pain and suffering got new insurance and went to see three of the top hernia specialists in the nation. I decided on one and when he went in to fix the left side hernia he found the femoral hernia and than removed the old mesh.
I might sound like a broken record but get and read Unaccountable before your surgery, it will open your eyes. My trust level for medical care is still very low.
As for a femoral hernia and not being a Dr. is not one to wait around for long and I would go with what Dr Towfigh recommends but a large factor is what is your surgeon is familiar with and what type of mesh they work with day in and day out.
Make sure you get all of your questions asked. See the slideshow that was posted and I think I did a post regarding what questions to ask. Ask for a copy of the informed consent now to review and ask questions.
Can I ask what state?
Good luck and ask anymore questions. I answer as best as I can.
Femoral hernia
I had a very fast recovery that I have described in detail on this site. My ordeal started about 6 years ago and over three since my corrective and femoral surgery. The pain is gone and almost 95% movement back on the side with the femoral hernia. Big improvement over after everything went south after my first surgery.
Hope your recovery goes well and as fast as mine.
Femoral hernia
Glad to hear the surgery went well.
I went almost two years in pain with an undiagnosed femoral hernia that was found while fixing another hernia and mesh removal.
Surgeon Secrets
This is the short version of Unaccountable.
When I was reading this I did a lot of what was described but still ended up with a terrible Dr. for my first surgery. The staff all said how great he was and he did the hernia surgeries all of the time but it was all a lie. Be very careful when selecting a Dr.
top hwrnia in wisvonsin
The book Unaccountable will open your eyes to the care we really get. I found every chapter to could be directly related to my remarkable care from my first botched surgery. Love for you to read it and review it here. Starts out with a hernia problem.
If took two years of battling my insurance company to let me see a real hernia expert. I told them I would pay all travel expenses and gave them a list of 10 or so experts. They came back with a Dr. in my area that I have never heard of before. I was told he was a hernia specialist. Did research on him and could not find any information. I was told I had to see him in person to find out anything about him. So I wasted over an hour only to find out he just passed his boards, never had done a hernia surgery on his own and never any removal or nerve surgery. He also never did any specialized training in this area. I sad no way.
My wifes insurance changed and we had the option to go to a POS I think.
I have no idea how Medicare or Medicaid works. My insurance company was surprised that the cost was lower than in state.
Good Luck.
top hwrnia in wisvonsin
I mentioned the legal aspect in case things go really bad like a male unable to perform by botched surgery and a month ago I was talking to someone in the medical field and she stated a friend of hers died during a hernia surgery.
My first was open by a Dr. who I should have never been referred to. He was a quote hernia specialist that did hernia surgeries all of time. found out afterword he had not done one in over 18 months and one of his staff members stated he had so little knowledge of doing hernia surgeries he probably did not know what mesh was approved at the facility. World class!
North of Lake Suzy.
I think if you research both Dr.s mentioned have multiple reviews and news stories about them. My choice between Ramshaw, Goodyear and Yunis was hard since they all were so understanding, involved and seemed to care. It came down to me that I had a place to stay for a week free. I like the idea of a Dr. that does not have a resident and their own surgical team. It was interesting they also know each other. After my first surgery trusting anyone in the medical field was very hard.
Not sure if I mentioned it before but I called and spoke with Dr G, Goodyear, Ramshaw, Peterson and Yunis each of them at least once but I might have spoken to each of them 2 or more times during office hours and office , after hours and not being billed, very impressive plus these calls lasted over 30 minutes. Totally different than my experience with my local highland ave hospital.
Again get the book Unaccountable, it was available at one time in the Dane library system. It will really open your eyes.
top hwrnia in wisvonsin
Hi Marcello71,
Sorry to hear your ordeal has not moved forward. It is hard after your first surgery goes bad and than no one knows what to do to fix it and you have to fight for every bit of help you can get to resolve the pain and suffering and get your life back.
Ramshaw, I think is up and practicing at UT not that much further than Kentucky. Enjoy a meal at Calhoun’s On The River before surgery and than get a place in the Smoky’s near Gatlinburg to recovery for the week. Dr G is in Cleveland or if you can get to see Goodyear, Chen, Yunis or Towfigh. It took me 2 years battling my insurance company and finally I had a chance to change insurance to see anyone in the nation but with a 4 figure deductible. My recovery after my second surgery by a real hernia expert was amazing. I could have flown home that day and I was climbing over a chain link fence within 6 days. I am sure not recommended but the Dr. never told me I couldn’t do it but I felt so much better. Your recovery and outcome could be very different.
Your comment about research was very interesting, since this also happened to me at the same facility but different department. Dr. said if I(Dr) could get research money I would learn and do this specific procedure. He would not even attempt it and this being a non invasive procedure that was being preformed at an athletic club in town at the time. Very world class!
Also in Wisconsin there is a little known law that protects state employees against lawsuits with a cap of a whopping $250,000. UW Health is part of the state of Wisconsin. So ask the Dr. if they would sign a waiver of their rights under that provision. If not your legal rights as a patient are greatly reduced, very few lawyers will take a malpractice case with such a small settlement.
Good luck. Beenthere!
top hwrnia in wisvonsin
Gardner, It looks like from your response that either you or your insurance allows you to see almost anyone in the world unlike most of us. I mentioned Germany for another reason if you are local to UW Health.
Pick up the book Unaccountable. Your statement about seeing the Director of Surgery at leading teaching facility reminds me of a chapter in the book. He could have done the surgery but maybe he had not performed a hernia surgery for years or a resident did your surgery. Who knows but the surgical team. Its hard going into a supposedly minor surgery and coming out in pain and changes your whole life and than dealing with hopefully getting it fixed so you can move on. I remember when my wife was driving me to my first hernia surgery I was kind of day dreaming and started thinking of the old nursery rhyme humpty dumpty, maybe it was sixth sense and I should had her turn around.
I read the post but I could not find were it stated Dr. Greenberg did the surgery, maybe I missed it.
As someone who”s parents and myself were born at the old UW hospital, grow up in the dirt when they were building the current facility our family had many Dr. friends as neighbors and they stated if you need basic surgery go to General or Methodist but if you need cutting edge go to where Dr Greenberg practices.
Dr Greenberg might be the best surgeon,( who seems to be very thoughtful and honest) in the nation but there are many how do this all day long and have done hundreds if not thousand of removal’s’ instead one here and there.
Get a copy or review all of your medical records, I was shocked when I reviewed mine.
Wish you the best, it is a hard decision to make. Beenthere!
top hwrnia in wisvonsin
I was talking about one specific hospital. In the study by a j Russ on post hernia surgical pain done at this facility. In the text i was 1 percent off (24) is the correct number. I may be reading it wrong, since i am not that smart.
Also two fellow Doctors at this facility in two different departments stated that they know it could be as high as 30% again only at this facility. One also stated that the facility was putting together a committee to find out why the figure was so high and outcomes were so bad.
Please google the study and if i am wrong i will say so. I stand by the numbers for now.