Forum Replies Created
Interestingly, after sending the above post, I received a personal “post” in my messages under my own user name from an unidentified user using my own handle of G. It appears our resident sock puppet is very adroit at assuming other’s existing identities. Just a heads up and more data for us to learn from. The “gaslighting” attempt was rather well done. I’ve got to give our sock puppet an A for effort.
Dr. Towfigh and Good Intentions please don’t be disheartened or disillusioned. You and others on this forum do an invaluable service for those pf us seeking hernia repair. It is the nature of the anonymity of the internet, combined with various individual “agendas” that create the GIGO (garbage in garbage out) environment perpetuated by various “trolls”. I’ve read that online reviews are susceptible to the same types of issues. Various factions can “stack” reviews in this or that way to suit their overall goals. Look at the glass as half full not half empty. Ultimately we use our own discernment when it comes to decision making. I suggest we focus on the positive and learn to recognize the negative.
What I find most entertaining about the puppet master’s show is when it creates multiple puppets conversing with each other. Hilarity ensues when unsuspecting “normies” take the aliases as real and join in the discussion. Unfortunately some people may take some of these puppet creations as real and thus have questionable data at their disposable. Caveat emptor.
MemberSeptember 27, 2023 at 7:49 pm in reply to: Any regrets, insights or advice on mesh removal surgery?Good Intentions, thanks for you comments and the links to your previous postings/sources. The mesh removal industry has become more mainstream and less of an anomaly now. There would seem to be both an altruistic and a financial incentive in further improving outcomes. With input from, and studies of mesh removal patients available more progress can be made.
MemberSeptember 13, 2023 at 8:22 pm in reply to: Seeking recommendations for non-mesh surgeons — Runner’s dilemmaI had a successful no mesh (no Shouldice, no Desarda either) indirect hernia repair by the esteemed and talented Dr. William Brown over three years ago. No pain and no problems. I’m just shy of 70 years of age and still run, weightlift, etc. I also work over 40 hours a week at a traditional job. To say I am a fan of no mesh hernia repairs done by a skilled surgeon would be an understatement. If I could I would recommend Dr. William Brown though I’m unable to now as he is retired. If I ever got another hernia I would check out no mesh hernia surgeon Dr. Kevin Peterson out of Las Vegas Nevada. I believe the name of his business is No Insurance Surgery Inc. If you want to fly to South Korea Dr. Kang is a good option. That’s all I’ve got for you for now. Good luck.
Three years ago on the “twenty something” of August 2020 I had my right side indirect hernia repaired by “no mesh only” doctor William Brown. I was led to choose that time as it was right around the time of the pandemic and I could see how options were disappearing and we were becoming a one sized fits everyone world. For some reason, call it God, intuition whatever I felt that if I didn’t make the appointment with Dr. Brown now I might very well lose the option. Dr. Brown was within driving distance to me and I trusted his skills and character. I had a successful surgery with a great result. No pain and I’m back to life as normal. Not too long after my surgery Dr. William Brown retired.
Dog it is great to hear you did not have a hernia on the other side. And thanks once again for leading me to get my surgery done by the esteemed Dr. Brown. I also had an excellent no mesh result from him. It is unfortunate that certain individuals harangued and besmirched the good doctor and may have encouraged him to retire when he did. We were fortune to have taken advantage of his skills while they still were available. Some of the same echo chamber voices that besmirched Dr. Brown have also done so with Dr. Kang, another no mesh doctor. Very unfortunate when people who contribute nothing destroy people who dedicate their lives to service. At the end of the day thinking people can ascertain the difference between sock puppets, disturbed individuals and hard working professionals. Thus is life, we live and we learn. Or at least some of us do.
spinotza, good luck to you. I never really had pain with my hernia, but it did keep getting bigger. Mine was indirect. I had it successfully repaired. It will be interesting to find out if your two hernias were indirect or direct. Now for the good news, you won’t need to keep pushing your guts back in anymore. That really is a game changer. I had a tissue repair (no shouldice, no desarda) not a mesh repair. I noticed with lots of socialized medicine and with the prevailing USA managed healthcare system, mesh seems to be the primary if not the only option in many cases. It takes courage and tenacity to actually “pull the trigger” and get the surgery over and done with. Pat yourself on the back spinotza, job well done. Here’s wishing you a complete and speedy recovery.
