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MemberJune 28, 2017 at 12:18 am in reply to: So mentally destroyed – right inguinal hernia repair with mesh – 4 years laterYou can use the search bar on this forum to find doctors that do mesh removal. I’m sure you can find someone who takes Medicare but you first need to have a consult to make sure the doctor feels it’s the mesh that is really causing you a problem. Are you willing to travel? If not search for the state that you are in. Maybe Dr Towfigh can refer you to someone close to your home.
Best of luck. Keep us posted.
Mel -
I had daily pain especially after a bowel movement. I would have to lay down for hours. The pain was so intense and I became so bloated and swollen. I was told that after each BM it would push the fatty hernia further into the femoral canal. I also had back pain and leg pain. I feel like there is some nerve pain along the border of the mesh but will have to deal with that later. The surgery did help the main problem of pain after BMs! so that’s a plus. Hernia are no fun….and sometimes have to be redone. I hate the fact that I had it in the first place.
Right now the pain is to the right of the belly button where they removed the 2nd hernia. I feel pulling and pain when ever I use my abdominals or lean forward or backward. I hope removing them will resolve that pain.
It’s just a bad day for me….yesterday my lower back started to feel pain and now my back is out! I can barely walk. I didn’t do anything so I think I must have slept wrong because it started after I woke. Also having a lot of IBS/SIBO issues right now and am praying all will settle down for July 3rd. Either way, I am having this surgery…even if they have to bring me to the hospital on a stretcher because of my back. Can’t cancel again!
After much back and forth….I finally got the surgical coordinator to call me back today with a date to have these damn sutures out. At first she told me July 21st which is 4 weeks away and it really took me for a loop. I can’t wait that long! I had surgery scheduled for June 2nd and had to cancel due to illness. The surgery was scheduled in the surgery center. I asked her to check his hospital schedule and she said how about July 3rd. Now that’s better!
So I am finally going to get these sutures out that are causing me so daily pain. I can’t lean forward or back…any abdominal strain pulls on the sutures and causes pain. I can feel the little knots right under the skin near the belly button. I also have some swelling in that area.
I also started to feel pain again when exercising in the pool…doing some bicycle moves with my legs in the deep end and some lunges in the shallow end. but….not just where the sutures are.I feel the pain in the groin where they fixed the femoral hernia. I always had some shooting nerve pain when touching a certain spot in the groin area. I don’t even want to think about that now.If I don’t exercise and I don’t press there it doesn’t hurt. I just want to take care of the suture removal by the belly button and pray it will help. I can re evaluate the femoral area later on and if need be go for a consult with someone else.
I can’t believe it took them so long to get back to me for a new surgical date. I’ve been calling since last week and finally got a date today Friday! maybe they were punishing me for cancelling…but I would have been turned away from the anesthesiologist if I showed up for the surgery. I was just so sick….
Oh well, timing is everything.
mel -
my femoral hernia was repaired with mesh and tacks. I don’t seem to be having a problem with that. The problem that I am having is with the small hernia they found near the bellybutton. It was so small that they just used a few permanent sutures. That’s where I am having the issue. I had to cancel my procedure yesterday due to a flu. When I am feeling better I will reschedule and do the surgery. I was told that at seven months it should be healed pretty well so they will remove the permanent sutures and if necessary just put a few dissolvable sutures in there. I’m hoping that that will work out better. I still feel tugging and pulling and I’m hoping once those permanent sutures are removed it will remove a lot of the tension and pain. Keeping my fingers crossed. Good luck to you -
De Towfigh
yes i am thin skinned! Small frame and 90 lbs …so a flat tummy. He put in multiple sutures so hopefully once they are out the pain will subside as well as the pulling. I hope the muscle didn’t heal too tightly and continue to cause pain. Only getting them out and giving it time will tell.
mel -
Saw the surgeon. He felt the knotted sutures coming up towards the surface. Scheduled surgery remove the surgery June 2. Should be better from this virus by then.
I had to cancel be use of illness. Bad virus and still recovering. Going to see the surgeon again tomorrow for exam and reschedule surgery.
