Best surgeons for mesh removal?
Hello fellow sufferers and hernia experts.
I had my open mesh repair surgery 17 Months ago with the lichtenstein technique. Since the surgery im in chronic pain and close to suicide. I searched for surgeons around the World and before i go in another Operation i hope someone can give me some advice and answers. Please Correct me if im wrong with the following list.
Surgeons i found.
Dr. Petersen in Las Vegas
Dr. Igor Belyansky in Maryland
Dr. Shirin Towfigh im sure everyone knew her here.
Dr. Kang in Korea removed around 50 Meshes he said on YT.
Shouldice Hospital in Ontario Canada.
Dr. Ulrike Muschaweck in Germany.
Dr. Robert Thomas in Desarda Hernia centre in USA. He said 2019 “20% of patients will continue with pain after the surgery but majority will have less pain from the surgery”
I don’t know who from all these surgeons i should choose.
I live in Germany so Muschawek could make sense. I read on her website that: “The IONR technique made it possible, to eliminate the chronic pain in 98 percent of all cases – referring to patients who suffered chronic groin pain after an inguinal hernia surgery.”
Can this be really true? 98% sounds too good to be true. This IONR (intraoperative nerve response) sounds like an improved triple neurectomy. Is there any one of these Surgeons who don’t do a neurectomy or is it common/necessary too cut the nerves. I read a lot of horror storys about mesh removal and triple neurectomy so i don’t know what to do. I can’t live with the mesh pain right now if i don’t go in another surgery for pain relief i will choose the easy way out with a noose.
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