News Feed Discussions Shouldice surgery – 8 months update

  • Shouldice surgery – 8 months update

    Posted by Watchful on August 2, 2023 at 12:27 pm

    It has been 8 months now since my Shouldice surgery for the large (scrotal) long-standing indirect hernia that I had. This surgery was performed at the Shouldice Hospital.

    I reported on the recovery in various threads. I’ve had some neuropathic symptoms, tissue pain, and other discomfort. Groin pain when standing for a long time, and a feeling of pressure and pain when sitting for a long time. In terms of the degree of pain and discomfort, I would characterize those symptoms as moderate – not severe, but not mild either.

    In this update, I’m happy to report that things improved over the last month. The symptoms aren’t gone, but they are significantly milder at this time. I took an anti-inflammatory drug which seems to have helped.

    The repair has been holding up well so far. No sign of a recurrence.

    I feel quite a bit better about choosing this repair now, but it has been a long recovery journey, and I still have some symptoms. Fortunately, they’re at an acceptable level at this point.

    I’ll post another update at my 1-year anniversary.

    Watchful replied 1 year, 6 months ago 6 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Watchful

    August 9, 2023 at 11:39 pm

    I was surprised too in my case. Like you said, recovery varies from person to person, and it can take a long time. This surgery is a bit brutal to be honest. If you look at the video posted by BioHernia on YouTube of this procedure, you’d be surprised that patients don’t come out of it in a lot worse shape…

  • Sam E

    August 9, 2023 at 10:09 am

    thanks for your quick response and kind words.

    I only take ibuprofen when it gets inflamed badly.

    I am very surprised at the slowness of the recovery from a pain/movement standpoint given that the suggestion I should be able to go back to moderate activities, slowly, after about 1 month. 3 months later, here I am.

    One of the surgeons that I saw for the potential option for mesh method informed me that the pain going in surgery is usually equal to the pain coming out. There is also a study online somewhere that says the same thing. Alot of the people I met at Shouldice at my time there- were not in PAIN prior to the surgery- just that their hernia was bothering them. So i try to comfort myself with the idea that everyone is different and it takes time, but im surprised at the 3 month mark here I am. I was very diligent post surgery with restrictions, diet, icing, im abit sad that im still dealing with it.
    We’ll see how the meeting goes shortly.

  • Watchful

    August 8, 2023 at 11:00 pm

    Hi Sam,

    You should expect further improvement even well beyond the 3-month mark, so don’t be overly alarmed by the current symptoms unless you’re experiencing something severe. This procedure takes a long time to heal in my experience. I don’t think I would have been able to handle an elliptical at 3 months, but I probably could now at 8 months.

    What pills are you taking for this?

    I did follow up in person one time, and later on by video call. I don’t know what they would say in your particular case, but my guess is that they will suggest anti-inflammatory drugs and pregabalin or something similar (if you have nerve symptoms). Also, hot compresses and massages to increase the blood flow to the area and expedite the healing.

    I hope things get better for you as they did for me, only faster.

  • Sam E

    August 8, 2023 at 9:09 pm

    Hi there Watchful,
    Question for ya..
    Did you follow up in person with Shouldice after the surgery/being discharged?
    I am just at the 3 month mark post inguinal hernia surgery, and I have pain when doing activities (nerve+inflammation, general soreness). I can walk fine, but using an elliptical can cause the above to appear- but I can manage to bring it down with pills etc.

    I booked a follow up appointment and I am expecting the usual- we dont know anything about this follow up with your doctor run around. I have stopped trying to do activities at this point as I find it mentally draining (am I making things better or worse by trying to push through and do an activity).
    Im kind’ve guessing that the follow up will be a complete and utter waste of time.
    BTW- glad to hear you are on the up and up.

  • Oceanic

    August 3, 2023 at 3:50 am

    Happy to hear things are still improving for you Watchful, wishing you a speedy and full recovery. I know after having some major surgery on my arm it was still improving even after the 1 year point so stay positive.

  • David M

    August 2, 2023 at 5:38 pm

    Glad to hear you’re doing better!

  • Watchful

    August 2, 2023 at 4:44 pm

    It sounds like it’s likely to improve further for you as well, ajm222.

    I find the concept of “chronic” pain to be a bit misleading. It’s typically defined as pain at 3+ months, or sometimes 6+ months post surgery. The term “chronic” has a connotation of something that persists permanently. It’s important to realize that this is not necessarily the case. Even chronic pain can improve or even resolve with time – it may just take longer than 3 or 6 months.

  • ajm222

    August 2, 2023 at 2:10 pm

    Thanks for the update. That’s encouraging. I had a modified Bassini-type repair from Dr. Belyansky in February and I’ve had similar discomfort, though I also had mesh removal a couple years prior to that. The symptoms are somewhat similar to the feelings I had prior to the tissue repair so much of it may be a carry over. But I’ve also had some improvement over time even with those. Hoping another 6 months will see even more. Given my circumstances I have no expectations of ever being the same, and currently just glad to be able to get around and still live my life to a decent degree. We’ll see. Still have some fullness in that area, and some testicular sensitivity, along with the on and off soreness. Anyway, glad to hear you’re doing better. It definitely can take some time for many of us.

  • Watchful

    August 2, 2023 at 1:26 pm

    Thanks, William. Indeed, time is needed, and the body has some amazing abilities to adapt and heal. It’s very important not to freak out or despair prematurely. Of course, sometimes the healing can’t happen even with time, but luckily it looks like I’m on a good path.

  • William Bryant

    August 2, 2023 at 1:06 pm

    Wells done Watchful..I had a feeling things would improve for you. Glad they have. As you must be.

    Like I said many times, even when I had minor non hernia stomach surgery it took a year to year and a half for me to be pain free.

    You’re doing well

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