Has anyone else had this ? -
Ok good luck. At least you don’t need surgery!! Hope you feel better fast!
Did you go to the doctor yet?
mel -
Because I have interstitial cystitis and PFD they never looked outside the box. The pain was debilitating especially after BMs. My pelvi pain dr gave me a bunch of trigger point injections which made things worse and also sent me to PT which crippled me. I started to think outside the box and wound up going to a sports hernia doctor in NYC who did not accept insurance so I had to pay for the consult.
He quickly told me I think you have a femoral hernia. He sent me to his hospital for an MRI with valsalva maneuver and calls to tell me I had an incarcerated femoral hernia.You can do a search in this site for doctors in you area. I’m sure someone will respond with the name of a reputable doctor for you to go to and have this checked.
Be persistent. Don’t give up. I knew the pain was more than just PFD….which is painful in itself… but this was different.
best of luck. Please keep us posted
mel -
Yes. Glad you are going Thursday. Please keep us posted. Does it hurt? Try not to stress you will get this examined and resolved soon.
I had an incarcerated femoral hernia but was in pain for 7 months before they figured out what I had. I had surgery October 2016. They also found a small hernia near my belly button. The femoral hernia was repaired with mesh and the one near the belly button was sutured. I never had any pain in my belly near my belly button. I only had pain by the femoral hernia and after bowel movements. I was told this was because I was pushing more fat into the femoral canal.
By the time they did the surgery they said the fat was stuffed inside the femoral canal.i did not do any excercie or
lifting for months after. I stared to ease my way into walking and then at about 4 months the elliptical machine. I noticed an increase in pain so had to stop. It was stirring things up.my problem now is that I am having terrible pain by the bellybutton and belly. I was told it’s probably suture rejection and I am looking at doing another surgery now. So obviously not exercising.
Good luck with your MRI results and hope it’s not a hernia.
has anyone had suture rejection problems. I did a post a few weeks ago but no responses 🙁 -
You need to get it checked. It doesn’t sound right. If it’s not a hernia it could be an infection. Please don’t wait.
Having sutures removed Tuesday. Fingers crossed. Hope he gets them all. Not sure what this means hernia wise. I never even knew I had a hernia there. They only found it when fixing my femoral hernia. I never had pain there either. Now I have pain all the time. I will be happy once the sutures are gone and hopefully the pain goes away
mel -
Dr Towfigh
just an update. I went for the second opinion and he said it was a reaction the the sutures and to get them out. He also spoke highly of my surgeon and told
me to go back to him. He said he would also call him. So I asked why would he do that. Obviously they know each other and he assured me he was an excellent surgeon and would be able to go in and remove them. I told him I felt akward about it…. anyway I called my surgeon and we spoke on the phone. He’s al Amy’s been very receptive to what I’ve been saying and believes I have pain. I guess he just wanted to wait and see if it resolved itself.He said he would go in and remove them. Of course he would not guarantee that all pain would be gone. I guess he just has to cover himself.
He said he’s had to go in and remove sutures before when they were attached to mesh but never had to go in and remove for an isolated incident like this but asured me could remove them.
he did send me to pain management to see if they could inject but that doctor also felt it was the sutures and needed to come out.The pain has gotten worse. I cannot push down on the area without feeling pain and then provoking pain for a long time afterwards. It hurt when the doctor did the exam today pressing on it having me sit-up, turn and cough. He said at least it wasn’t a hernia reoccurrence.
I hope that once these are out I will feel better. Any thoughts.?
right now it feels tight when I stretch or use those abdominals or lean forward and then back.
Do you think the muscles healed too tightly or will
it loosen up once those sutures are out?So tired of this pain.
Mel -
MemberApril 25, 2017 at 11:13 pm in reply to: Abdominal Distension & Bloating – Common Symptoms of an Inguinal Hernia?I had an incarcerated femoral hernia and would wake up ok but by the end of the day I would be bloated or swollen. it would happen even if I didn’t eat ….just from walking around. By the end of the day it would be uncomfortable. I also have IBS but what I was experiencing was different. With time after healingbfrommthe surgery it got better.