“Talk to the hand” Martin Lawrence 1992.
“You cab fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” Abraham Lincoln. I wondered when someone would catch on. This thread appears to be swarming with sock puppets
sensei_305 I mistakenly typed Dr. Kim rather than Dr. Kang as the pure tissue surgeon in Korea.
sensei_305 I had a pure tissue (no Shouldice, no Desarda) repair done by Dr. William Brown (now retired) about three years ago. No pain, great result. Dr. Brown was a very accomplished surgeon and seemed to care about his patients. He was very sought after and was a proponent of no mesh surgery when very few were. He was at the forefront of mesh removal surgery when others were telling the patient it was all in their mind. I’m about 70 years old now and work full time plus frequent overtime. I also workout at the gym and run for hours on end. Dr. Brown and his wonderful staff gave me my life back. Two pure tissue no mesh surgeons that are still working come to mind. Dr. Kim in Korea and Dr. Peterson in Las Vegas NV. One final note, do your own research and do not put your trust in the echo chamber on this or any forum. Many so called expert patients on this forum came up with poor results after producing walls of text and debating for years. It’s ultimately your call sensei_305. Good luck.
Alephy two other quotes come to mind. “No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people,” attributed to H.L. Mencken. The other is “There’s a sucker born every minute,” attributed to P.T Barnum.
Alephy your post reminds me of a quote by Mark Twain. “There are lies, damn lies and statistics.”
newagehernia are you referring to a type of cloning? I wasn’t aware that tissue cloning was available for the general public at this time. I know tissue expansion has been used to increase daughter cells thus overall volume for burn victims graphs, etc. for a long time.
GI, that is great news. I too have found the judicious use of exercise to be noticeably therapeutic for “what ails me”. The human body is resilient and capable. Thanks for sharing your success story. It seems that what we focus on has a tendency to increase, so hearing good news can be very helpful.
MemberJune 24, 2023 at 1:47 pm in reply to: After mesh removal/going through hernia repair and having problems it’s good toNFG12 and sensei, I’m sorry you two had to go through what you went through. May the knowledge and wisdom you’ve acquired from your ordeals serve you well. We learn from a variety of things, making an occasional wrong choice unfortunately is one of them. All the best to you both as you recover going forward.
MemberJune 20, 2023 at 1:42 pm in reply to: Would history of allergies be associated with increased risk of developing a reaSN, what a great question. I wonder if the type of mesh material could have a mitigating effect regarding any allergic or troublesome reactions. I went with a pure tissue repair as I’m the type of person that goes nuts if I find an irritant such as a super small pebble (or slightly folded over sock) in my shoe. My pure tissue repair has worked out great for me. There are cases however where a mesh is the indicated best option so I’m eager to get more data regarding your interesting question. Thanks.
Mark, I think you represent more people than you may be aware of. With an open forum you get all types of agendas and personality issues. David thanks for bringing up the sock puppet example. It helps to remind me how anyone can be anyone with the anonymity of the internet. A.I. ain’t got nothing on sock puppets. Take everything you read, see or hear on the internet with a “grain of salt”. Do your own due diligence, rely on your own discernment, and develop and refine your own personal bullsh*t detector. Given enough time everything works itself out. All the best to you all in your search for a cure.
David, your observation may be correct. I remember when Good Intentions made the same observation a while ago he was vilified and told he was imagining things. That didn’t happen to you this time. Perhaps the drama in that aspect is diminishing. It is an improvement to have a forum that allows it’s members to express their opinions without fear of being verbally attacked. Positive evolution is a very good thing.