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quote Jnomesh:It’s not only the technique but the surgeon performing the technique. Did not look at your link but dr. Tomas specializes in this technique and this is basically all he does.
the shouldice technique is a little bit more for lack of a better word “invasive” but it’s results reported seem second to none. Again you have to match the technique to the surgeon and the Shouldice Hospital is really only the best place to goto to get this done and done right.
i commend you in your path in seeking a non mesh repair!Jnomesh YEP!! Agree too much more “invasive” more stitches ..more getting deeply inside ,more tissue separations…more pain..more long term problems.. ….What do you mean “results reported seem second to none” ? Yep looking with NO mesh :}
What i am thinking some doctors who specializing in one method has tendency to use it for all cases..regardless ..like one method and tool fits all… :} This is a problem ! ..Dr Tomas is very confident and i believe is excellent but what if in my case more reasonable to use other method ?
Do you think that would better to check with doctor who use multiple no mesh methods … my hernia located very low on the side almost near testicle?
quote Chaunce1234:Adding additional names just in case this could be helpful to any patient. Here is a list of US-based hernia surgeons who are apparently able to perform no-mesh hernia repair in the USA, though the technique may not always be the Shouldice method. Inquire directly with each doctor to confirm independently, and to see if that type of procedure is applicable to your specific case:
– Dr Shirin Towfigh in Los Angeles, California
– Dr David Chen in Los Angeles, California
– Dr Edward Phillips in Los Angeles, California
– Dr Robert Burns in Newport Beach, California
– Dr William Brown in Fremont, California
– Dr Paul Dally in Vancouver, Washington
– Dr Robert Martindale in Portland, Oregon
– Dr Michael Mastrangelo in Bend, Oregon
– Dr Kevin Petersen in Las Vegas, Nevada
– Dr John Etlinger in San Antonio, Texas
– Dr Zafar Parvez in Gallup, New Mexico
– Dr Samer Sbayi in Long Island, New York
– Dr Michael Reinhorn in Newton Massachussets
– Dr Igor Belyansky in Annapolis Maryland
– Dr William Meyers in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
– Dr David Grischkan in Cleveland, Ohio
– Dr Paul Szotek in Indianapolis, Indiana
– Dr Bruce Ramshaw in Knoxville, Tennessee
– Dr Jonathan Yunis in Sarasota, Florida
– Dr Robert Tomas in Fort Meyers, Florida
Please add other names of doctors if you know of any.
Dr David Chen is offering now No mesh BUT laparoscopic surgery? How that possible ?
quote idoncov:You probably mean 4cm, not 4mm?
Dr Brown is not a fan of meshes. He’s very responsive and will answer your questions personally.
Dr Brown is Amazing Person !
quote drtowfigh:Biologic mesh has a role, but not typically for recurrent hernias. I used to use them for some patients at risk for mesh-rated allergy or chronic pain who couldn’t be closed with just non-mesh repair. I’ve moved to the hybrid meshes.
Thank you a lot dear Dr !
quote acausal23:I have read that one shouldn’t use serrapeptase – an enzyme that takes away scar tissue, and combats inflammation, if you have had hernia repair done with mesh. This is because scar tissue they said is what the mesh depends on to work. I don’t fully understand. Does anyone know anything about this?
Great point ! make sense …But if you dont….it is great product
quote Good intentions:Did you copy that directly from the source? There is something wrong with the sentence structure since it basically compares “mesh” to “mesh”. The sentence does not really have any meaning.
Do you have the original link? It looks familiar.
It is from e/mail they sent me ! most was interesting below….. no one offer it here
” we have found the very best way to introduce the mesh is within the abdominal wall muscle. Between the layers, if you will ”Here is below what dr. Arthur Gilbert says..i really dont like it
Good afternoon Mr. ……Thanks for contacting the Hernia Institute of Florida with your recent inquiry.
We do not use biologic mesh. Our mesh has two layers – one under the muscle and one above.
