Forum Replies Created

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  • Momof4

    October 7, 2019 at 1:51 am in reply to: How to instruct the radiologist to look for occult hernia in the MRI?

    In my experience with MRI for hernias, you don’t need contrast and you need it with valsalva. Dr. Towfigh has a protocol that I have given to radiology. Important to call ahead because not all imaging centers perform the dynamic imaging. Hope this helps.

  • Momof4

    August 12, 2019 at 2:29 pm in reply to: 4 Weeks Post-Inguinal Hernia Repair– New Onset Testicular Pain

    It seems early to be worried about a recurrence. Since your pain seems to be associated with certain things, like sitting too long and too much activity, you should try to avoid those things if possible. You are still early in your recovery and don’t want to jeopardize your repair and chance for a full recovery. Be kind to your body and take it easy for a while longer. It has been my experience that recovery is different for everyone and every procedure and you need to listen to your body. This is just my opinion from my experience with multiple hernia surgeries. It is always good to check with your surgeon if you suspect a problem, as well. Best wishes for a full recovery!

  • Momof4

    August 12, 2019 at 2:23 pm in reply to: Dr Michael Reinhorn Boston

    Glad you are seeing Dr. Brown. When we as patients aren’t comfortable with what we are told by a physician, we should def get a second opinion. These procedures can have life altering consequences! I’ve had multiple hernia and mesh removal surgeries and never had numbness in the areas discussed. I have not had a Shouldice repair though. That sounds like a terrible side effect to me!! If you are a good candidate for no mesh repair, with small chance for recurrence, that is a smart way to go. I think there are too many that have side effects, including severe pain, with mesh repairs. You do not know how you may react to mesh, especially if you have pre-existing allergies. That has been my experience. Best wishes for a good repair and successful and full recovery!

  • The colored bars under someone’s name mean that they are a member that has a lot of posts, as I understand it. Maybe you are newer to the forum. Also, from another woman, I have found compression shorts/underwear to be helpful with bulging and pain. There are lots of compression undergarments to choose from and may take a few tries to find the one that works for you. They can be hot if you live where it is hot and humid but they do help with the discomfort. Hope this helps!

  • Momof4

    August 9, 2019 at 10:05 pm in reply to: Collagen Supplements?

    From someone with a collagen disorder and recurrent hernias, I wish it was as easy as a collagen supplement. I guess I’ll have to try the chocolate route. Sounds good!

  • Momof4

    July 17, 2019 at 7:53 pm in reply to: List of surgeons recommended by Dr. Ramshaw

    Dr. Sharon Bachman is in Fairfax, VA. I have not personally seen her but know she attends hernia specialty conferences and her name has been mentioned in this forum.

  • Momof4

    July 5, 2019 at 4:38 am in reply to: Recommend NY Hernia Doctor

    Dr Yuri Novitsky at Columbia in NYC and Dr. Brian Jacob. Their names come up a lot and both New York City. I don’t have personal experience with either but maybe someone else on the forum does and will chime in with specifics. I also believe that both would come highly recommended by Dr. Towfigh.

  • Momof4

    June 24, 2019 at 3:11 am in reply to: Agony – Undiagnosed 6 years

    Sorry to hear about your pain and lack of a diagnosis! Yes, it is more common than you think to have a hidden or occult hernia go undiagnosed, especially in women, which was my case. This is one of the areas that Dr. Towfigh specializes in. Imaging can be helpful when read by the right expert. If you are able to travel to see a true “hernia expert”, that would probably be the most beneficial. I understand how difficult the travel can be when in so much pain. I have traveled around and across the country in that very same situation. I hope you have a good support system and can find an answer soon. It is great that you are getting Dr. Towfigh’s opinion. Best wishes!

  • Momof4

    June 2, 2019 at 8:35 pm in reply to: Radicular Pain & Hernias?

    Does an inguinal hernia or ilioinguinal neuralgia cause pain all the way down to the knee? I didn’t realize it went that far. I know it can radiate to the hip and around to the lower back/buttock because I’ve experienced that myself.

  • Momof4

    June 2, 2019 at 3:48 am in reply to: Radicular Pain & Hernias?

    I haven’t really been able to get my pain to an acceptable level. It will be 2 years in August. It has been very difficult and on top of the leg pain and burning, I had several recurrent hernias that had to be fixed 1 year ago. I have a good pain management doctor and continued help from my hernia surgeon, so I am fortunate to have found good doctors, even if I had to travel! September cannot come soon enough! I will have ground breaking nerve treatment at Johns Hopkins. My leg will be numb, but numb is better than the pain any day!! I am hoping and praying for relief.

  • Momof4

    May 31, 2019 at 1:46 am in reply to: Radicular Pain & Hernias?

