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MemberMarch 29, 2024 at 2:19 pm in reply to: Airline Travel with Hernia’s – Precautions/Danger Level?I have made now several long haul flights without issues. But I do wear protective underwear, cost 50€ a piece. I lifted heavy luggage, but really lifting is not what is dangerous for your hernia. Coughing is much heavier for the hernia. Thinking of going to see dr Kang, but also afraid in case of complications abroad.
Wish I knew what hernia I have direct or indirect. They say it doesn’t matter (in case of mesh that is true).
The problem with going abroad to Korea is what if there are complications during or after the surgery? The travel insurance will not cover it most likely. Or did you have special insurance Pinto? Or you just risk it?
Already 2 years with a hernia in my case. You have to change your lifestyle avoiding pushing the hernia further.
MemberJanuary 5, 2023 at 1:28 pm in reply to: Airline Travel with Hernia’s – Precautions/Danger Level?What I read somewhere, flying is not much risk. The risk is when you get your luggage from the belt afterwards.
Dr Kang uses local sedation, do you actually feel nothing? I once had surgery with local sedation (not hernia) and when they cut the pain was still one og the highest pain I ever experienced.
In case of hernia better to be strapped to the table because if you move your body during the surgery?
What kind of insurance will cover complications of the surgery? There is travel insurance but will it cover such an event?
I travelled many times in Asia and besides Hep A & B, no vaccinations are needed.
“f you’re a man and your doctor finds that the hernia has extended into your scrotum, the diagnosis is usually an indirect hernia. A direct hernia doesn’t follow that path through the inguinal ring into the scrotum. That means a hernia that forms one side of the groin or the other is most likely a direct hernia.
An indirect hernia may also cause bowel obstruction if it slips into the inguinal ring and becomes swollen in the abdomen. This condition can worsen into a phase known as “strangulation,” which can affect blood flow in the intestines. A direct hernia is less likely to cause strangulation of the bowel.”
MemberDecember 4, 2021 at 3:35 am in reply to: HerniaTalk **LIVE** Q&A: Planning for Hernia Surgery 11/30/2021Is sneezing (due to my allergy) as bad as coughing to create a hernia?
Indeed Cottbus. The ‘local’ Shouldice method, for Desarda I was too old (you need strong tissues for that).
I will keep posting here when time goes by.
I am 12 day post-op from surgery in Cottbud. Zero pain anymore, can walk long without issues. Only thing that reminds me of the surgery is that the scarf that is still hard.
MemberApril 17, 2024 at 1:30 pm in reply to: Interesting obvious reason to continue to train surgeons in pure tissue methods<div>
</div>Are late hernia mesh complications linked to Staphylococci biofilms? | Hernia (springer.com)
Are late hernia mesh complications linked to Staphylococci biofilms? - Hernia
Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate the link between bacterial biofilms and negative outcomes of hernia repair surgery. As biofilms are known to play a role in mesh-related infections, we investigated the presence of biofilms on hernia … Continue reading
Thought Dr Kang would use only local sedation, but if he uses Propofol, then you are actually under “general anesthesia”. One of the reasons to choose Dr Kang is avoiding this.
Propofol is the active component of an intravenous anesthetic formulation used for induction and maintenance of general anesthesia.
There is a bulging “eggsize” that is all. But better it should be fixed in the end. A bit afraid of all what can go wrong with this surgery.
Did he uses also local anesthesia like Kank and Shouldice hospital?
How woould Dr Kang deal with direct en indirect? Since he uses local Anesthesia and the place where he makes his incision depends on the type. Or maybe in your case the hernia was direct but the intestine slide further down and they call it direct-indirect for that reason, but in reality it is just a direct hernia-repair?
What about the open “transrectusschede-preperitoneale procedure” TREPP?
In the article they compare the weight of the sutures compared to mesh implants. It is not the weight but the surface of foreign material that matters.
Indirect : the hernia sack travels in a canal, while direct it pushes against the inguinal canal?
Still I don’t know mine i direct or indirect, even an ultrasonic exam was done