News Feed Discussions Dr. Towfigh and others – tightness/heaviness after 8 months – tissue repair

  • Dr. Towfigh and others – tightness/heaviness after 8 months – tissue repair

    Posted by ajm222 on October 18, 2023 at 10:28 am

    I had a tissue repair (most similar to Bassini) about 8 months ago with Dr. Belyansky. I continue to have heaviness and tightness in the area. I also have some testicular sensitivity/soreness. It’s been this way since the repair (didn’t just start several months later or anything). Wondering if this can or will improve at all over time as scar tissue and remodeling change over the months and years to come. I have read sometimes it can take internal scar tissue up to a couple of years to mature.

    As a reminder, the tissue repair came after a robotic mesh placement and then robotic mesh removal (the latter was also Belyansky). So I have lots going on. And likely some of the sensations were already present from the original mesh surgery plus removal. I know it’s not typical to continue to have these sensations this long after a successful tissue repair with no other complicating factors.

    I also think I have some PTSD from everything and have always been quite sensitive to pain and discomfort. Considering SSRIs for a while to see if I can shut the intrusive thoughts down and heightened sensitivity. When I am relaxed and not obsessing about it, it tends to improve.


    Oceanic replied 1 year, 3 months ago 4 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • sensei_305

    November 7, 2023 at 1:55 am

    Hey man, I,too had tissue repair done this past Thursday. Bilateral and via open incision with dissolvable sutures. Right side 100 painless, left side im getting stabbed if doing sudden movement like lifting leg over bathtub when getting out of shower. This pain took the wind out of me to the point I could not place foot flat on the ground. Went away as soon as I laid in bed or try to walk it off.

    • Good intentions

      November 7, 2023 at 4:51 pm

      Sensei, you’re back. Who did your repair?

      • sensei_305

        November 7, 2023 at 7:28 pm

        Hey brother, Eduardo Parra-Davila in West Palm. Finances changed so traveling was not a possibility this time.

        • Oceanic

          November 15, 2023 at 2:27 pm

          I could barely walk to start with and then it was painful to walk any distance, but day by day I could increase my range. Hang in there it should get better, just listen to your body it wants to heal, give it a few weeks/months and you’ll notie week by week things improve.

      • Good intentions

        November 7, 2023 at 7:26 pm
  • ajm222

    October 18, 2023 at 5:22 pm

    Thanks, GI. I appreciate the encouragement. It’s odd that some weeks I feel good and others not good at all. And no real rhyme or reason in terms of activity or rest. At any rate, I had thought you were feeling quite good a couple of years ago and had mostly gotten back to feeling like you could do most anything. But it seems like maybe you weren’t in fact quite there yet. I don’t doubt that healing takes a long time, but of course it’s always frustrating when most say after a couple of months they’re basically back to normal, even if there are tiny things here and there that they may feel. But it doesn’t disrupt their life. The way I’m feeling now is definitely disruptive. I do have a suspicion I may have some sort of issue with subconscious tension causing a lot of the soreness. That’s why I really should try and get on maybe a temporary medication to allow myself to relax. Worked for me in the past in a similar situation, also involving something in the pelvic area.

  • Good intentions

    October 18, 2023 at 5:07 pm

    Sorry that you’re stuck in a slow process AJM. I don’t know if it helps to remind you that I had no repairs after mesh removal and I’m coming up on six years since removal and just now feeling like I can do several consecutive very active days without worrying too much about after-effects. And I’m still discovering new ways to make things better, like by buying a different type of belt. My old belt was too stiff and rubbed on the site of the hernia, I think. A softer fabric belt makes a difference.

    I never expected to spend so much time focused on a single part of my body, but that’s where I am today.

    Don’t get too down. Eight months is still early. The doctors don’t want to tell you that but they know.

  • ajm222

    October 18, 2023 at 1:29 pm

    Hey GI –

    I never ran that much. I was at times running about 15 miles per week. But since the tissue repair, with a few exceptions, I no longer run at all. I try and find that balance, and I’ve had good weeks and bad. But most of my exercise now is either walking or doing yard work. Too afraid to run much anymore, and it’s not very pleasant.

  • Good intentions

    October 18, 2023 at 12:35 pm

    Are you still running 10 miles per day? I have found that resting is as important as moving. Basically, life becomes a lot more mental than spontaneous. You have to plan a balance between rest and action. You have to give up some of the things you want to do in order to let things heal and adjust.

    But I’ve also found that eventually the extensive thought and planning is not as necessary. In my case it took years.

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