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Heartbreaking Story Peter, I’m so sorry. Dr. Conze is a lovely Man with a lot of integrity, you chose one of the best to look at your case.
I’d risk losing a testicle to get in a better position if it were me, it’s not like they are much use to you as it stands
I just don’t understand why Dr.Brown did this to you, he should be hit with criminal charges.
I think we all know MarkK is also Chuck
The old double bluff of Chuck moaning about the proliferation of sock puppet accounts on here is beyond insulting to everyones intelligence like most of the garbage he continues to post
Fantastic post Mark, I’m sure this will help many people faced with a similar decision.
This forum needs at least one active moderator which I’m sure Dr.T doesnt have time to do, toxic idiots like Chuck need stamping out, swiftly and permanently.
Peter I am so sorry to read about your situation, my heart goes out to you. I hope you can find some way to get some improvment in quality of life. Speak to Dr.Conze over the phone, explain your sitaution, I’m sure he will give you an honest opinion of whether he thinks he could do anything to help You.
3 Month Update
I’m pleased to report things have continued in a positive direction, the scars and healing ridge are ever so slightly softer and more comfortable now. I still have no pain whatsoever and when I stretch there is barely any tightness felt.
I sometimes forget I’ve had surgery and think about it less and less but still get the occasional twinge and sensation which is be be expected, tissue is still remodeling but it’s in no way painful. Will update again at the 6 month point unless anything changes significantly.
I have No regrets on getting the surgery and although it was a tough first few weeks the experience and skill of Dr. Conze has proved itself with how I feel now and the likely end result.
The horrific testicle pain I was in forced my hand into getting surgery, I thought the pain after the surgery couldn’t be any worse than the pain I was in before, I was wrong however.
First few weeks were hell but I’m completely OK now at nearly 3 months post surgery and no regrets on getting it all fixed.
You have probably developed a hernia on the left side as well, my surgeon said you do not get referred pain from one side to another, I had very painful right side testicle pain and an obvious bulge, a few weeks later I developed left side testicle pain, after an ultrasound a left side hernia was diagnosed but there was no obvious lump, after they opened me up it turned out to be a direct hernia on both sides.
Laxatives are your friend after hernia surgery, take them on day 1 post op especially if you are taking opiate based pain meds
Hi Spinotza I’m glad my thread has helped you, if you are comfortbale laying down that is a good sign according to my surgeon, I was in a lot of discomfort walking any distance and even standing for prolonged periods but it sorted itself out, the first week was the worst and then slowly I could walk further each day and the discomfort diminshed, its still vey early days for you so don’t despair, just give it some time, you will be in a lot better place in a week, then 2 weeks more improvements then a month even more, and the healing will still continue for a year or more, its a marathon not a race recovering form major surgery like this. Stay positive. I’m at about 2.5 months post surgery and still feeling changes happening.
Dr. Conze is most definitely not mainly academic, he’s on the front line doing hernia tissue repair and does around 500 a year.
Happy to hear things are still improving for you Watchful, wishing you a speedy and full recovery. I know after having some major surgery on my arm it was still improving even after the 1 year point so stay positive.
2 Month Update
I’m a few days past the 2 month point now and the improvements still continue, the tightness from the stretching and stitching of muscle is getting noticebaly less. I can barely feel the right side and there’s still a bit of tightness on the left but defintely less than a month ago..
Again it’s not pain just a sensation I can feel, it doesn’t bother me. Even the slight electrical shock feelings from the nerves healing has completely stopped now.
The only slight discomfort is from the actual incisions themsleves as the scars are now fairly hard and will be for quite a few months before the skins softens again. I’ve had surgery before so this is no surprise and to be expected.
Overall I’m very happy with the result as the pain I was in before the surgery was quite unpleasant.
Life is slowly getting back to normal. I picked up a 30kg bag the other day and there was no pain or wierd sensation.
I’ll post again at the 3 month point.
1 Month Update
Well a bit more time & healing has yielded great results, I can now stand and walk for as long as I like. There is some residual tightness on the left side but to be expected from a double Shouldice procedure, but I’m confident it will loosen as the tissues remodel over the coming months, it may also be from the hardness/inflexibilty of the scars too which I know will also soften with some more time.
I have no pain now so can report this looks like it has been a success hopefully.
I’ll update again in another month.
Incisions at 3 weeks post surgery, already significantly better
I have sent you a PM rather than take this thread off topic
Watchful I’m sorry to hear it’s been a rough ride for you, how are you doing now and how far out from surgery are you? Can you walk for a reasonable distance yet?
I was in severe pain walking the first few days but its been calming down more and more, I still odont have unlimited range though and will have to stop due to pain eventually, a few km maybe, I then need to sit down, let the pressure ease off and I can go again for a short distance.
Hi Watchful, I’ve read from more than one person the tension can take a month or longer more to dissapate. May say muhc betetr at the 6 week point.
The tightness just creates a pulling sensation and it seems to come from the area under the incision where the repair was done and then it extends towards my thigh and down the groin. This only happens when standing and walking and is fairly similar to a few days ago, if I wedge some socks under my testicles to hike them up I can walk a lot more comfortably and for further.
As I’ve said I’m hoping it’s just a case of the muscle/tissue needs to remodel and stretch or that Dr. Conze is right and it will resolve when the swelling subsides, although my right side the swelling has gone down a fair bit but the left side not so much.
The right side does feel a little tight too but it doesnt really cause any discomfort when walking
Did your tension sort itself out or still feeling some tightness?
Does anyone know what’s considered a normal time frame for tension resolution. My right side feels pretty good already but my left side is a lot tighter by comparison.