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Autoimmune Watch wait or fix
Sorry I dont have answers . I also have an auto immune disease but can only offer you my Dads experience……who has both RA and Celiac,both auto immune diseases.
First hernia no mesh repair failed after a couple years. Had a mesh repair and has been fine. Its been over 10 years now.
New website
I just want to thank you so much for this forum. You are awesome to provide suffering people with so much education! I have learned so much already! 🙂
I tried to get on a Hernia face book group to learn and got rejected because I wasn’t a professional.
How hernia surgeon could miss hernia?
Im doing about the same . A bit worse since I strained myself a bit before the CT scan hoping hernias would show.
Jacklyn Parker called today to let me know nothing showed up on the CT scan and everything is “normal”.
So I am at the end of getting any help with my Kaiser insurance.
Thanks for asking.
Training in Radiology
Thanks for the article Dr Towfigh. A bit disappointing though! :blink:
CT scan without contrast
Thanks Dr Towfigh!
She was very nice BTW.
How hernia surgeon could miss hernia?
Thanks Dr Towfigh
The area is on my right ,but that would be left side of picture. An inch or 2 from my belly button. You can see how taught the skin is compared to the rest of my wrinkled skin LOL.
How hernia surgeon could miss hernia?
If a picture helps>………..
Training in Radiology
Thanks for both of your replies!
This is so disappointing!
Just doing google search images of hernias(MRI and CT scans) they seem quite obvious to me .I dont get it ! Maybe its the small ones that really get missed?
Inguinal hernia?
I am just another forum member but I have read hernia cases where the pain can come and go. Its always good to be seen by a Dr when you are having pain!
Auto immune disease and mesh rejection
Very interesting! And good to know there are choices!
Even though the Graves disease is in remission now from what I know it could flare anytime from something my body doesnt like or even stress so its great for me to know about this.
Very helpful information! Thanks!
Auto immune disease and mesh rejection
Thanks Dr Towfigh!
What is biologic tissue/is it animal derived?
Hernia “cough” exam
Thanks DE
I was able to get an appt with Jaclyn Parker today on the 21rst, that Dr Towfigh recommended so hopefully I am in good hands!
Spigelian hernia?
Thanks DE
I wish I could see you for consultation .BTW I am from Amherst ,Ma. I was just there for a couple months too!
Thanks for all your help!
Auto immune disease and mesh rejection
I am so sorry that has happened to you. 🙁
Ive had to live with pain the last 4 years and find Reiki to be pain relieving . It doesnt take the pain away completely but helps.
Its a very simple technique to learn yourself and as simple as just laying your hands on the pain area . Do a google search for your area if your interested. Its usually a one day class and not horrible expensive and a skill you will have for life.
Ive also seen hernia surgeons repair others mistakes so have you tried getting a second opinion? Ive seen troubles with defective mesh also,could that be your problem?
Auto immune disease and mesh rejection
Thanks DE
That is good to know!
Spigelian hernia?
Thanks Dr Towfigh
Hopefully I can request to see Jaclyn Parker.
Would she be the best for actual hernia exam? Do you know how long she has been doing lap hernia surgery?
Spigelian hernia?
I requested Kaiser to take a second look at the MRI.
The original radiologist and another one both said no spigelian hernias were found. I really am very surprised as to me the images seem like the transverse muscle appears like a hernia to me but I am not a radiologist! 😆
My Dr has however referred me to a general surgeon and I have asked for an ultrasound with “valsalva” and hope they will do this test and and a hernia exam. The problem is although I feel the bulging all the time it rarely shows a bulge .
Sometimes when I lay down it bulges out breifly for seconds and then its gone but never at the Doctors office.One time it did not reduce for several minutes but only once that happened.
Anything I should know/do or request for the appointment ?
Auto immune disease and mesh rejection
Sorry to hear of your troubles. Im hoping it gets better in time or there is a way to resolve what ever complications youve had.
Ive had the same thought about people or Doctors not reporting the troubles they have had.
Auto immune disease and mesh rejection
Thanks DE
Do you have a percentage rate of people that have problems with mesh? My last surgery I had dissolvable stiches and within one week my body “spit” them out of my skin. Dr said my body didnt like the stiches! i hope that is not a bad sign that i would reject mesh also!
Spigelian hernia?
Thanks Dr Towfigh!
I really appreciate the Kaiser referral! I was really hoping there was someone in San Diego Kaiser system that does laparoscopy hernia repair!