    I have a lateral femoral cutaneous nerve injury after robotic mesh removal surgery. It causes constant burning and tingling pain in the front and side of my thigh. It goes from my leg crease to just above my knee. It started immediately after surgery. If yours started 6 months after the surgery, it may be caused by mesh issues and not the surgery itself. Have you had any diagnostic nerve blocks? This may help to identify the origin of the pain. Hope this helps!

  • Momof4

    May 30, 2019 at 3:58 am in reply to: women’s hernia doctors in Portland OR?

    I have encountered doctors who are lost on the subject of women with hernia, as well. One doctor told me there was no way I had a hernia and was 90% sure a hysterectomy would take care of my pain. Had the hysterectomy which didn’t help at all and had a femoral hernia causing lots of pain. Go figure! Thanks to Dr. Towfigh for trying to educate other physicians about occult hernias and hernias in women. You need to see a hernia specialist for sure!

  • Momof4

    May 28, 2019 at 12:13 pm in reply to: long term efficacy of triple neurectomy

    I will weigh in on this subject since I have had a triple neurectomy, performed laparoscopically, near to the spine. I didn’t have any problems with the procedure itself. It was performed by a top hernia specialist in 2014. The area of numbness has not been bothersome and is still significant, 5 years later. In an appt with Dr. Chen, 2 years later, for chronic groin pain and mesh reaction, he noted that I wasn’t as numb as was expected after triple neurectomy. Some nerves regenerate over time, so some of my sensation had returned. Before my surgery I asked if there were any effects besides sensory and was old No. This hasn’t proved to be the case. I think as time has gone on and more triple neurectomies performed, the thinking on that has changed and physicians now realize there are some other effects. I am having some muscle wall laxity that is contributing to my long list of problems since the neurectomy, problems with recurrent hernias and mesh reactions that aren’t related to the triple neurectomy.

    Also, I have been a patient at The Dellon Nerve Institute In Baltimore, MD. Dr. Eric Williams is a top nerve specialist and would be a great person to see next. He specializes in all things related to nerves and is very familiar with nerve problems after hernia repair and mesh removal. He performs ultrasound guided, diagnostic nerve blocks in office, if possible. If not, he can send you to Johns Hopkins for further, more extensive diagnostic testing. He also offers surgery for this problem, when appropriate. We are holding off on surgery for my nerve problem, for now, due to the complexity of my condition and number of previous abdominal/groin surgeries and multiple recurrent hernias. He referred me to Johns Hopkins to pursue Cryo-ablation. He is still willing to help me if the less invasive treatments are unsuccessful.

    I hope this helps. Best wishes on finding the optimal treatment for your problem. If you would like to ask more specific questions, feel free to message me privately on this forum.

  • Momof4

    February 26, 2019 at 11:31 pm in reply to: Weird question: Does going on an airplane worsen an inguinal hernia ?

    I flew across the country for expert care from Dr. Towfigh. It is definitely worth it to see a specialist. I had several hernias and the only problem with flying was the pain from sitting so long. I got up and walked around and stood as much as possible. After big surgeries I stayed at least a week for a follow up appt and to wait for swelling and pain to lessen. The trip home has been rough due to delays and having to sit up in a cramped space for so long, when I needed to lay down. It is nice to have someone travel with you to help with bags! Best wishes to all having to travel for hernia care!! Finding the right specialist is important. Safe travels!

  • Momof4

    February 21, 2019 at 8:30 pm in reply to: Excruciating pain 48 hours post-op

    The pinching/burning you describe sounds like a nerve issue, possibly entrapment or nerve injury. It can cause severe burning and the medications you mention won’t help nerve pain. It is not normal to feel this after surgery and you should seek help from your doctor. Hope you can get it resolved quickly. I have been suffering with burning nerve pain/injury over a year and it is very difficult to deal with. Best wishes!

  • Momof4

    February 15, 2019 at 2:18 am in reply to: Ilioinguinal Nerve Adhered to Mesh

    I have had several nerves removed due to damage and pain and problems with mesh. I will take numb over 24/7 burning and tingling any day!!! So glad the patient’s pain resolved. She is fortunate to have found the right doctor for her problem. Thank you for contributing to this very informative forum.

  • Unbelievable. I’ve often said that I would find it hard to believe my story, except that it is happening to me!

  • Momof4

    January 11, 2019 at 9:11 pm in reply to: Recs for Los Angeles surgeon?

    I sent you a private message to offer help and answer some questions.

  • however for those whose lives are forever altered they will continue on and spend every ounce of energy on not giving up.” So true!!

    I don’t understand how some doctors can be so dismissive about pain after mesh implantation. The pain and problems weren’t there before the surgery and after the surgery they are. It has to be either the surgical method or the mesh itself, but it certainly is related to the surgery. To tell patients who are suffering life altering consequences that it is all in their heads is cruel!! I really feel sorry for those who don’t have the time, energy or money to pursue a cure. I pray for us.

  • Mamadunlop,
    I sent you a private message!

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