Good luck with your appointment
Mel -
I am having pain and discomfort at the site of where a hernia near my belly button was removed. No mesh was placed it was just sutured. I have had pain since surgery. the first week to there was a large swelling and doctor thought it was a seroma. He tried to drain it when I was in his office but not nothing came out. He said it had already solidified and said it would get absorbed but might take a few months. I also told him it felt tight and pulling.
So here I am 6 months later with same daily pain. It hurt more when I sit up or lean back or forward from a sitting position. I feel pain anytime I use those abdominal muscles. Then it stays sore for a while.
I finally did a CT scan and saw the surgeon Friday. He said everything looked fine on scan.
I had him feel area and showed him on CT where the pain was. We used a little round metal marker on the pain area when taking the scan. He felt the hard knotted lumps and reviewed his notes and then said he used permanent sutures and that could be causing some pain and could go away with more time. He referred me to pain management to have it injected. I’m not too thrilled about this.
He said if this didn’t work out he could go back in and remove the sutures. He also said that even removing the sutures there is a 50 % chance the pain could remain.
Im ready for another opinion and making an appointment with someone today.
Im really starting to lean towards suture problem. Maybe thats why nothing drained when he thought it was a seroma! I just want this resolved. My suegert was for incarcerated femoral hernia. He only found this by chance and removed and sutured it when he was done. I think the femoral
hernia with mesh is ok.
Mel -
I am having pain and discomfort at the site of where a hernia near my belly button was removed. No mesh was placed it was just sutured. I have had pain since surgery. the first week to there was a large swelling and doctor thought it was a seroma. He tried to drain it when I was in his office but not nothing came out. He said it had already solidified and said it would get absorbed but might take a few months. I also told him it felt tight and pulling.
So here I am 6 months later with same daily pain. It hurt more when I sit up or lean back or forward from a sitting position. I feel pain anytime I use those abdominal muscles. Then it stays sore for a while.
I finally did a CT scan and saw the surgeon Friday. He said everything looked fine on scan.
I had him feel area and showed him on CT where the pain was. We used a little round metal marker on the pain area when taking the scan. He felt the hard knotted lumps and reviewed his notes and then said he used permanent sutures and that could be causing some pain and could go away with more time. He referred me to pain management to have it injected. I’m not too thrilled about this.
He said if this didn’t work out he could go back in and remove the sutures. He also said that even removing the sutures there is a 50 % chance the pain could remain.
Im ready for another opinion and making an appointment with someone today.
Im really starting to lean towards suture problem. Maybe thats why nothing drained when he thought it was a seroma! I just want this resolved. My suegert was for incarcerated femoral hernia. He only found this by chance and removed and sutured it when he was done. I think I -
Oops…phone froze. Anyway. I went to my appointment and reviews the scan. I showed him in the scan exactly where the pain was. I could see a dark area and pointed it to him. I also explained the pain and when I have it I had him touch the area which feels like a hard round marble. Actually in 2 places close to one another. He reviewed my chart and had a thought that it could be the permanent suture that he used. He didn’t use dissolvable sutures and it could be that I am reacting to the permanent suture and there could be some granulation tissue. He said that if it doesn’t resolve he could do a quick procedure and remove the suture and clean the area. There’s also a very small area of fat that formed there and he could remove that too. He suggested going to pain management to have them inject it with lido and a steroid. Maybe even do that a few times. The issue I’m having is that I’ve had steroid shots in the past that actually ate away at my fat and left a huge dent. Once in my buttocks that took 2 years to fill in and once in my face for a small cystic acne. I needed to have corrective cosmetic surgery for that! I don’t want a dent or defect near my belly button!
has anyone else had a reaction like this to a suture? The hernia and mesh feel ok and I don’t have the hernia pain that I had last summer!
It’s just this one area. It hurts every day. Its not going away.Dr Towfigh what do you think! I contacted dr marc Jacob in NY and he gave me a referral to dr Jarrod Kaufman near me. Thats when I didn’t know it was this suture issue.
Thoughts anyone?