You can contact Dr. Towfigh at Beverly Hills or Dr. David Chen at UCLA for other options.
Best regards-
Hernia Institute of Florida -
quote Good intentions:Dr. Towfigh’s practice page has some comments about biologic meshes. Click on “Biologic Mesh” if it doesn’t show up.
Thank you dear Good Intentions …would love to know a bit more about it… :}
quote jeffmensch:What is people’s opinion about Mesh/Non-Mesh procedures to repair RECURRENT inguinal hernia; I had a J & J ETHICON PROLENE HERNIA SYSTEM had for my Hernia surgery in March 2008. It is now RECURRENT and my CT Scan shows I need surgery and may have a SECOND Hernia; I have read HORRIBLE issues with Mesh including the Bard 3dMax that my Surgeon recommends; I am SCARED; I have read about the Shouldice, McVay Repair, Bassini Repair:, and Desarda Repair. Does ANYOne have IDEAS, EXPERIENCE, SUGGESTIONs? Thanks, Jeff
I am wondering if it can be done with Biological mesh ?
Do you mean traditional hernia repair ..without that stupid mash ?
Yep.I had a similar ..I think it when hernia just happen and small
MemberJuly 11, 2018 at 10:18 pm in reply to: Need help/advice…2 months post op-Robotic femoral and inguinal repairSoooo Sorry to hear it !!! Tryingly unbelievable what some doctors are doing to us! They offer us cure witch worse than disease.What are they thinking before offering those surgeries ? ..I think if even once they themselves were suffering the way those patients did after their work , they would think twice before make a cut .
I am thinking what if to do old school surgery but combine it with
Biological Mesh Implants …just in case ? -
quote Jeremy B:I too have a comfort Truss by George Hirst and I was part of his testing group, so I have a few of the test models.
They are way more comfortable than any others I have tried, and keep my hernia reduced most of the time. I go Mountain biking and snowboarding so I definitely put them to the test. All praise aside, I’m so sick of having to put on a truss everyday and am greatly considering surgery; Im just sooo afraid of a potential bad outcome that might leave me worse off than my current state.I am with you ! OMG..it is hard to trust so many doctors..i have no pain just pup up bit :{
MemberJune 25, 2018 at 10:19 am in reply to: Feedback regarding Dr. William Brown, MD in Freemont CAquote drtowfigh:For bilateral inguinal hernias, consider also laparoscopic option. Better outcomes and lower recurrence rates.Can that be done with No mesh ?
MemberJune 25, 2018 at 9:05 am in reply to: Best way to determine a direct or indirect Inguinal hernia???quote Jeremy B:Thank you Chaunce1234, I will keep up the search for a radiologist that can confidently perform an ultrasound with valsava.It is so frustrating that the majority of doctors or radiologists here don’t do this or have an interest outside of just opening me up and stapling down some plastic; This sounds terrifying to me.
I guess in America we are quick to slap a bandage on the issue and hope for the best. my apologies for the rant, I’m just so frustrated.
Right now my thoughts are, Try to live with this thing or travel to Dr. Brown,Dr. Towfigh, Dr Ponsky or Dr. Kang.-Jeremy
Totally Agree !!! But who is Dr Ponsky ?
quote routern7:Thanks for your reply @dog
yes I talked to Dr Brown on the phone, He said he wants to remove the mesh without giving me evidence. Removal is very tough, I cant just jump into it without proof.He is very good man ! ..Why do you think he said that ?
Thank you ! I have minor one …this one will interfere with back muscle support..i thinking about this one ? What about this one ? https://www.amazon.com/Meditex-Uriel-Right-Inguinal-Hernia/dp/B00DNNJNQ8/ref=sr_1_cc_1_a_it?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1529881159&sr=1-1-catcorr&keywords=belt%2Bhernia&th=1
So sorry to hear it ..Do you know about this doctor ? https://www.sportshernia.com/treating-mesh-pain/surgical-mesh-removal-photo-gallery/