Forum Replies Created
Can neurectomies actually cause pain? Done correctly shouldn’t they relieve pain? Concerned specifically related to mesh removal. If nerves are encased in the mesh they cannot be saved, is that right?
Could someone address neurectomies with mesh removal? I messaged with Dr. Szotek about this, he advised that illioinginal or other nerves can be encased in the mesh and usually cannot be saved. Are there potentially new pain issues when nerves are cut?
Success stories are welcomed.
Surely many members here would like to know more about her new method of diagnosis and treatment.
Specifically the “Intraoperative Nerve Response” (IONR) procedure to identify and localize the cause of pain, and this enables us to eliminate pain in almost all cases.” Can any of the Drs. here comment on this or know what it involves?
Wondering if this is something that can be used before any surgery.
Undetermined Lower Pelvic
Kristin Christensen, DPT is a Physical Therapist at Palo Alto Medical Foundation who is a specialist in pelvic floor issues. Surely there are others as well. Have you read the book “Headache in the Pelvis”? It is very detailed and may help you with specific pain issues in that area.
Turns out my issue is not a pelvic floor problem, maybe tight hip muscles. For the MD’s here, isn’t pudendal neuralgia a problem at the front of the hip area and not related to pelvic floor pain?
Also would a better alternative to surgery be interventional pain management with one or more of the newer techniques available?
MemberJuly 19, 2016 at 3:30 pm in reply to: Years of inconclusive groin pain on right side. Maybe swelling? Maybe Hernia?Years of inconclusive groin pain on right side. Maybe swelling? Maybe Hernia?
Dr. Towfigh,
Thanks for your reply. Symptoms (pain and sensitivity located mostly over pudental nerve sometimes into genital area started 1 year after last surgery in 2013 which was lightweight mesh placed to reinforce a light overlay done in 2010.
I am trying to better understand how you determine if a hernia is present or not, or if there is some sort of nerve problem that is not a hernia. I am in Colorado Springs and looking for a hernia specialist who really knows how to diagnose these issues.
Is the ultrasound the best imaging for this?
Also would your book be helpful for patients without medical background?
Thank you for this forum.
MemberJuly 11, 2016 at 11:33 pm in reply to: Years of inconclusive groin pain on right side. Maybe swelling? Maybe Hernia?Years of inconclusive groin pain on right side. Maybe swelling? Maybe Hernia?
May I ask a followup question? I have very similar pain and sensitivity but no inflammation. Also prior mesh placement 3-5 years ago, first an overlay and later reinforced, both with lightweight mesh.
Is it possible that this could be nerve irritation from mesh? And how is decision made on true cause, if that is possible? I had recent CT, radiologist did not indicate problem. Wonder if different imaging (ultrasound?) or analysis by hernia specialist can show either nerve problem or small hernia as you mentioned.
Do you look for different indications from imaging than a radiologist would?
Thank you.
MemberJuly 18, 2021 at 9:39 am in reply to: ARE THERE NO POSITIVE RESULTS FROM HERNIA MESAH REMOVAL????Dr. Towfigh,
How do you measure success? Do you follow up with patients for a certain time. Are your patients willing to post their success stories here?
Thank you for the forum.
Dr. Towfigh
If one suspects that mesh is affecting the ilioinguinal nerve or another nerve near mesh, would ultrasound guided nerve block be best? Then if nerve is confirmed as the reason for pain is the next step mesh removal with neurectomy?